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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. Great game and totally entertaining for both sides. I really do wonder why it is that the Ottawa and Montreal fans here have such a hard time making a post without a dig at the Leafs every time. Isn't that what everybody complains that the average Leaf fan does to their teams??? Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  2. Kimock is rippin' it up. Sounded great on the opener and now tearing through the OTHER ONE
  3. Well, I was there, but not in the show Went down mid afternoon with Darlene after getting the mother-in-law to watch the kids. The place was deserted when we got there around 4pm. Did a few things and then went to grab some dinner at TGIFridays. Tried asking around for extras and none were to be had. Lots of fingers in the air outside, but I was looking to pay cash for the extras to get in. Tried getting folks coming out of the hotel on their way to the show and no luck. Missed a couple of people by seconds who could have helped me out Darlene went out and tried her luck a few times. She had somebody offer her one, but she didn't think to take it unless it was a pair (she realized her mistake after ). We stuck it out until about 8:30. There were a couple of scalpers looking to get $70 per ticket. Sorry, Bobby, I ain't goin' that high. We did a drive by the backdoor to see if they could sympathize. They did, but couldn't help us out. Went home feeling dejected. However, I knew I had the Toronto v. MOntreal game recording on the PVR, so there was something to look forward to. Cracked some cold ones, packed my bowl, and got down to a wicked-ass hockey game on the tube. I was not even wanting to look at the setlist and it does look like it was a really sweet show. That's a great venue for energy. I'm just glad that i didn't miss out on a Jack Straw or Cassidy (my kids' names) 'cause then i'd really have been pissed . I hate getting shut out of shows ... i knew I should have gotten a ticket earlier. FUCK! Glad those that made it had such a good show. And yes, the wind was nuts! Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  4. Tonight's setlist (looks like my Jack and Cassidy are due for tomorrow ) Ratdog 10/27/06 Buffalo, NY Jam Cold Rain & Snow Playin' in the Band Tomorrow Never Knows Jus’ Like Mama Said New Speedway Boogie Lost Sailor Saint of Circumstance Odessa Bertha End of Set K.C. Moan Masters of War When I Paint My Masterpiece Even So October Queen Mississippi Half-Step Stuff Stella Blue Playin' Reprise
  5. Awesome!! Thanks Baj. I appreciate it. My friend in Buffalo who knows the owner of the Ballroom couldn't even pull out tix for me We'll see what tomorrow brings. I'll keep my cell phone handy Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  6. http://www.rexfoundation.org/vibesforpeace.html THE RHYTHM DEVILS featuring Mickey Hart, Bill Kreutzmann, Mike Gordon, Steve Kimock Jen Durkin and Sikiru Adepoju and Special Guests including Bob Weir The Warfield, San Francisco, December 1, 2006 6:00 – 7:30 Drinks, Dinner and Reception with the Artists Silent Auction Opens 8:00 p.m. Concert, with special opening set by Mickey Hart and Friends Reception, Dinner and Premium Seating Concert Tickets: (All but $70 is tax deductible) Includes Drinks, Dinner and Mingling with the Artists Tables of 6, 8 and 10 can be arranged Peace $1,000.00 Front Row Seats Harmony $ 500.00 Rhythm $ 150.00 Premium Concert Only Tickets Friendship $ 100.00 Front Loge Seats Balcony Concert Tickets: $40.00 available on TicketMaster and thru GDTS, TOO To order Reception, Dinner and Concert Tickets call 415-561-3135 or download the ticket order form or thru GDTS, TOO or 415-457-6388 For more information, call 415-561-3134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIBES FOR PEACE On December 1, 2001, at the Warfield Theatre, the Rex Foundation launched its renewal with The Healing Power of Music. That night the full house of kindred spirits celebrated the fun of being together, enjoying great music and supporting the greater good. Thanks to the success of that evening and the support for all our work in these last five years, the Rex Foundation has since granted $776,500 across the United States and internationally! We look forward to once again filling the Warfield Theatre with friends from far and wide. The musicians are planning a magical night, presenting familiar and new sounds. We know, as we did in 2001, that the world continues to be shaken by conflicts and challenges. Yet, on December 1, 2006, as we celebrate together amid beautiful music, we’ll generate helpful and positive energy for ourselves and the greater community – Vibes for Peace. Proceeds from the event will support programs furthering peace and conflict resolution, along with the range of programs encompassed in the Rex Foundation mission. Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing you on December 1st.
  7. I'm still going ... just really hope that there will be a kind soul who shows up with a couple of extras If Bobby opens up with a Jack > Cassidy, and I miss it, I might just cry (Jack and Cassidy are my two kids ) Saturday should be a blast in Barfalo with the Ratdog show, Sabres game, and Halloween festivities
  8. There are a few tix for sale for TONIGHT'S show: http://purchase.tickets.com/buy/TicketPurchase?agency=TDC&pid=5835530 I'm STILL looking for a couple of SATURDAY NIGHT tix if anyone can help a buddy out. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  9. Oh yes, definitely. They laid some pretty sweet body checks on Tucker. The one at the blue line was a doozey. However, Tucker takes that kind of physical abuse every game. They didn't completely take him out of the plays (he had a couple of good scoring chances) and he survived the entire game (17:41 ice time!) Doesn't sound too hurt to me.
  10. Yup, he got the message that they were going to lose. However, he also got the message that he'll be able to pull a cheap move like he did on Eaves again and not worry about any retribution other than some trash-talking. All i'm saying, is that Ottawa constantly complains about Tucker. They had an unbelievable opportunity, with no risk to losing a game, to really take it to him and leave a lasting impression on what he can do to their players. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  11. Giving Tucker the business? Looked like he was all bark and no bite. If Neil really wanted to go, why didn't he just drop the gloves and go at him??? If he's so tough, why didn't he do that for the 30mins of hockey AFTER Tucker did what he did to Eaves??? If they truly felt that Eaves had been violated they should have done something about it right away! Even waiting until last night ... the Sens have a 5 goal lead and Maurice has Tucker on the ice for the final minutes of the game and Ottawa doesn't do ANYTHING to him. A LOT of talk.
  12. Some great quotes from the Toronto Star today: "The only fireworks in last night's game between the Senators and the Leafs came from the red light repeatedly flashing behind Toronto goaltender Andrew Raycroft." "Heatley, taking advantage of the statues on the Toronto blue line and Spezza's playmaking, picked up the hat trick that gives him six goals in the last four games." Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  13. My point exactly ... the Sens should ship him out, clear up some cap room, and strengthen their team even more! Not making any excuses, just making observations about aspects of the game. I do this when I watch games when it's 2 teams I don't follow ... just being a hockey fan. Nope, never planned it. I don't think about that sort of thing until the playoffs are here. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  14. ROFLOL ... That's a great nick-name for a city If I had some time, i'd photoshop some Sens jerseys, or superimpose Alfie's face on these guys
  15. Yup. All teams go through it ... except the Mighty SABRES of Barfalo! Now THAT'S a TEAM. Talk about even contributions from every player in every position. It's not just one line carrying a team, it's a team carrying a team. Go Sabres Go!!! Should be a rockin' time in Buffalo tomorrow when they go for the start of season win record! Maybe there will be some extras for the Ratdog show The Leafs/Sens game last night was not nearly as entertaining (as a hockey fan, not a Leaf or Sens fan) since it was riddled with too many penalties!!! Come on. And they didn't produce much either. Combined, the teams were 1 for 15 That's pretty sad. I like the Gill penalty for "delay of game". It wasn't for shooting the puck over the boards, it was simply for being ON the ice and moving so bloody slow.
  16. Hats off to the Sens. After the first, they took over in every way. Heatley, Corvo, Spezza and Fisher all looked great. That Spezza goal was pretty sweet. Enough of me saying how good the Sens were ... the Leafs blew it ... Alfie couldn't even muster a single point in a 7-2 win?!?!?!? And he only one shot on net over 8 power plays?!??!?! He is a funny little man Did i tell you that Tucker would be ordered to do absolutely no retaliation last night? He took a lot of hits and kept on going. Was prob the best of the Leafs last night. So, with two Ottawa wins in a row over the Leafs we can now safely say that the Sens are going to win the Cup? Humbly . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  17. HMMMMM ... sounds like a similar event happened in the UK too! Come on conspiracy theorists, come gather around: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/cornwall/6088008.stm Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  18. (((((((((((((((((good vibes)))))))))))))))))))))) Get well Phil. A good dose of love in Vegas this weekend should be a good start!
  19. D'oh ... Baj you dirty rotten no good for nuttin' ........ Just kidding. Baj, you can buy me a beer at the show. I'll be getting in one way or another . Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  20. Help Help Help I'm in desperate need of a pair of tix to this Saturday (October 28) Ratdog show in Buffalo. Finally getting away with the wife for a night and want to be at the show together and then stay over in Buffalo. Babysitter and dogsitter are all lined up and we're ready to roll ... just no tix. If anyone can help out, please let me know. Thanks Kanada Kev =8)
  21. Hear Hear ... other than portability and convenience, the bottled water trend is a joke. The dentists love it and the bottling companies love it. $1.50 for water and people think they are getting a deal. $0.80 for a litre of gas and people are constantly complaining. GO FIGURE. The Water Tycoons will overshadow those in the Middle East at this rate. Looks like Canada could be the next big player ... until the US annexes us for our water. Did you see that miniseries on CBC last year??? It was really good and kinda scary at the same time; http://www.cbc.ca/h2o/
  22. Yeah, but come on, you gotta give me points back for being a fellow Gabriel-era Genesis Freak BTW - i don't think you'll ever get me to become a fan of Alfie ... ever ... even if he was on a team i liked. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  23. LOl ... thanks. I'm not usually wrong, but I freely admit to when I think the Leafs are wrong Trust me, you could (not kill me). I love watching Leafs Habs games. Probably the best game I got to attend in person was the final Leaf game at the Old Forum. It was a nail-biter to the finish with the Habs winning in the dying seconds (scoring on Potvin). The pregame had all the living Habs captains at the time come out to Pass The Torch. Holy shit was it powerful when Richard got a 9 minute standing ovation. Sends shivers up my spine, and tears to my eyes, just typing about it. Go Leafs ... Go Habs
  24. I know. The story is one thing ... then you watch the video. There's something about Rick Hoyt's eyes. Talk about expressive. It sure makes me feel like i'm not living up to Super Dad status with my kids
  25. A truly inspirational and heart warming story. Since it was first published in SI in 2005, they are no longer the only non-individual team to participate in the Boston Marathon. During the 2006 running of that event — the 25th anniversary of the Hoyts' first Boston Marathon — Dick and Rick were joined by Mark and Amanda Collis, a father-daughter team from Canada. For Burlington's Mark Collis and his 18-year-old handicapped daughter, Amanda, the goal is to run under 3:30 and thus qualify for the famed Boston Marathon. And his motivations are much the same, to do something special, and spend time with a special daughter: "I run with Amanda for two reasons and only two. First and foremost we run together because Amanda enjoys it and secondly, I run with her because I can. Amanda likes to go running, but she likes to go racing even more. If I'm racing solo, I can't let her see me wearing the running club singlet, because she gets upset if she thinks I'm going without her. She is generally pretty quiet on the road, she's overloaded with stimuli, but at home before the run, it's a sing-song chorus of 'DAD!', tap-tap-tapping on her wrist ('Is it time to go?') and squeals of excitement when she sees her racing stroller. You wouldn't have to ask if she liked running if you saw her then." http://www.torontowaterfrontmarathon.com/en/news/Sep_20_04.htm
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