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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. so i got a bunny yesterday. he is an albino dwarf rabbit who is very affectionate and friendly, and can really jump. he jumped out of a box and over a table! his first name is zephyr in honour of mike's dog, but i think he needs a middle name. any ideas?

  2. walter washington, which always reminds me of an extatic morning in london about a year ago. sunny morning, driving with the top down on the firefly, listening to great tunes after having seen a good show, gone to a fun party and had a titillating conversation the night before.

  3. i can't wait, yea for the open bar, i woke up with a head cold this morning so i am hoping to kill the germs with alcohol!

    in case anyone is confused, i am not getting married, the bride is alexis, not alexia! :) i'm not really into marriage.

    congrats doug and lex woo hoo!

  4. oh wait, i mean the wedding is friday and we might go to jomomma on saturday and st. catherines on sunday, if my pouting works well enough. i doubt we will do all of that, money is still a little tight, and i have to start fu©king christmas shopping. blllaaaahhhh, i hate christmas!

  5. just an observation.

    - M.

    who are you, isaac fu©king newton?

    sorry, quote from dazed and confused (appropos, no?)

    i came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like i'm just about outta beer.

  6. i wasn't being metaphorical about my knives. i have a small french knife and a boning knife that are fairly good and i really hate sharpening them. i do a lot of cooking so they get dull really fast and it is a bitch to cook with dull knives. especially because i really like tomatoes.

    and as far as calling anyone names, it wasn't personal on my part a: i wasn't there b: i don't know the people anyways. i was trying to be empathetic. it sounded to me like they were boring in your little rant and i spent a lot of time envisioning people's heads exploding just so they would finally do something interesting. so i hope none of the people that are on the board that you were talking about think that i have any sort of opinion about them. i was just trying to help you feel better. but i promise i will never do that again. :)

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