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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. i see your point about the electricity, so i will concede on that one. but who cares about a party? everyone has parties! so what if the smell of pot wafts around the neighborhood. pot smells good! (it just makes me gag to smoke it, that's why i don't). the residents sound like bored hicks that had to exercise their control on somebody and simply picked the easiest target. i'm still totally annoyed.

  2. good job man! but you know, you don't need the crutches of zyban and candy! you have this wonderfully strong tool called a mind. my brother told me the easiest way to quit smoking is to put out your last one and don't ever take another one. he is right, it has worked for me since march. don't piss your money away to pharmaceutical companies and candy manufacturers, i am sure you don't really need them!

  3. fu©k, people are so annoying! i don't smoke pot and i am so pissed about this! who cares if people were growing pot. it doesn't hurt anyone, it doesn't add any evil to the world, i'm sure it didn't hurt the downtown economy of symour arm. the residents who "are glad this is over" seem to have a blind allegiance to authority. just because something is the law doesn't make it right. fu©k! aaarrrrrgggghhhhhh. logic logic logic where are you? aaarrggghhhh!!!!!!!

  4. you should learn to spell

    or maybe go to hell

    for i cannot stand

    communication that's bland

    coming from a man! :)

    (thrown-past tense of the verb to throw, throne- the spot where my ass is found, which incidentally should be where your lips are found :: )

  5. i think sweeping generalizations suck (in general :) ). just avoid the annoying individuals (regardless of which label they epouse to be) and hang out with the fun people. like me.

    oh yeah, and diesel dog rocks. :)

  6. in college i put all the dirty dishes(food still on the plates) and garbage right in my roommates bed under his covers!! he was pissed to say the least. he soon realized the rest of us were having to live in his private garbage dump and started to clean up after himself.

    if that doesnt work i suggest rubbing your roommates face in it like an animal who shits on the floor.

    i did the same thing. the roomate poisoned my rabbit after that. i'd move (seriously).

  7. a) what is wrong with Dead heads??

    B) ignorance is strength

    yeah, if you don't like deadheads, might not a jamband show be a weird place to go? i mean, i don't like fundamentalist religions so i am not going to hang out with the religious old lady that told me to go to hell on satudrday because i wouldn't take one of her pamphlets she was handing out on my street. (btw, this made my week, being told to go to hell by a little old lady :: :: ::)

  8. i wish i may, i wish i might

    have this wish i wish tonight

    that the poem we write

    will never end

    upon my cohorts i can depend

    to ensure this poem has no end

    may we always have a rhyme to lend

    at the close of others' poems apend

    our own verbose words

    from us eclectic nerds

  9. aaahhhh, it sounds like you were forced to hang out with uptight, closed minded boring dillholes, i feel your pain, i went to an uppity catholic high school and was virtually surrounded by them for three and a half years. honestly, inibriation helped to tune them out quite a lot. i'd say leave the situation you're in, it sounds like crap! and it also sounds like you know you can do a whole lot better, so fu©k IT!

  10. The Mark Wilson/Deisel Dog show in Dover has been awesome 2 years in a row. That's where i'll be.

    holy schnikes! this is happening again? i'll be there (obviously) but i think mark wilson played with caution jam on nye 2002/03. but mark surmanski was sick so someone else played his drums, i don't remember who. but last year with dd and erin smith (i think) and mark wilson together was awesome. i think shelby and smurphy should come as "special guests" with mark wilson &twii. shelby rocks and she is a barrel of monkeys. and what would new years be without man whore murphy? :: i love smurphy.

  11. i totally agree that taste is not totally subjective. there are some things in this world that are undeniably good. like led zeppelin, aretha franklin (whom i am listening to now), bob marley, sunny days in the fall, dreams where you get to fly, pasta (everyone's gotta like at least one kind of pasta), cicadas, the sound that chickadees make, butterflies, clean air and water, cuddling, echinacea, lillies, daffodils (guess what's going to grow in my garden this spring :) ) oscar wilde, mark twain, and of course.....jambands.ca :) wow, now that i am done that happy rant i am going to get some more ether.

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