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Everything posted by hamilton

  1. Oh' date=' you mean this guy? [img']http://johngushue.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/patrick_watson.jpg Ha-ha-ha, that's exactly what I was thinking as I scrolled down. IIRC, a couple of years ago, CBC did an extensive re-airing of old episodes of This Hour Has Seven Days. Brilliant.
  2. There is currently a great deal of speculation over whether or not they even tested a nuclear device. The only nation to agree that it was definitely a nuclear test is Russia. The U.S., China, and South Korea have not yet scientifically, conclusively determined that there truly was an atomic detonation on the weekend. The detonation on the scale that was detected at the time could have been created by a large-scale detonation of conventional bombs. No one will know for sure if what Kim Jong-il claims is true or not until all of the scientific data has been collected and analyzed.
  3. Why are you quite certain that Trey was being sarcastic? The part about spending "all of your time freebasing cocaine" might be nominally sarcastic, but the reality is that there were serious drug issues within Phish for quite a while. The sentiment behind the statement likely remains the same, even if he was exaggerating the specifics.
  4. Lucky bastards. Ask them to come play over here!
  5. The Peter Malick Group with Norah Jones, New York City
  6. Herbie Hancock - Inventions and Dimensions Bob Dylan - Bootleg Series, Volume 7: No Direction Home, The Soundtrack Nouvelle Vague - Nouvelle Vague Miles Davis - Seven Steps To Heaven Lambchop - Aw C'mon/No, You C'mon
  7. Nouvelle Vague, Nouvelle Vague Late seventies post-punk/New Wave covers done as old-school bossa nova lounge pieces sung by breathy French chanteuses. Who'da thunk that the Dead Kennedys' "Too Drunk To Fuck" would sound great as bossa nova?
  8. What the fuck does this have to do with any of the rest of this thread?
  9. The Slip is a band. A band is a singular thing, regardless of how many members it has. "The Slip is trying to break my heart" is grammatically correct, even if it sounds funny.
  10. Mmmmmmm!! That's a good 'un!
  11. Are we giving an award based on character, or on quality of music? (I don't know shit about this guy's band, FWIW.)
  12. No. The "indie" scene has lots of garbage within it. So does the "jam" scene. I'm not sure how knocking something else down contributes to the building of another thing. Some guy acted like a dick. So what? I have a lot of respect for what you're trying to do, I'm just not sure that constantly criticizing the "other" helps to showcase something else. And I'm not even sure that there is a genuine "other".
  13. At least he wasn't arrested for flashing his wang at some dude in the bathroom again.
  14. Right. And boys and men also have the option of *not* doing that.
  15. Groovy. I can totally agree that no matter what the program, or by which government it was enacted, that there needs to be full transparency. I just think that cancelling the program is like throwing the baby out with the bathwater - especially considering that the NCC lost a case - launched by Harper himself - due to Democracy Watch's use of these funds. See the Supreme Court's decision on Harper vs. Canada (I'm not making that up) regarding the spending limits for "special interest groups" (namely the NCC) during elections.
  16. Sloan, Twice Removed Fuck you. Sloan rock.
  17. With all due respect, does not knowing which "groups" are receiving support qualify as enough of a reason for cancelling the program?
  18. I think the budgie needs one, too.
  19. Apparently, these are the shows from which the six songs in question will be chosen:
  20. I see a little cake next to your name - Happy Birthday! Random picture of some guy who's passed out:
  21. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day!
  22. Joseph Arthur is pretty cool to see live. I saw him open for Ron Sexsmith in Toronto about seven years ago and he was excellent - great songs and and some really tasteful guitar playing.
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