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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. I'm with you there. I'm hitting the store today to grab Rockband Beatles. I have no qualms spending the $60 or whatever on it. My 7-year-old reminded me this morning to go and buy it. He can't wait to play it too. To be a kid growing up WITHOUT the Beatles would be sad IMHO. I'll be interested to see how sales go for the box set and the individual albums. I'm sure it will be large, but not like what they may have been expecting. It may really show the grasp that iTunes has on the recording industry's distribution methods. The delay for an iTunes release (it has to happen eventually) I'm sure this is for economic reasons. Grab the cash selling the CDs ... sell the set of remastered mono mixes for the die-hards/purists ... then look for a 180g vinyl release in time for Christmas ... then release on iTunes for yet another round of purchasing. The hype-machine has to work hard to get people to open up their wallets now. See if the Beatles have what it takes. I'm guessing the video game will be the real big seller of all of them.
  2. I don't get it. It's reasonable to have tents/property searched while you're not there by non-police because some flyers pose a security threat? This smells wayyyy too fishy.
  3. haha! iPod nation start crying http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/09/09/08/despite_date_beatles_not_coming_to_itunes_wednesday_report.html
  4. Just wanted to say a big thank you for posting these. Have gotten a bunch of enjoyment from a couple of 'em already and look forward to listening to the other ones. Cheers.
  5. Got the White Album blaring right now. Dear Prudence ... WOW! The clarity is incredible for every little detail. Being raised on this catalogue this is one helluva treat to hear this. I think I've been "Beatle-Born-Again'd" My daughter is spinning and dancing to Obladioblada now. Now she wants me to dance with her. I LOVE THIS> BEST BAND EVER!!!
  6. http://www.sloshspot.com/blog/09-04-2009/Trailer-Park-Boys-The-Timeless-Wisdom-of-Bubbles-209
  7. The Mono Mixes may be hard to find. I heard that they grossly underestimated the demand for them. Oh well. If you decide to get them "other ways" then be sure that they are the true MONO mixes. I read that some of the available ones out there are simply mono mixes of the stereo reissue (dumb ... i know) Loving what little i've heard of the stereo releases so far. I want to sit down and spend some time with the headphones on for a true experience . I'll be hitting the game store on my first coffee break on Wednesday for sure I officially join the band that night
  8. http://jollyjoke.blogspot.com/2009/09/phish-joy-2009.html
  9. This was one of the BEST concerts when it recently came through Massey Hall. Can't wait to see them again:
  10. Fuck yeah! Bring on the liquor and whores
  11. [color:purple]you people want drivers to do more?! How the hell are you supposed to do that with your Blackberry in one hand, half-caff-low-fat-overpriced-cup-o-coffee in the other, while trying to eat and punch in new coordinates in your GPS????? Asking a bit much, no? Good luck getting some motorists (and just about all cyclists) to utilize turn signals. And never assume that just because a turn signal is operating, that the driver is actually going to follow it While we're on it, there are a LOT of dumbass pedestrians out there. In the txt messaging crackberry age half the people out there are looking at the ground when they step out at intersections. No sympathy. Stop moving while doing that shit. Also, watch people with strollers .... they get pushed out into traffic before the person who is pushing them and txt messaging at the same time ...ugh.
  12. Kanada Kev

    yayyyyyy God

    I wish this was happening in Ontario schools too. The ignorance that abounds (read the comments on that article in the Nat'l Post) is exactly what a little exposure/education will help to diminish. Why do so many see a program with such noble intentions as some sort of radical Islamofacist tool for taking over the world??? Get a fucking grip. What I also love about this in Quebec is this: I wish we could rid this province of its two "public" school systems into ONE.
  13. I've been diggin' this album for about a week now. Wayyyy better than Warpaint. I'd love to see some of this live (even the disco flavoured track which turns out great) but I ain't headin' to Rama for it
  14. LOL ... i have a copy of that with my collection
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