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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. And did they ever do a shitty job of the opening ceremonies to the game last night. Was it some sort of copyright infringement issue by not being allowed to show the archival footage of all the great Habs and Leafs that were out on the ice pregame? Wow, we got to see a LOT of footage of guys looking up at a jumbotron that we couldn't see while listening to Glory Days ... BTW ... that Kovalev goal really was a sweet one Booche. Belorussians "almost fighting" Round 3 should be fun next month I like what Kypreos (shudder) said after the game about why Grabovsky can't show up at more games with that kind of fire in his belly then just against his former employers.
  2. LOL ... yup, we'll let him in no problem, just that the US won't let him back. Is that so bad?
  3. I'm ready to hand it over to some capable hands. Yes, from the cobwebs of my mind i seem to recall a little purple rain teased somewhere in there that night. I had to run upstairs to change a tape in the beta deck near the end. What a pain when the deck is on the 7th floor I haven't seen the footage for ages, but there's time at beginning and end where you see the crowd mingling around, etc. I'm sure you'll be able to spot yourself in there.
  4. Al, Thanks for that article from the G&M. The whole situation is disheartening. As Lewis MacKenzie stated, based on his experiences and expertise, there is no hope between Israel and Hamas. I do not defend either side, but rather see the unhealthy situation that will not lend itself to raising new generations of civilians who will want to make the change. Would sending in UN forces to try to quell the violence there work? Just like Canadians are supposed to be "peace keeping" in Afghanistan (while they are entering into battle zones that are the most dangerous and violent since the Korean War) how would sending UN troops in there be any different. I only see more carnage. Maybe I'm wrong. Since the UN didn't really do shit for Rwanda, Sudan, Somalia, etc. I doubt that the outcome would be any different. Cyprus is a great example of a success, but what happens the day after UN forces leave? Why are they still there? The whole thing sucks. Just found out a coworker's best friend's son was one of the three Canadian soldiers who died in the roadside blast in Afghanistan on XMas day
  5. A couple from our front row tix. I should have taken more. I am so fucking slow at this, but I do have a video of this show with only a small portion missing (which can be dubbed in from the aud recording i received here). I got it from the in-house feed which had a board feed into it as well. I just have to get somebody to drop it down to a DVD from a BetaSX tape. Any aspiring video editors here????
  6. Overhyped, really? What's more exciting than seeing a national team compete in our country's favourite sport? These kids have so much desire, heart and drive. I couldn't be more proud of them for what they accomplished after being together for a relatively short period of time. It is a great barometer to get a feel for how the hockey 'system' in Canada is developing players. These last 5 years have seen some amazing teams emerge from Canada's youth. Canada's last 3 games were all wayyy more exciting and entertaining than ANY NHL game that's been on this season so far. You'll never get a full NHL squad to play like that. They're already jaded to a degree. Only 4 teams? Why? You don't think there's enough talent from USA, Russia, Czechs, Slovaks, Sweden, Finland??? Add Canada and that's at least 7 viable countries. I do not think that it should be in Canada every year like was suggested at that press conference. If I had ca$h i think it would be a blast to travel to Europe for one of these tournaments and party like crazy GO CANADA GO
  7. This may be of interest to some: DEMONSTRATE AGAINST THE ISRAELI ASSAULT ON GAZA! LIFT THE SIEGE! *WHEN: 11am Saturday January 10, 2009 *WHERE: Israeli Consulate, 180 Bloor St West, Toronto. As the Israeli ground, air and sea assault continues on the civilian population of Gaza – we need to continue mobilizing against these war crimes. At least 540 Palestinians have been killed and thousands injured in the single largest massacre in Gaza since Israel illegally occupied the area in 1967. These latest war crimes occur in the context of official Canadian complicity with Israel's illegal siege, bombardment and starvation of the civilian population in Gaza. We must denounce this on-going support - including the intensification of bilateral military, political and economic links between Canada and Israel. Palestinian civil society continues to urge solidarity in the form of a boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign until Israel complies with international law. This is the time for people of conscience to take up this call from Palestine. Last Saturday, over 10,000 people rallied in Toronto in the largest Palestine solidarity demonstration in decades. This coming Saturday, millions of people across the globe will return to the streets in internationally coordinated demonstrations against the Israeli onslaught. Join us this Saturday to demand that the Canadian government call for an immediate halt to Israel's attacks and an end to the siege of Gaza! CONTACT: Palestine House info@palestinehouse.com Demonstration Organized By: Palestine House Canadian Arab Federation Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid Canadian Union of Public Employee (Ontario) Canadian Union of Postal Workers Steel Workers – Toronto Area Council Canadian Peace Alliance Toronto Coalition to Stop the War Not in Our Name – Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Toronto Indpendent Jewish Voices Yosher – Jewish Social Justice Network Women In Solidarity with Palestine Muslim Unity Educators for Peace and Justice Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East Near East Cultural and Educational Foundation Canadian Forum for Justice and Peace in Sri Lanka Muslim Association of Hamilton Canadian Druze Society Canadian Syrian Cultural Club Al Huda Canadian Shia Muslims Organization Worker to Worker Canada Cuba Solidarity Network Somali Canadian Diaspora Alliance Science for Peace Bayan – Canada Bengali Student Association McMaster Muslims for Peace and Justice Arab Students Association at Ryerson University Please send further organizational endorsements to: info@palestinehouse.com
  8. Hey, McCabe is back in town tonight!!! Maybe he can score a goal for the Leafs this time
  9. This is a tragic situation. The politics that surrounds this are going to be hard to change. Fine, people can choose sides, but what are nations supposed to do? It seems that many, including Canada, are ready to support Israel by deeming it "their right to protect themselves". However, this situation is about so much more than that. As i read recently something along the lines of 20 Israelies have been killed by Hamas rockets in the past 8 months, while over 300 can get wiped out by Israeli air strikes in just one night. In terms of retaliation (and who was the instigator in the first place) this seems only slightly out of whack. Does cutting off food, medical and fuel supplies to the Gaza strip really provide for any sort of resolution? This will only fuel a completely depressed and impoverished people even further towards agressive actions, no? The players in this drama were different, it would illicit completely different responses from the global community. To watch a couple of interesting videos on the region take a look at these. The first seems to be a bit more anti-Palestinian, while the second shows some of the devastation on the other side of The Wall. Martyr TV http://www.vbs.tv/video.php?id=1203030779 http://www.vbs.tv/video.php?id=1199152909 http://www.vbs.tv/video.php?id=1209568852 http://www.vbs.tv/video.php?id=1209604010 http://www.vbs.tv/video.php?id=1213998713 Against the Wall http://www.vbs.tv/video.php?id=1334447365 http://www.vbs.tv/video.php?id=1334428872 http://www.vbs.tv/video.php?id=1334407386 http://www.vbs.tv/video.php?id=1334432344 http://www.vbs.tv/video.php?id=1334428875 http://www.vbs.tv/video.php?id=1336727733
  10. Great article. I can't wait to see a show again now. This made me wonder
  11. Gold Medal for DIVING goes to: what a wanker
  12. G O L D Fuck that was sweet.
  13. If it happens, you'll hear about a lot of "lower body injuries" and "upper body injuries". That will be the extent of any information about the players that comes out of his mouth Somehow I can't see Quinn taking on solely the coaching position. This would have to be a move that placed him as GM and ousting Murray if it happens at all. Right now Quinn's gotta kick some ass and those Canadian boys to whop some Swedes tonight! GO CANADA GO
  14. Gotta love how TB tries to "justify" their bullshit. My buddy finally got out of there the other week (he was given a package as they were downsizing even more so good luck getting any decent help on the phone if you have a problem). He said he could write a book with the stories he could tell (i told him he should). Anyway, just got word that they are going to be doing a piece on this TicketBastard situation on Marketplace (CBC) this Friday night. http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/
  15. What's this talk I hear this morning about the possibility that Pat Quinn might be working for the Sens in the near future?!?!?!?!? Ha ha! That WOULD be funny. Replacing Murray or Hartsburg, both?? As Avery would say, "have fun with the Leaf's sloppy seconds"
  16. I know this vid has been around for a little while, but it just freaked me out again. This guys are insane. Must be one helluva rush: wingsuit base jumping from Ali on Vimeo.
  17. Some good news! You can see some of the happy, loving homes where some of the dogs formerly owned by Vick are doing: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedia/photo_gallery/0812/nfl.michael.vicks.dogs/content.1.html
  18. I'm very very tempted. Might just have to try to pull this one off.
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