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OM Trio - Feb 25, Pepper Jack's - who's in?


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Originally posted by ¿questcequecest?:

still workin' em over. some of my prospective friends are curious approx what times this show might start and end? ...i guess some people have to get up tomorrow? and be ready for thurs, fri, sat... understandable, but inexcuseable.

11 - 1 ish? good guess?

They're scheduled to go on at 10pm so probably 10:30ish. Two sets. Hope your friends can make it.

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Thumbs down from me.

I caught the 1st set closer which was Living Color's "Cult of Personality." Nice and heavy and great to hear a 3-piece arrangment without a guitar. Definitely some effort put forth by the band to reinvent the song (unless they were covering someone else's cover of the track.) Got me real excited for the 2nd set.

Which was a serious letdown. It lasted maybe 40 minutes and featured some avant-space that failed to capture my attention. In fact, it made me want to have a seat and read a magazine or twiddle my thumbs. There were some exceptionally tight moments but those only made up about 5% of the set. They covered "Cherub Rock" by the Pumpkins which lost it's novelty right after I realized they were playing "Cherub Rock" by the Pumpkins. THe set on the whole was inconsistent, unfocused and dreadfully short.

Now the encore on the other hand...

All morning I've been trying to mentally flip through my catalog of 'worst live moments I've ever experienced' and I have decided that OM's botched attempt at "Peaches En Regalia" was the single worst performance of any song I've ever seen. Totally painful. The drummer stopped the song maybe three times until he could do the multi-tom fills on one floor tom while the band loosely tried to fill it up. I was thrilled to hear them start the tune but after about 1-minute it degraded into a rehersal time amatuer hack-job. Then the show was over before 1:00.

Maybe the first set would have impressed (they definitely did at moe.down) but I missed it and have to judge them on the 2nd and that encore - which I will never forget. It was nice that they shook hands with everyone there when they were done. I've never seen a band do that before. For some reason it seemed a tad condesending though.

Great to see QQC and J. down from Kitchener - my highlight for sure!

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The drummer stopped the song maybe three times until he could do the multi-tom fills on one floor tom while the band loosely tried to fill it up.

i think the canadian beers were getting to them...

"since we're a jamband, im gonna sit here and jam on my floor tom." ????

overall, i had a blast. it was a sausage party misspink would have been proud of. good to see Your Mother loitering around the bar [Wink]

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man yer on crack dude.

om trio fucking rocked. i was so happy they busted out the peaches for me, i dont see how you can diss it,, the drummers a perfectionist,, he was trying to make it sound good for YOU! he stopped and restarted cuz he knew he fucked it up,, i didnt hear it,, but he did,, so he started it again, thats perfectionism at its best. the whole show was tight,, nicve hard edge, good jams, the guys were suuuper down to earth happy friendly guys too, we played hippy tetris after the show, record time they said. i dont see how anyone can bitch about that show. it was friggin great. thats just me i guess,, call me a fluffer all u want fluffers

the damn guys wouldnt smoke no pot with me tho,, i wasnt the only one tryin to offer the good canadian goodness to em either,, i think they might have been scared

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I had a really good time. The first set was strong. I was surprised when they ended the set though, seemed like they were just getting started. It wasn't short, just felt like they should have played through. Very good musicians.

I thought the drummer business at the end of the second set was funny. MK, I understand where you're coming from in that regards though. I'd promote them again and look forward to seeing them soon. The overall response seemed great.


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had quite a fine time here as well... really enjoyed the heavy, crunchy edge off the keys and thought they were all talented players

sort of band I'd really like to see at an outdoor 1000 person festival to get the full effect

I got a kick out of the drum thing at the end too, lil fk'n around... thought the "Peaches", and most of their jams were really good all around... I'll go see them again... I hear they're a young band, will be cool to see that sort of talent develop

(props to CB420, questquecequecest, lionlocks, wierdness, groove fetish and the rest of the small but highly animated crowd... don't remember meetin ya MK if I did)

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