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Posts posted by bouche

  1. I emailed guernsey's concerning the catalog for the auction. If anyone is interested...I think I am, here is their response:

    Thank you for expressing interest in our upcoming “Jerry Garcia of The

    Grateful Dead.” We are delighted to have been awarded the opportunity to

    offer the extraordinary TIGER and WOLF at auction.

    We are working frantically to create a beautiful commemorative catalogue

    which will be depicting and describing not only TIGER and WOLF, creations of

    luthier Doug Irwin, but more than two hundred other wonderful objects also

    relating to the journey of Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead. The catalogue

    will be available in the beginning of April (a month before the tentative May

    8th auction date) and is available for $30.00 or $35.00 shipped priority mail

    within the U.S. To obtain a copy please contact us with your Mastercard or

    Visa, or send a check to Guernsey’s at 108 East 73rd Street, New York, NY


    Just as you seem to be, we are greatly enthused by this coming sale and think

    it will be a memorable event for all involved. Should you have any

    questions, or would like to receive a Bidder Registration Form, please feel

    free to contact us.

  2. quite an attention grabber...

    I know there are a few insane gamers out there that can nosegrind for 20 minutes around a skatepark, powerlines, over molten lava and crap, but if you want some real fun, download the hundreds of megs of OLD games here.

    ftp://anonymous tongue.gif" border="0 assword@

    It's an archive of old ROMS for old arcade games, and turbogphx 16 and others.

    Download MAME at


    and download any of the zipped up roms on that ftp site. Have fun with dig dug or bubble bobble, or even 1942!!!!

    THis stuff runs on even the shitties of pc's.

  3. Hey Bug!

    St.Patty's day is falling on a freaking SUNDAY!

    Why don't you come to Kingston on Friday? Burt Neilson Band is playing at Alphie's!

    We can celebrate your b-day on Friday. You can get a free dinner out of it!

  4. I think we're only on the same team when it's convenient for H. Mostly, she gives me shit about all my plays. One time, in Madden 2002, she told me that my defense was shit, and that I can fuck off, all the way to the superbowl and back. So, finally, when I got to the superbowl, she was all like...."GIVE ME THE CONTROLLER! I WANNA PLAY TOO!"

    So I gave it to her, pulled out the memory card and hit reset. HAHAHAH! Then I deleted all of there Gran Turismo cars, Metal Gear Solid 2 saved games, and her Tony Hawk Character!

  5. Treyter will not drive. We'd never get across the border.

    This is an expensive bus. I would think that it could cost 3-400 a person to get there and back in that thing. Also, we'd have to think about accomodations. Could probably get quite a bit of camping gear underneath, but I'm thinking that it would have to be extremely planned out. Work out how many tents, coolers, etc are needed.

    Maybe there's a cool motel around there everyone could stay at.

  6. On the note of solving music burning issues and peer-to-peer file sharing...

    creating a levy doesn't solve any problems.

    The main problem is using fake statistics to say that there is a loss in revenue.

    A roughed out number of 10 million discs that were burned in a year, lead to 200 million in loss of sales is whats being used to create these levies on media and to block software developers.

    The numbers are made up and entirely misleading. You cannot say that because 1 music disc was burned that it is a loss of 1 sale. That is exactly the math used to build up the loss of revenue numbers.

    Anyway, here's a relevant article on Wired.com

    There is a petition that you can sign here for the hell of it...

  7. Giggles, are you serious?

    hahah! Tow a bunch of hippies to Tennessee?

    May as well just rent a U-Haul and put a couple of couches in it.

    Baby won't you carry meeeeee.....

    Back to Tenneseeeee......

    boopee doo doo doo-bee doopee doo doo

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