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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. I'm in the same boat. Don't own any of their CDs. Have always enjoyed the "hits" that have gotten radio play ("Learning To Fly" is an excellent song). But know, as with so many quality bands, that their really good stuff doesn't get on the air. I am as excited to experience the Foos as I am in seeing Dylan yet again. Both in different ways. Thanks to Dylan (or whomever) got these interesting opening acts on this leg of the tour. What time did the Foo Fighters come on??? Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  2. Tomorrow night is the show. Anyone else here going? I'm heading down with a couple of buddies. Gonna be grabbin' some beers and pre-show party favours somewhere in the vicinity. Anyone else up for it? Setlists have been looking pretty sweet as of late. London, ON especially! London, Ontario John Labatt Centre November 3, 2006 1. Maggie's Farm 2. She Belongs To Me 3. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum 4. Girl Of The North Country 5. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) 6. Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) 7. Not Dark Yet 8. Rollin' And Tumblin' 9. Masters Of War 10. Desolation Row 11. Highway 61 Revisited 12. Nettie Moore 13. Summer Days (encore) 14. Thunder On The Mountain 15. Like A Rolling Stone 16. All Along The Watchtower Ottawa, Ontario Scotiabank Place November 5, 2006 1. Maggie's Farm 2. She Belongs To Me 3. Watching The River Flow 4. Just Like A Woman 5. Highway 61 Revisited 6. Ballad Of A Thin Man 7. Rollin' And Tumblin' 8. Simple Twist Of Fate 9. High Water (For Charley Patton) 10. Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) 11. Tangled Up In Blue 12. Nettie Moore 13. Summer Days (encore) 14. Thunder On The Mountain 15. Like A Rolling Stone 16. All Along The Watchtower
  3. Wow, are you always so nice with your comments when a band makes a decision like this? Ever thought that SCI may have touched a lot of people in a special way that some bands may touch you? Shit, what are you like when somebody dies?!
  4. This is a bummer. But, with change can come good things. I do believe that the last couple of years have been a bit of a strain on the SCI organization (ever wonder why JonO left?). There have been people pulling in different directions. I am sure they could continue on and be successful, but to what degree I don't know. Sadly, without Nershi, there will be little to no bluegrass/acoustic element to the band (that had been given less and less time anyhow). Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  5. Did you watch the Richard Dawkins video Root of All Evil? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Root_of_All_Evil%3F It was on The Big Picture with Avi Lewis. http://www.cbc.ca/bigpicture/evil.html I watched it just a few nights ago. He interviewed that muck on there. Good to see him crash and burn, fucking hypocrite!
  6. From good ol' Kesey: Ken Kesey on Mystery The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery. If you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you'll always be seeking. I've never seen anybody really find the answer -- they think they have, so they stop thinking. But the job is to seek mystery, evoke mystery, plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom. The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer. --Ken Kesey
  7. From good ol' Kesey: Ken Kesey on Mystery The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery. If you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you'll always be seeking. I've never seen anybody really find the answer -- they think they have, so they stop thinking. But the job is to seek mystery, evoke mystery, plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom. The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer. --Ken Kesey
  8. Wow ... Laura Schlessinger AND Ann Coulter both need some good shots. Maybe we could let them duke it out in a cage match. It'd be like watching two skeletons fight ... bound to get a broken bone (or Adam's apple!!!)
  9. I just noticed on Pollstar that there is an opener for the Toronto show ... did i miss this before? Opening for the Who: The Pretenders! Not bad.
  10. Tried watching that once ... once. I did see Ron James do a standup bit earlier this year and I laughed my ass off! I'd seek out those performances rather than Blackfly
  11. I LOVE that show! I have no idea if they are going to continue with it or not. Go figure ... this place (CBC) is nuts
  12. SCTV hands down the best! also, does anyone here remember Bizarre ? Very funny sketch comedy that was pretty racy. It was kind of like a cross between Benny Hill and Larry from Three's Company . Super Dave Osborne got his start there too. Billy Vann was a regular too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bizarre_(TV_series)
  13. Sadly, to sell more tix to fund the hiatus
  14. Has anyone else heard of Bobby doing a traffic report from a helicopter in Anchorage, AK when they were there in 1980? http://www.adn.com/news/alaska/story/8369138p-8263662c.html When promoter George Lichter brought up the Grateful Dead in 1980, the band played three nights in a row and stuck around long enough to also play tourist. Guitarist Bob Weir even went up in a helicopter to report on rush-hour traffic for a local radio station. "Traffic appears to be going backward," he reported before advising motorists to turn on their headlights and honk their horns. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  15. Cool! Did you notice that he got an asterisk? It says "if you've seen him play lately, call us"! Maybe you should call them after the London show . Have a great time at the show. I'm counting the days until the Toronto show ... FRONT ROW baby Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  16. Oh yes, and the US is a safer place than ever now isn't it? Americans also feel safer travelling all over the world too. Security in airports? A friggin' joke. Countless people have breached it since 9/11 just to prove a point. Take a read of a recent account of a traveller going through LAX and their dealings with the crack security team there: http://www.davidgagne.net/?p=6200 Bush has NOT made the world a safer place ... sorry to hear that you've been duped by the fear-mongering and completely un-democratic regime that is stripping Americans of their rights. But, I forgot, the Patriot Act, abolishing Habeas Corpus, instituting a National ID card, invading independent nations, ignoring human tragedies and genocides, abandoning your own citizens in New Orleans, detaining civilians around the world in secret prisons, reversing environmental standards to harm the global climate, sending Canadians off to foreign lands to be tortured in barbaric penal systems, and so on and so on ... Bush is doing such a GREAT JOB!!! If ANYONE here wants a copy of America: Freedom to Fascism i'd be happy to burn a copy (it's not all about Bush-bashing) as well as Iraq for Sale In the meantime, please feel free to punch out Dubya here: http://www.urban75.com/Punch/bush.html http://www.ihateyoursuv.com/media2.html And also see what he's really made of, by zooming in here: http://www.geocities.com/iimpster/buche-anus-tiled-portrat-large.jpg I feel sorry for my friends in the land of the less-free and scared!
  17. I can't even take a comment like that seriously! I'd be bloody scared and pissed-off if i was American ... get your hands on, and watch Aaron Russo's "America: Freedom to Facism" and let me know what you think. One of the most scary things i've watched in my lifetime! http://www.freedomtofascism.com/ Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  18. Bye bye Bob ... you and Barker's Beauties will always be a fond memory of my childhood Yes, the Price is Fucking Wrong!!!
  19. Ass? No! I hear ya. Your points are totally legit. Stripping the "C" mid-season is a real last-ditch effort. Doesn't look good if you're trying to market the player to other teams. Keeping the "C" on him artificially inflates his value if he's not producing. It's either that, or you just tell everyone that "C" is for "Crusty" . Great example with Modano. Koivu is one incredible individual. Keep him healthy, keep him protected, don't let him leave! Great central figure to be the hub of the team. Saku Koivu = Hub of the Habs
  20. That's just a pic i pulled off the net. I'm listening to the audio CDs of the show. I haven't watched the DVD yet. I may plan on doing that this weekend too. Love the BOSS! Oh, Backsteets in on now ... back to not working at work
  21. So, do you wanna? Go ahead, and take your best shots: http://www.ihateyoursuv.com/media2.html Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  22. And I'd have no problem with that. I think that it is something to be earned and also wanted. However, there have been numerous accounts on how much of a presence Sundin can be in the locker room and on the bench. In last night's game they showed a great shot of Maurice coaching the bench and then handing over the reigns to Sundin to add his 2 cents. The coach and captain working together is a very good thing. In times of trouble, when the coach can't get through to the players, it's also good to have a captain willing to head a "players only" meeting. Those require respect from the teammates though. Reasoning as to why the C can't just be given to anyone. That year that Sundin was largely missing when they got to the Conference Finals it was the great motivator Gary Roberts who stepped-up and should have been wearing the C. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  23. Sprinsteen & E Street Band 11-18-1975 Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK
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