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Everything posted by bouche

  1. One time, I my brakes weren't working. I took it in and the mechanic said, "I see the problem. You were drinking a beer." I said "Wait-a-minute, how'd you know that?" he said "There's an empty beer can wedged between the brake pedal and the floor."
  2. Zune is now Microsoft's brand of music, movie, and tv store.
  3. you know that you're basically causing the destruction with those sliders eh?
  4. smash it with a rock and get the insurance involved.
  5. bouche

    Raw Food Class

    I just got this email about an upcoming event at the Urban Element in Ottawa that is pretty much identical to the event Sharon and I attended a couple of years ago. I highly recommend it. The chef and host for the evening, Scott Adams runs Benny's Bistro down in the market. He'll change your attitude towards raw food. www.theurbanelement.ca Raw ‘Cooking’ w/ Chef Scott Adams (Benny’s Bistro) Wednesday, April 6th, 6-9pm Hands-on Cooking Class, $115 pp + tax The raw food movement (i.e. the practice of eating un-cooked, un-processed and often organic foods) is gaining popularity as quality ingredients become more readily available and word about the purported health benefits associated with this style of eating are better understood. In this class we’ll discuss how to use raw ingredients safely, how to buy raw ingredients, and how to match appropriate flavours and garnshes. Get ready to graze tapas style over some extraordinarily fresh, top-quality ingredients this evening! On the menu: Sea Scallop Ceviche with Avocado, Cucumber & Fennel Salad; Sashimi of Albacore Tuna with mixed melon & mint mignonette, pressed yogurt tzatziki, watermelon gastrique; Crudo of Halibut with preserved lemon, tarragon & mustard; Duck Carpaccio with cured quail egg, Umeboshi plum tapenade, pickled radish & watercress salad; Venison Tartare with chevre & cranberry, toasted pecan & apple salad; Marscapone, banana & vanilla bean parfait.
  6. bouche


    I've been disappointed with Louis CK's output on Twitter. He's generally pretty quiet except for the odd gig announcement. This was a fun rant by Louis CK. Maybe that's why he gave up on twitter. Gilbert Gottfried just lost a job from using twitter to make more tasteless jokes. Comedians need to be careful. Seems like they can just spit out jokes to the world with ease...tasteless or not.
  7. he's not even writing anything. people are becoming pussies.
  8. now is the worst time to become a driver. every body with a cellphone camera will be watching you, waiting for you to pick your nose while driving, or even fart.
  9. Magic Piano ? I dunno. I have no ipad2.
  10. Eerie stuff. Imagine feel those oscillations. The sound alone is terrifying.
  11. Remember this story from last week? I was amazed that this shitty photo was used to prove that a driver was doing a puzzle while driving. All I see is a guy operating something that uses a lever...one hand appears to be all you need to drive this thing. The other hand has a pen in between fingers. I don't see someone actually doing a puzzle. Anyway, the driver was fired. Can you really be fired for holding a pen?
  12. I find you DiRienzo's fanboys ironically amusing. I was hoping that he'd back up his opinion of the bread to filling ratio with some measurements.
  13. I'll bet Rubberdinghy would do it for a case of beer.
  14. I see AD already pointed that out anyway. I'll move on now.
  15. The Barr Bros are doing a special show in Montreal tuesday and it's being taped for some CBC thing called Routes. Routes Montreal: The Barr Brothers LEokw7n8lVQ
  16. think about what you're sending...to a place that just had a major EARTHQUAKE.
  17. Does Japan need any more (((vibes)))? weird thing to send.
  18. the image i posted is for a turntable for sale at the shop I took my audio technica gear to. the guy confirmed that i cannot get anything but the specific cartridge. now this one i posted he will sell me for $85 and he'll put a new cartridge in it. though i'll need to also get a preamp for it. I believe this is the model - PL-12D
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