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Marc Emery in trouble


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from NDPot.ca

Also at issue is the charge of 'trafficking marijuana'. Under current law,

simply passing or sharing a marijuana cigarette with a friend or loved one is

defined as 'drug trafficking'. This is a serious flaw in the current legal

system, one which has been raised repeatedly by the New Democratic Party in its

opposition to the current decriminalization legislation. Emery finds himself

ironically the victim of the laws which he is currently fighting to change, in

so far as his behaviour in sharing a marijuana cigarette with other individuals

has been characterized as 'trafficking' and this characterization has been used

to detain Emery in jail and deprive him of his normal rights and freedoms for

over thirty-six hours.

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Yeah he's not a great emerisarry for the cause I agree. Seems like a pompous ass who's obviously bright but fucking obsessed with pot- in a not good way. Pot saves the world, pot cures cancer, pot makes my mother's otherwise curly hair straight, pot is good on cereal (and lasagna).... we get it.

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ha ha ha you get what you deserve, go read the article and click on the like to hear the video, its so pathetic, a bucnh of pot heads whining because there hero got busted for breaking the law,, i love the part where the girl compairs him to jesus.

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