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Everything posted by bouche

  1. I can only by the exact cartridge for the turntable I have and it's going to cost.. Dum DUm dummmmm....$20. So I guess it's all shitty after all. The amount of enjoyment I get out of playing vinyl, I should probably look at a better turntable. is something old and used like this worth $80 ?
  2. Is this Winning? he's got his domain now AND he is selling t-shirts! http://charliesheen.com/
  3. Has anyone heard Rubber Soulive? Looks like an interesting take by Soulive on the beatles. XSgSAu4dDv0
  4. bouche

    For Star Wars fans

    Awesome Star Wars wall decals
  5. the site was pooping out yesterday too. super slow and server errors. A guy at work got the server error after he went through purchasing, but he was still emailed his link to his coupon code.
  6. Bouche - did you call Aubrey's directly for that info? on another note...Kyle left Aubreys, maybe 6 months ago, and is now working at the Piggy Market in Westboro. he was the large due with the muttonchops. and made very tasty patés. it was a loss to Aubreys. Yes, I called aubrey's and spoke to someone there. I thought I heard him say "Everything in the store" and "all natural yada yada". SO I had no worries about buying the deal. Basically $175 store credit for $55. You can't beat that.
  7. Sounds like Canada is embracing the Barr Bros. finally. I listened to that interview with Brad on CBC and the interviewer was congratulating him on getting in the CBC rotation. I thought that was a bit pompous on the CBC interviewer part, but I suppose that's how they'll get noticed by more in the industry.
  8. i'm sure I will do the same if I catch an ear. But I sure won't keep anyone from buying some short ribs.
  9. He didn't seem to have an iPad in kingston... though maybe there's something here that's part of his shtick?
  10. bouche

    Netflix Picks

    I know I'm missing alot of recent finds, must-see's, and save-for-later items but these are a bunch of titles I've come across lately. Share what you've found. Community Season 1 Funny assed show. It really picks up when you get part way through the season Firefly If you haven't seen this series, you have no excuses now. I'm ready to re-watch it. Arrested Development Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Completely and utterly worth re-watching and if you haven't....the Netflix free trial month is worth these 3 seasons and more alone. Saturday Night Live seasons 20 thru 35 ...plus all the Best Of's and other specials.
  11. I found steve fromstein to have some good material, but he had terrible delivery. So terrible in fact that he had to make a point that he was reading from a list. i liked the leap he took with some of them jokes though. Religion is a very touchy subject and he said some things that must have offended a few people in there while the rest weren't sure if they should laugh or not. That's what I loved about his set. I'm sure if he was in Texas, he'd have a different list of jokes to read from.
  12. Yeah, that was our problem. They've taken customer service and pushed it over the top. We got really annoyed waiting to be served while he chatted up a storm with a customer who had already completed her purchase. Both him and the customer completely ignored us. If I was the customer...I would have at least suggested that someone was waiting. So...that is why we haven't been in there again. Being ignored when you're ready to buy is really annoying. Went to sasloves after that. But hey, we jumped on this deal too. When the weather gets nice and the market opens, i'll be down there alot.
  13. oh yeah. that pizza was f'n killer!
  14. Has anyone heard or seen Cookery School? They have the episodes available on Youtube, but not to us of course, because they're blocked, but I've seen them on torrent sites.
  15. 8 minutes and I still don't understand a full thought that he pushed out of his warrior fangs.
  16. I dunno, when I called I asked how it worked, and I was convinced that it was for store credit. maybe it's easier to sell $200,000 of meat for $62,000 and not take a hit. UPDATE: 1141 Sold
  17. and that t-shirt did not go well with my morning coffee.
  18. The deal expires in 9 hours. $175 coupon for Aubrey's meats in Ottawa for only $55. It's the real deal. I called and they confirmed as well that you don't have to spend it all right away. You can use what you need ie: fresh meat...no need to freeze. http://www.kahoot.ca/ The site is getting hammered right now...so it's slow.
  19. MORE Funny tv screenshots
  20. Kenny Powers sells K-Swiss shoes
  21. we were at the toucan in kingston last sunday night and were told about upcoming shows there. The Lowest of the Low is one of them. http://www.thetoucan.ca/ evidently, they're playing at the Elmdale in Ottawa for 2 nights. http://www.lowestofthelow.com/
  22. oh yeah. The show in kingston was a real hoot. Norm doesn't seem to have anything in particular to say. He goes on tangents and EVENTUALLY gets back to what he started talking about. I'd say he killed in kingston too.
  23. really? The last time I was at art-is-in, the owner overheard me talking up the Kougloff's so he put one in a bag and said, here, have one on me with your coffee tomorrow. Variety, changes weekly, all the food is home made and the location is actually closer to us from work.
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