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Everything posted by bokonon

  1. Although you have the right idea, I think the word you are looking for is credibility, not credence. From my understanding of the word I think that credence is something the reader would give to the article, not take from it. Credence is the ability to believe whereas crediblity is the inherent merit of truth. Credibility is what the author gives to an article and the reader takes away.
  2. Meh, can't win 'em all. I'm still having fun.
  3. In defense of Gr8tful, I would shoot the fuck out of anyone breaking in to my house, too. And I respect whoever shot him for hitting the leg instead of anywhere fatal. But I still hope he (your friend) heals and learns.
  4. Yeah, he just roundhouses the fuck out of it. Sounds awesome.
  5. Good vibes for healing both physically and mentally to your friend. And good vibes for you too, that's great that you are standing by him even though he's making a lot of mistakes lately. That takes a lot of strength.
  6. P.S. The only cheaper place in Ontario I can think of is Phil's Grandson's in Waterloo where (the last time I went) beers were $1.75 but there was a five dollar cover.
  7. My bar is pretty cheap by Ontario standards. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but when I was in BC it seemed like bar prices were almost par with going to buy your own and drinking at home. Any West Coasters got the 411 on that?
  8. CJ kicks ass and I miss her terribly, I think of her as a guru. Popo I've never met but definitely seems like fun. I'd like to edit for Popo though, I'm almost as bad as BradM for being a spelling and grammar nazi.
  9. Come drink at my bar! Beer's only $3.25 and shots are $2.90.....and the service is quick, cute but a little bitchy!
  10. Wow, I think this dirtiness is pervading (or perverting) the board, sweet!
  11. Well you do normally wear hats, yours just aren't as fruity. I like your hats.
  12. And also I like to shock people, it keeps me entertained while waiting for customers at work.
  13. I'm not seeking it here, it's merely a way for me to vent my frustration. Writing is a great valve for emotion.
  14. No honey, I'm a nympho not a whore. That's my problem, terribly sex-starved with too high standards.
  15. The fact that my head's not cold. This is the first year in a long time (Seven years maybe) that I have hair in the winter that is not shaved, really short or dreaded. I've got just plain chin length hair and it really does keep your head warm when compared to the alternatives. I'm bored at work. I also love a good shag. (Had to make this dirty somehow)
  16. Hey look! It's a pic of my nice ex!
  17. I tell ya, i'm going to end up like the crazy cat lady on the Simpsons because I'm such a shrew!
  18. hahahah! Well, yes, but I like that one, he's a nice guy. Just not the right nice guy for me. I'm talking about a different one that I dated for a couple months when I got back to Brantford at the end of the summer.
  19. Mmmmmm, mental pictures of Willy swimming naked, mmmmmmmm. Is it just me or is it warm in here?
  20. hahahahah! BradM that's hilarious!
  21. Thank-you Wikibrad! P.S. I've thoroughly enjoyed the darker side of your sense of humour we've been seeing lately!
  22. See, now you're starting a dilemma for me, Caution Jam in Toronto or Diesel Dog in Dover. If I got to Diesel Dog then I have to drive by my ex's house. If that happens I'm going to pull a Carrie Underwood on his Mustang, anyone wanna help?
  23. P.S. Last Saturday was awesome. I said hello to you Mark but I don't think you recognized me. In fact I saw assloads of people I don't think recognized me. I got contacts instead of glasses and my hair is now not dreaded or shaved but in fact just plain down to my chin and is currently brown due to the black dye fading and my blonde coming through.
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