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Everything posted by bouche

  1. it's very bizarre that only yesterday the citizen ran this article listing the artists yet the official lineup on the site shows a completely different story. How many people are going to show up expecting to see elliot brood and born ruffians on sunday? I suppose the sadies could buck up and do a monster set. The other thing that article offers is very little faith in the organizers with phrases like Also referencing reggae fest seems like anti-promotion. I can't tell if this article helps the organizers cause, or hurts it. At least it got the word out with an inaccurate lineup.
  2. ms.hux noticed this grave error in the Chicago Sun article
  3. I just read that a Jim Henson exhibit just opened in the museum of science and technology in chicago. DAMMIT! We were just there! http://www.suntimes.com/entertainment/weekend/2740496,092410-Muppets.article
  4. most moving memorial ever. Happy birthday indeed
  5. I'll never cook pork loin or pork chops without brining properly. It doesn't take long to do the brine, BUUUUT, for maximum effect, you have to let your cut sit refrigerated for up to 1 day after brining and rinsing. The salt keeps working its magic carrying through the flavours in your brine throughout the protein molecules. I've been going through Charcuterie by Michael Ruhlman and now I understand how brine works fully.
  6. thanks, i'll keep that in mind. I'm guessing you've got avi's ?
  7. hey, i love thunderstorms. i've always been intrigued by them. i don't remember telling facebook about that though.
  8. Just noticed the "Likes" panel on my facebook profile listed 3 of my "likes" in this order... I like Ryan Adams, Mike Filipowitsch and Thunderstorms.
  9. [color:purple]It's interesting how that never took off
  10. I'm impressed with what I've seen with the service so far. On the PC, streaming was flawless and after I updated the PS3 and installed the Netflix app, it worked seemlessly. Streaming starts right away, in HD, unlike the services offered on Playstation Store and Xbox Live Zune. I don't know how they do it. Though HD should be taken with a grain of salt. I don't know if any of the HD content even has 5.1 audio but to me, that's important for HD. I saw alot of interesting documentaries in the list and plenty of TV that I'm interested in for shits and giggles. Greatest American Hero? yeah! There's a Bela Fleck documentary called Throw down your hear and a bunch of others that interest me. Since there's a 1 month free trial, I can see getting alot out of the month.
  11. I created this topic for some great memory lane stories and to see some great posts dug up from the cavern. There are some good stories coming out, but is anyone searching the archive?
  12. Marley and Me was sad, sure, but there are some upbeat titles in there. I just watched the first episode of red dwarf over lunch. I had no idea what the back story of that show was. I had only seen a handful of episodes. It's hilarious. Going to have to watch it all now.
  13. I didn't see a section on HD on first look. I expected to see SD/HD for each movie/tv show when I was on the details screen. Like how xbox or ps3 presents the options.
  14. I read "Guitar tune-up in toronto" thinking that there was going to be an event in a park where a mass amount of people would gather to hold a giant tune-up of guitars to break a world record. maybe someone should get that going?
  15. Here's the press release. http://netflix.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=43&item=368 It looks like it may not be as restricted as we'd think. I'm surprised they got away with launching without a french accessible service. This may very well be a good thing where we'll see less restrictions with cross-border content. I've got a 125 gig cap with a 50 mbit pipe. A good chunk of that is used by downloading shows that I cannot get on any of the networks that Videotron offers, or other shows that I never watched and are now unavailable. It may work out better to just stream the stuff from netflix rather than having to keep a 1:1 ratio on a private torrent site. Let me know how it goes. I'm curious how this will all work out. So far, no Xbox 360 support...curious since Xbox was the first to support Netflix in the US. PS3 and wii are supported right now, though you have to wait for a disc from netflix to install their channel.
  16. http://www.netflix.ca They're offering a 1 month free trial and it's only $7.99 a month for unlimited rentals. Unfortunately, it's a streaming only service but I'm trying to figure out if they have HD content because you can stream on xbox 360 and ps3 but with bandwidth caps you really have to watch your usage. Anyone set this up yet? You can stream episodes and movies anywhere with a pc, and probably an iPhone when they put out the canadian version of the app. Also, there seems to be content that is available when browsing but yet UNAVAILABLE. So it may be limited in canada right now. we always get the content shaft.
  17. Too bad alot of stuff was sitting outside of the forum. Reviews and things were posted as .asp or .html files within the main site. I found an old nero interview that will live on forever in the way back machine on archive.org.
  18. moe.down 11 - Rob Derhak photo by: Jay Blakesberg Saturday at moe.down by Jake Senger Photos by Jay Blakesberg Saturday morning was a cold and damp one because the temperature had dropped substantially overnight in upstate New York. When the sun did make an appearance Saturday it turned out to be a beautiful day. After making some breakfast and preparing for the day I made my way to the stage to check out the bluegrass band The Punch Brothers. moe.down 11 - Punch Brothers photo by:Jay Blakesberg The Punch Brothers The Punch Brothers were the first Main stage act on Saturday. They are a bluegrass band consisting of Chris Thile (mandolin), Noam Pikelny (banjo), Gabe Witcher (fiddle/violin), Chris Eldridge (guitar) and Paul Kowert (bass). I was really excited for their set since I love the mandolin and had heard that Chris Thile is one of the best mandolin players today. Their set was a ton of fun and a joy to be able to watch such talented musicians play. It was great to look around at the audience while the Punch brothers were jamming and see all the smiles on eveyone’s faces. I thought the highlight of their set was a fantastic version of the song . moe. The Saturday afternoon day set by moe. is always a great one. The sun was out for the entire moe. set and they delivered. It started off really strong with, Skrunk > Lazurus > Spine of a Dog, some of moe.’s stronger tunes. Next was the tune New York City which was used this year as the theme for the kids parade. All the kids who were attending moe.down with their families dressed up in costumes that represented New York City and danced on stage while moe. played. A couple songs later they played 32 Things, which in my opinion was the highlight of the day set. It’s always great to listen to Al and Chuck trading guitar riff’s during the 32 Things jam. They ended the show with Y.O.Y, and dedicated it to the next band on the Buzz stage, Monkey Wrench. Unfortuantely I missed yet another band on the Buzz stage. Built to Spill I was absolutely blown away by this indie rock band from Boise, Idaho. Lead singer Doug Martsch is an excellent songwriter with a great voice. The guitar work in this band is really magical. There were so many great jams with all three guitarists playing in perfect unison with one another. The last song of their set had to have been about 15 minutes ending with a wall of distortion and epic solo’s by all three guitarists. Built to Spill is definitely a band I want to learn more about after seeing them this weekend. After their set it was time to head back to the campsite and get ready for Lotus and moe. Unfortunately, I haven’t had time to catch any of the bands on the Buzz stage but all the acts on the Main stage have surpassed my expectations so far. Lotus I have seen Lotus at a few festivals before and they’re always a good time. Their Saturday night set at moe.down was no different. I thought the first half of their set was a little slow with a little too much keyboards and electronics for me. However, the crowd seemed to be loving it. The moe.down audience was dancing, smiling and tossing plenty of glow sticks. Guitarist and keyboardist Luke Miller even commented on the amount of glow sticks at moe.down this year. He told the audience “he should have bought stock in that glow stick company years ago”. I thought the best music emanating from the stage was when both Luke Miller and Mike Rempel were on guitars, for much of the second half of their show. Their show was definitely a great opener for moe. and got the party started. moe.down 11 - Al Schnier photo by:Jay Blakesberg moe. Saturday night’s moe. set started out strong with their classic composition Plane Crash. They segued into their instrumental hectors pillow then played a solid version of one of my favorite moe. tunes, Bring You Down. Next up was, Day Dreaming, a new song they debuted this summer. The highlight of the entire night was their cover of Radiohead’s Paranoid Android into Ricky Martin then into Time Ed. The Time Ed jam was incredible with some great malletkat work by Jim. Second set started out very dark and rocking with Seat of my Pants > Bear Song > Runaway Overload. Next up was one of their more popular songs, Recreational Chemistry. This definitely wasn’t one of the better Rec chem’s I have seen. It had a long jam but I didn’t think it really went anywhere interesting. They ended the show with Not Coming Down > Wormwood > Plane Crash which was somewhat anti climatic compared to the three songs that had opened the set. A solid version of Faker ended the night and left us wanting more music the next day.
  19. whoever won the toaster that night...owes us a toaster.
  20. PEI Punk reminded me that 10 years ago this fall (the date is non-exact) this site came alive. It was called Phishsanctuary.com and looked like this in 2001. The first post that was kept is a Phish review by Booche. I probably deleted and reinstalled the site a few times through september and october of 2000 as I was using some beta software from Ultimate Bulletin Board. Not much later I met Mark Tonin and he proposed the merging of phishsanctuary.com with jambands.ca which became what this community ultimately is today. There are a good number of original community members still here and posting. If you want to check out what was hip back then, go to the Cavern Archive and start browsing. To go right to the first (kept) post, hit LAST in the pagenator links. On saturday, the Punk pointed this out to me and I think that he wants to put on a 10th anniversary show. he said something like... "I'll get the boys from nero in on it and we'll put on a fund raising.... *hic* *bonk* OWWWW! who the fuck' put that chair there? .... rund faising event for the 10th....Hey TOODDD! Check THIS OUT! (pulls dress shirt through fly of pants).... where was I...oh yeah, do you wanna do a shot of gin?" Punk might not remember any of that and I can't promise that this conversation when down that way but he was pretty clear that he wouldn't be such a drunk if it wasn't for this site. He reminded me that many of us wouldn't have met. For example, I wouldn't have met my bride if it wasn't for this community. I probably wouldn't have even known of nero if it wasn't for this community...I may not have moved to Ottawa. So many little things that came from relationships on here affected my experience. Since 10 years is a long time, think of people you met or things you ended up discovering in direct relation to this forum and share them here. Also, find some funny posts from the past and put them in this thread. There should be some doozys though most of the images that were included as links or even uploaded probably haven't survived 10 years.
  21. this is great and slightly entertaining example of mistaken identity.
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