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Everything posted by bouche

  1. Edelweiss is the place my friend was telling me about. No wonder he didn't mention the sept. 26 cutoff, since there isn't one.
  2. a friend of mine was telling me the same thing. I didn't know that there was such a small window. I guess you can rent skis,poles and boots for next to nothing from a couple of places for the entire season as well. what hours is the pass valid?
  3. Glen took over massey hall. He commanded respect with his performance, yet he was so humble. I don't think I've seen such an appreciative crowd in all my life. How many standing ovations did he/they get? Three I think. I had many chills throughout the night. He and Marketa were LOCKED in with their harmonies like you wouldn't believe. Not just the precision of the frequency and wavelength, but the period, amplitude, intensity, speed and even direction was precise. They seem to know their physics. It was a great show and worth every mile. Tasha and Pete, sorry we didn't see y'all for more than a few minutes before the show started. We won't be at Ryan Adams, unfortunately, we're off to Quebec City.
  4. it's one of the funniest shows that has ever been on tv.
  5. Who wasn't watching 30 Rock?
  6. that was a GREAT show. Massey Hall epic.
  7. bouche

    Toronto Tacos

    hahaha. well, you'll love it.
  8. bouche

    Toronto Tacos

    well, bouche got his tacos today. we met up with my old friend Ed Reifel and he suggested an authentic mexican place by his house on st. claire. It was fantastic. http://www.elrinconmexicano.ca Their salsa was pretty incredible and their chorizo was amazing. It's not like the cured sausage type that I'm used to. It was a loose spiced ground pork version that filled my tortilla. Ms. Hux had enchiladas with the same filling. wicked wicked place.
  9. make mashed potatoes with it. seriously. treat it like a potato. we made our standard garlic smashed up potatoes using that beast and it was delicious. You could mix in some potatoes as well. half and half.
  10. bouche


    next weekend we are going to Quebec city for a visit. I've been told to go to le Roy Jucep in Drummondville on the way for a poutine by the founders of the cheesy gravy goodness snack or meal, whatever you prefer. mmmmmmmmmmmmm! an entire menu section dedicated to poutine!
  11. what brad just handed you will ensure that you won't miss them.
  12. bouche

    Toronto Tacos

    Ha Ha! that's too funny. what is funny, is my mother posting that I should have phoned while I was on the highway passing kingston. I think she posted about it being dangerous and illegal a few months ago....yep she did. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/247741
  13. That sounds great. I hope you have a way to rip and share that CD. I'd love to hear it. Sendspace...torrent...
  14. bouche

    Toronto Tacos

    wahhhh! we're too late arriving in Toronto! no tacos for bouche.
  15. welcome princess jam. looks like there is a prince party tonight at revival. i'm sure you'd love that, especially if you don't really know prince all that well. If the Burt Neilson Band play anytime soon, DO NOT MISS THEM. in fact, write out their name on a sticky note and post it beside your computer monitor so when you see a show announced ever, it'll ring the bell .
  16. i don't know how they get away with it....i really don't. ticketmaster has ticket auctions as well that ensures tickets sell for ridiculous amounts above face value. these are tickets that they don't even own yet. also, i thought sellign tix over face even on ebay is slightly illegal.
  17. it is the smell that they blow out their building as you drive by.
  18. bouche


    It reads to me that you've got a life of experience to take somewhere and they'll be lucky to have you. But, I want to see some CODE!
  19. There's so many things that you can do with sat. Hacking, if you keep up on it, is not that difficult. You used to be able to hook your pc to the card in your receiver and it would continually keep your card keys up to date. As for weather, you can get dish heaters that keep the snow and ice off.
  20. separation anxiety is a sad thing. i saw some vids of extreme cases on tv once and it was heartbreaking. Our doggie chews disposed kleenex from time to time, but very rarely.
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