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Everything posted by bouche

  1. Sounds like they'll be a great show at the Sound Academy.
  2. Mike Gordon posted the following on his Facebook page: Of course The Band was a huge influence on Phish and many other bands. But Levon's own musical career is just so inspiring.... from wanting to leave the Bob Dylan scene in the 60s despite all the success around it in order to follow his own musical tastes to the incredible Midnight Rambles of recent years. I was lucky enough to go to four of the Rambles and play at one, and these were life changing experiences. Jon Fishman called home from the parking lot after the first one I went to, saying it was a top musical experience of his life. I've always thought music can exist so perfectly when churning in the confines of a barn, and this took it to an extreme where American culture was simply bubbling over with authenticity, passion, and a connection to the backwoods and the hills. It's a testament that ten or fifteen incredible (and notable) musicians came through each time to make up and enhance this house band (not to mention the incredible opening bands). In the middle of the barn, with his deep seventy year old smile, Levon's uniquely spare yet fierce drumming propelled a repertoire through these enchanted nights. Folk, bluegrass, and country blended effortlessly with blues, soul, and funk, creating a melting pot of sounds unique to our country. And despite battles with throat cancer, Levon would grab the mic and sing so powerfully that it shook the beams of his old barn-home to the core. To do a few cool things when someone's young is one thing, but then to grow older and cultivate such a heartfelt and moving musical situation is very inspiring. It's no wonder so many artists are influenced by his sound, his sensibility, and his projects with their own pursuits. This is a huge loss, and I'm sorry for anyone who couldn't experience that magic first hand, and I'm thankful that our country and our musical community was lucky enough to be graced by such a soul - Mike Gordon
  3. Daniel Johnston put out a FREE iPad interactive book/game and soundtrack. Looks interesting. nero needs a game. something with lots of lasers.
  4. wow. seriously? can i quote you for the most ageist comment ever posted here? you keep grandma in the backroom at christmas so she dont spoil your turkey appetite too? the guy just died. no need to rag on him for getting old. RIP Dick Clark. Is there no sanctuary on the internet for a little honesty? DC's family won't ever be reading these posts.
  5. I had hoped that he was lucid enough for the outpouring of internet love. Very nice.
  6. Hologram Dick Clark for 2013 !
  7. I'm amazed that they've shared this at this stage. You normally see this stuff after someone's passed. Truly incredible to see the internet light up over twitter, facebook and other networks. Great career and great music which he carried on.
  8. Holograms are made with lasers and are 3D. This is a 2D image projected on glass. pfft.
  9. It's cool enough that I actually sat through 4 minutes of hip hop to watch it.
  10. are you managing them now?
  11. Well done! An article to go with it
  12. it wasn't working last night at home, but it's working now at work. I was using Safari, and just assumed their page had a javascript error, though I didn't see any errors.
  13. I like it and didn't read the books. While there is a lot going on, they're doing a fine job in moving the stories forward.
  14. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/hippy-fiasco-rides-again
  15. Aw3som3 Ollie! I've been waiting for your footage! I really want to see these to acts collide again. I can't imagine having practiced to that detail without performing regularly, I'll be there!
  16. here's some photos of the event Whitey was rockin' !
  17. I tried to make a death cake today but it died in a horrible accident. Figures.
  18. Brad Barr guests with uRockaoke for Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
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