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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. If he had been allowed to watch the Hollywood version of the atheist-authored book The Golden Compass, he'd be spanking this: Then, he'd definitely be a Satanic Hippo fighting all of God's angels and causing unbelievable horror on our earth. [color:purple] THIS is why we MUST ban books by atheists, get it?
  2. That hippo is simply practicing the old move "Priest-spanking-altar-boy" move that he learned in the rectory basement
  3. Kanada Kev

    so ...

    Looks like he'll get to testify! http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2007/11/22/committee.html
  4. Maybe they just don't want any kids fantasizing about Nicole Kidman and abusing their bodies.
  5. Kanada Kev

    so ...

    I'm sure Georgie could find a job for him to do.
  6. [color:purple]If it ain't Catholic, it's Crap! Better get out all of those books written by Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Protestants, etc. etc. etc. Fuck 'em all. God is LOVE WWJD? WTF? I'll bet John Tory would be all for it though
  7. Kanada Kev

    so ...

    I wish we could extradite Harper
  8. The thing that's a joke is that it's been in the libraries there for 10years already!!! It's just because a movie is coming out that some people have gotten upset (guess they never read). I love it when a group of people can feel that a piece of work is great for many years. Then, because of a statement somebody makes, or something the author says, it becomes the work of the devil.
  9. Kanada Kev

    so ...

    Schreiber is also using his information on the whole affair as a way to escape the legal system back in Europe that want to toss the book at him as well. Mulroney called his bluff, but it doesn't seem to be a bluff, and hopefully Molroney will fall for any wrongdoings that he may have done. The system is spinning its wheels right now though. Harper is supposedly ensuring that this is how it continues ... what a guy What happened to Prime Minister Transparency?
  10. Un-fucking-believable. And THOSE schools continue to get funding from our government. Banning books is bullshit.
  11. Personally, i don't see why Zep would even bother with an opener. Same goes for acts like the Stones and The Who. When they do this, they NEVER want the opener to upstage them in anyway. So, expect shitty sound for sure
  12. Playoffs? Yup, even though the last couple of years the Leafs have decided to take a break during that part of the season, they still remember a lot of recent playoffs. 2000 beat the Sens 2001 beat the Sens 2002 beat the Sens 2004 beat the Sens Now, if we REALLY remember wayyyy back, there was one really wild playoff year and that was good ol' '04 (1904 that is) when the Ottawa Silver Seven defeating the Toronto Marlboros for the Stanley Cup
  13. New Leaf Jerseys Feel free to adopt any of these for your new avatar
  14. Great band. I saw them at Massey Hall in '85 and it was awesome! Pissed I missed them at the Town Ballroom in Buffalo earlier this year, and when they were just there again on November 14th. Too many shows, too little money/time
  15. Damn. Maybe I should ditch my buddy and take Bubbles. However, I want some of that KILLER Sunnyvale kind bud in return
  16. http://www.nowtoronto.com/issues/2007-11-22/cover_story2.php Trailer Park Boys : CFL vs NFL Call us homers if you want, but here are eight reasons why we’d choose the CFL over the NFL game. 1 We try harder It's more difficult to get a first down in Canadian football when you only have three downs to do it and not four. It also means the ball changes hands more often, and you can't predict the winner when there are still five minutes remaining in the game. The fact that the clock stops after each play inside the three-minute mark keeps the excitement up, too. Yes, those 180 seconds may feel long, but they allow miracles, in the form of comebacks, to happen. 2 Are we there yet? CFL players have 20 seconds to begin play once the referee gives the signal. You could have a nap while you wait (45 seconds!) after the referee's signal for the Americans to snap the ball. 3 Wider, faster, better With a larger field (110-by-65 yards vs 100-by-53.3 yards), speed makes a big difference in the CFL. Quarterbacks are smaller and more mobile and get to the outside faster, and CFL defenders are quicker and more agile than their American counterparts. That's why Doug Flutie likes us and we like him. 4 It's called football for a reason How you kick the damn thing matters. There's nothing sweeter than a gorgeous long spiral punt that sends the receiver back into the end zone, from which he'd better escape or the kicking team gets a point. Forget the fair catch. That's for NFL wimps. 5 State of the unions Get injured in the CFL and your contract is insured. Get injured in the NFL and you're out on the street. 6 Canadian content Okay, it's true that Lenny Kravitz plays halftime this year. But the league continues to operate with the equivalent of TV's Canadian Content rules, requiring each team to include 17 Canadians so the country's best players – at least those not snapped up by the NFL – get a chance to play pro ball. 7 Jailbirds 'r' them The NFL has way more convicted criminals than the CFL, and most of the time they get an easy ride back into the league. Then again, the CFL didn't let a pot conviction keep the Argos from hiring Ricky Williams. 8 Gloriously offensive Compare the Grey Cup with the Super Bowl and notice how the Grey Cup is rarely a defensive bore. The Super Bowl, on the other hand, can easily deteriorate into a 9-6 snoozer. Plus, the Grey Cup's never had Up With People on the halftime show.
  17. NOW magazine has 'em on the cover today. A few articles on them inside with interviews. Here are the links, and an excerpt with them talking about music/bands: http://www.nowtoronto.com/issues/current/index.php http://www.nowtoronto.com/issues/2007-11-22/cover_story.php http://www.nowtoronto.com/issues/2007-11-22/cover_story2.php http://www.nowtoronto.com/issues/2007-11-22/cover_story3.php
  18. Toms wouldn't peep if peeps just invited them in!
  19. The biggest (and one of the only) hits was when Antropov steamrolled through a B on the blue line.
  20. Copy the "embed" code into your post. Then, in the dropdown menu to the left and below where it says "Include Signature" "Disable" Use Markup Just change Use Markup to Use HTML Does that help?
  21. Cool shot Hux. I've never seen that photo before. Gotta love the original Mac there too (i had one of those back then ... '84ish?)
  22. Taser incidents are happening all over the place. I'm sure many are justified, but so many simply seem to be ways for officers to find the "easy" way to get a job done at the expense of a civilian's pain. Listen to the conversation and you can hear how the officer didn't tell him what he was being arrested for, give him his Miranda Rights, etc., etc. Wonder how this one got resolbed in court. Take a look at this one from Utah where a guy was getting written up for a simple speeding ticket. The officer wanted him to sign-off on the ticket and he refused. Then, he didn't want to be cuffed so he gets tasered. I don't know, but it seems like a patrol man should have some other options here in order to maintain safety for all indivuals. When the guy gets hit, he falls onto the highway!!! That shit could have caused a major accident/fatality.
  23. slap on the wrist? Nope, the monkey ended up with a good spanking!
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