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Posts posted by bouche

  1. At first I thought this was an April Fools Day joke, but quickly realized that this isn't April 1st.

    I'm really sorry to see this band break up at such a PINNACLE time for this scene in Canada. It has never been bigger, and it looks like it won't stop.

    Everyone involved in this scene are soundly tied together, across Canada, thanks to the friendly touring of all of our favourite jambands, and by the friendly online communities, dedicated to getting the word out and spreading the shows. The Burt Neilson Band has been a mainstay in this whole process, and I’m very disappointed to see them disband at such a time.

    This year has started out with a bang, and it’s only going to get better with the Come Together Festivals at Frontier Town, where I was highly looking forward to experiencing the BNB play at again and again. Maybe a little reminder of that time is in order.


    There was nothing quite like watching these incredible musicians from the tower while taking some of these pics.

    Last weekend at Alfie’s was a great time, and it seemed to me like they were on the right track. I found myself just watching Mike’s insane playing most of the night. Damn he’s good.

    I’ll miss you guys.

  2. Holy CRAAAP!!!!

    That is just plain nasty. I guess they won't be playing at Frontier Town?

    I'm very shocked, after all their recent changes that were SUPPOSED to be for the better.

    The website rocked, they sound great, and the tour is setup nicely too.

    There will definately be a big hole in the scene now that Burt Neilson Band has left. At least it frees up more time to see everyone else!

    What's the rumour on this breakup anyway?

  3. are you talking about 5.1 speakers? I bought a CW 5.1 speaker set and I'm quite happy with them for now, but obviously, I'd like to have something other than micro speakers for the 2 fronts.

    Damn that DVD-audio of American Beauty sounds sweeeeeeeeeeet.

  4. That is by far the BEST canadian acting I've seen.

    At first, I thought this was real trailer trash footage, but it isn't. It's all actors.

    They even have Jono from jonovision/street cents as one of the trailer park rapper dudes.

  5. haven't seen that in a while. You like engrish?

    Aside from this site being just plain bizzare (anime sex dolls!) the engrish on it is just hilarious. If you click on Variation, you'll see the various dolls you could get. There are a couple that came right out of a cartoon.

    Read all the engrish you can. The specs, features, and faq are all good for a laugh.

    "*Wash and the notes of costume

    Please request wash of costume from a cleaning store. When you do at a house, there is a possibility of causing shrinkage and decoloring.

    Please be careful not to hit a hot iron to cloth."


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