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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. the escalator is not a bloody ride at disneyland, it's not really fun to stand still on it, why not just walk, that way you get to where you're going much faster and you don't have to wait for the frickin escalator to get you there!

  2. you had better come on saturday night or i will fly my peter pan ass to st. catherines and publicly embarass you wherever you are! this would be even more sh!tty than how you stopped rhyming :: .and on the jared front, he never means or even remembers anything he says, just ask him!

  3. wow. i get all shakey and excited looking at stuff like that. i have promised myself to be in europe on my twenty-ninth birthday. i only have five years, three months and two weeks to save.

  4. some organizations to check out would be www.adbusters.org ,your local public interest research group, or the ontario public interest research group, the international forum on globalization at www.ifg.org , and the council of canadians at www.canadians.org and the canadian centre for policy alternatives at www.policyalternatives.ca . don't forget to check out the links pages on these websites for even more sites. some good books are no logo (which is old) or fences and windows by naomi klein, the corporation by joel bakan (which is also a movie which likely has public perfomance copyright licence which means it legally can be shown in your classroom), hegemony or survival by noam chomsky and the no nonsense guide to globalization and of course michael moore's work, i highly recommend the film roger and me, but there is also bowling for columbine and fahrenheit 911 (and canadian bacon too!) also his books would all be at least partially relevant and are easy entertaining reads and have many leads to other sources in the bibliography pages. for magazines try, nexus, utne reader, adbusters.

  5. :( shot down again......

    no, no, no, you weren't shot down, this isn't who's got my heady husband thread, this is just a qotd that has no real implications, especially since i'm with ricky and he might shove a drumstick up the ass of anyone who gets a little too close, :: think of this as a survey on the strange tastes of women.

  6. sorry for the double post, but i just thought of this -- baldanon (btw, what's with the baldanon, did you cut your dreads off???), anyway, why don't you just take a barbie and arts & craftsy her up to be a tinkerbell? she's supposed to be little anyway, and if you put her on a string you can fling her around & voila you have a flying tinkerbell!

    that is brilliant! now i just have to find a barbie doll, i haven't had one in about fifteen years. thanks for the idea, oh yeah, and i did cut off all my dreads, i look like my frickin brother! lol.

  7. this is totally unrelated to the original qotd, it was inspired by fairysari's signature.

    what kind of guys do you find sexy?

    for me, i love guys in coveralls, but they can't be cheesey retail coveralls that were bought for some inane fashion statement. they have to be ones that are used for work and therefore imply that the man has skills (and a job!). aaahhhh guys with skills mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. :o :: :o

  8. wow, you guys took me really seriously, i forgot about the purple. and i am vegan for reasons of natural resources. and why have you been picking on me lately? i don't even know you but i feel like you are jumping on my back whenever i post anything and most of my posts are really not serious.

  9. i got this movie out of the library just to check out a small part of my cultural heritage and man, was i impressed with the quality of the movie! it's called Latcho Drom, which translates to safe journey. it shows gypsies from all over the eastern hemisphere starting in india and going on to romania, poland, france and hungary. there is no host or narrator, it is shots of gypsies doing normal everyday gypsy things and the only english in the film is subtitles of the lyrics of some of the songs that are sung. it didn't need anything else, the ideas were expressed so thoroughly through the portrayal of common customs and activities. this was one of the coolest things i have ever seen.

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