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Everything posted by bouche

  1. same friend. I asked what the intended use was for, and he didn't have a straight answer. It sounds like it is a christian group that want to use it as their "theme song" for some sort of radio show, or possibly podcast. the funny thing is that the guys son's band is pretty hardcore metal. why would a christian group want anything to do with this? I could be way off, but if I am or not, I'll be back in this thread.
  2. oh god. what KFC flavour chemicals have you just ingested? Vegan or not, KFC isn't something you should put inside. Mind you, I'd kill for a Big Crunch right now. I haven't had one in over 2 years.
  3. bouche


    I can't believe someone with that amount of service can be out of a job that quickly. Nortel had some pretty heavy news over the last couple of days for shitloads of people, and I'm sorry that you're one of them. Start looking into the gov't jobs ASAP. There are so many retiring ENG guys that are sleeping their way to retirement, it is ridiculous....so I hear. maybe it's time you let loose exactly what it is that you do day-to-day.
  4. http://www.spreadthenet.org/default_en.aspx
  5. simple bad weather shouldn't affect it. maybe there is a shoddy cable connection somewhere.
  6. Greg Humphrey's Trunk Songs is available to stream at that link. Give it a listen, it's pretty sweet.
  7. Hasn't Rick Mercer been doing this for a couple of years? I've always meant to get a net, but I'd like to have pictures and see the net grow up with some kid somewhere. maybe we could share letters and stories of our mosquito free nights.
  8. How did Jim Morrison really die?
  9. You got your own question wrong. that's priceless. Hey bradm, stop correcting my wife will ya?
  10. I heard some of that dead on sirius 32. that looks like a fun release for DVD.
  11. unbelievable failure. how do you fuck that up?
  12. When I had expressvu, i was happy with it. mind you, hacking it was a breeze. I'm not sure if you can still hack it, but it's a fun project to get working. The only problems I had were during nasty storms, and you can even get a snow or ice build up on your dish. That's only a problem if you can't possibly get access to it.
  13. Now that you're all grown up you can make your own ice cream sundaes AND root beer floats at home, and order a pizza for delivery.
  14. sounds like the sweet sixteen party on 90210.
  15. Back to the Future AND Empire Strikes Back make this list.
  16. always order rare. why go medium when it can be so easily overdone? mmmm....rare red meat
  17. I used the export list feature and then put it in a spreadsheet to capture the titles. there has to be a better way.
  18. do you mean Super Little, or The Slip? Super Little is project of Brad/Andrew Barr that seems to include various fantastic montreal based musicians. Suffocation Keep is a tune by The Slip which is on Eisenhower but I think you'll find this posted version is superior.
  19. bouche

    Toronto Tacos

    I bring my own hotsauce to the party.
  20. Check out our Atrium room thingy. I took a series of photos and published them to Microsoft Live Lab's Photosynth and look what it did with the images. This probably only works well with Windows XP/Vista and Internet Explorer though.
  21. yes, friday. however, you have to bring a taco bib cause it's going to be a messy dinner.
  22. that kind of meal makes me hungry just reading about it. thankfully, we have a great chacuterie supplier right next door with fantastic artisan breads and cheeses ta boot.
  23. Guess what's for dinner tonight?
  24. Super Little - Suffocation Keep
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