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Everything posted by bouche

  1. I cannot believe gentlemonkey did Africa. That was fantastic. I want to see that again.
  2. I can't wait to see them again. I can only imagine after such an extensive tour they'd be on fire.
  3. blame it on having 2 email threads going on. one with a person named Matt and one named Mark. I managed to rename mark to matt
  4. Just got some confirmation that Matt is not the same Matt from the Kingston version, nor is it the same band. But that doesn't hold them back from being really good.
  5. This would be them at Lee's Palace
  6. oh, the Mars Hotel I was thinking of were a Toucan band? whatever, sounds like these guys are good.
  7. Grateful Dead cover band Mars Hotel is playing at El Mocambo June 9th. Didn't these guys used to play alot in the 90's? Tix here.
  8. i don't think you can see the same show twice with Louis C.K. He's well known to be constantly writing new material. I grabbed that WORD show and expect to have to listen to it where uncontrollable laughter won't be distracting to others.
  9. funny. i couldn't find my password so I used his password recovery and got a new password that started like this... moron.xxxxx
  10. Hello there. I am Louis C.K. for now. You are a person who opted into my email list, when you bought my Live at the Beacon standup special. As I promised, I have left you alone for a long time. Well, those days are over. I am writing now to let you know that I am offering some more stuff on my site, which you are more than welcome to buy. What does "More than welcome" mean? Well, it means you can totally buy this stuff. Like, totally. Okay so there are two new products. They are both audio comedy specials. One is called... Louis CK: WORD - Live at Carnegie Hall This is about an hour long and it's a recording of a live standup show that I did at Carnegie Hall in November of 2010 as part of a national tour I was on entitled "WORD" I've had a lot of requests from people to release that show as a speical or as a CD. I hadn't done so because a lot of the material that I did on the WORD tour, was in the second season of my show "LOUIE" on FX. But I decided since it's never been released as an entire show, and some of the material was not on my show, I'm releasing this now. I'm giving you this long and boring explaination because, as most of you know, I release about an hour or more of new standup material every year and folks can count on seeing a new show every year. This is old material, so I don't want to be a dick and pretend it isn't. Anyway, Louis CK: WORD - Live at Carnegie hall is available for the same 5 dollars as everything will be on louisck.com. It is the same deal as before that you get 4 downloads and the file is drm free. YOu can burn it onto a CD, play it on your ipod, whatever you want. The special is broken up into separate tracks because I think that's more fun for a comedy album, but they are all just one thing you buy all at one time. The second new thing is even older, actually. It's an audio release of "Shameless", my very first hour long standup special that I did for HBO. It was never released as an audio CD, so I asked HBO to let me offer it on this site and they agreed. They also agreed to let me offer it, the same as the rest, DRM free, for 5 dollars. Obviously I'll be sharing the Shameless money with HBO but I think it's pretty cool that they're letting this be out there unprotected like this. Shameless is also 5 dollars, drm free, and you can download it a bunch of times for the price. Lastly, I'm offering Live at the Beacon Theater as an audio version, for those many of you who have asked for it. This is just exactly an audio version of the video special. Those of you who have already bought Live at the Beacon theater already own this. If you just return to the site louisck.com with your password, it is now live and available for you to download at no extra cost. Those of you who now buy LIve at the beacon theater for 5 dollars, will also have the audio version availbable to you. It's simply been added to the video downloads and streams you already were getting. Later, I am going to make a version of Live at the Beacon theater, that is a separate audio special, which will be much longer. That will cost money. Because I'm an asshole. But that's later. Also later, actually soon, I'll be putting my first feature film "Tomorrow Night' up for sale on the site. And also other things. Soon. For now. Please feel free to click on the button below, to purchase some of the new stuff, using Paypal or Amazon payments, we now accept both. Or go to louisck.com and peruse the new items. I think we have some samples there that you can check out. You may have noticed that Louis CK LIve at the beacon theater is airing on the FX network. FX agreed to air it 10 times over the next few months. The version on FX is only 42 minutes long and we had to take out the fucks. The reason I chose to air the special on FX is that FX is my people. They gave me my show LOUIE (season 3 premieres on June 28th at 10:30pm) and they have never aired a standup special. So I thought it would be cool to let them air it and bring more people to the site who want to get the complete unexpurgated version. Also FX doesn't make me cut things for content. Just the big words (fuck, etc) Okay. that was exhausting. Sorry. I didn't even ask you how you are. How are you? Oh yea? Oh good. That's great. What? Oh man. That's tough. I'm sorry... Oh well that sounds like you handled it well, though. So. Yeah. Yeah. I know. I know that's... yeah. Well... Just remember, time will go by and that'll just be on the list of shit that happened to you. You'll be okay. Yeah. Huh?... Oh. Really? HE DID? Oh my GOD! hahaha!! That's CRAZY! No. no. I won't tell him you told me. Of course not. Alright well... uhuh? Oh wow. yeah. Alright well.. I really gotta go. Thanks for listening. I'm glad you're basically okay. Stay in touch. your friend, Louis C.K.
  11. bouche


    now i can't wait to see these pictures...and i want to sit by an ocean and drink duty free booze!
  12. bouche


    This will make a great scene in the movie version. Incredible.
  13. I had registered with bonham's a couple of years ago for another auction. I received a FedEx package in the mail a few weeks ago from them. It was a full colour catalog of this garcia auction, I guess from being on their mailing list. It's loaded with some great photos! Oh and i had registered because I thought I might be able to bid on some jerry garcia picks. I thought I could get them for under $100. They went for around $500. These auctions are too rich for my pocket.
  14. bouche

    For Star Wars fans

    Jedi Cat Vs Pitbull
  15. bouche


    oops. didn't realize that I was going to ask a question that you were about to answer in your next post that would ultimately beat out my "add post" click.
  16. bouche


    holy shit. nice upgrade Todd! I hope you're on one of the upgraded planes with the newer first class cabins. Need to see a photo if it's as cool as something like this ...
  17. bouche


    don't get mad at stupid things.
  18. bouche


    I don't use a microwave.
  19. Mailing it in sounds worse that phoning it in.
  20. I'll bet you'd enjoy John Cougar Mellancamp. That's some buck bang!
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