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Everything posted by bokonon

  1. I nominate Doug Smith, the sound guy at PJC, he's neat!
  2. I guess the part about me being a catholic schoolgirl was too subtle. Man, kilts were great for getting it on in precarious locations!
  3. And this is a wonderful post. Are Douglas and Popo related?
  4. Maybe she doesn't have your number Isn't it in his signature?
  5. I change my mind. I love MarcO! I also am a product of the Catholic school system. To truly learn about anything, shouldn't you also learn the opposing viewpoints so you can grasp both sides of the idea?
  6. One of my jobs is serving beer, I consider that a public service. Can I join?
  7. No, won't do that. Me and the kids only smoke crack at home in the trailer.
  8. Where is this Tom fellow? I could use some company!
  9. There might be by-laws against swearing, but they're not usually enforced. I'm no lawyer but I don't think there are any real laws broken there. And why haven't you done this, pussy?
  10. I had the McDonald's Turkey BLT today, it was fucking awesome! Then me and my kids went to the Rez and bought a carton, we're halfway through it already! Little fuckers sure like to smoke when we're drinking all that Jack!
  11. bokonon

    found cat

    Don't forget the chianti and fava beans.
  12. Even when I'm in the car by myself the window's fully down and if it's not raining the sunroof is open....and the Dixie Chicks are cranked! Nothing like hearing Not Ready to Make Nice through 3 amps and 2 12's! God, I love my demo.
  13. I don't know what you win but can I come over?
  14. As a smoker, I still think this is a valuable law. When I was a kid I hated being in the car with smokers.
  15. I'm holding out for a nice piece of his liver. Are you going to have it with fava beans?
  16. I think I peed a little from laughing so hard! But he's more arrogant than the average singer!
  17. Forget the drum, I want pics of the drummer! hahahahah! told ya'll i have a problem!
  18. For god's sakes man! Don't give him your other kidney, you need that! Kudos to you, it's things like this that help maintain that shred of hope I have for humankind, thanks for the inspiration and may you recover quickly with your brother.
  19. I don't like the lead singer of Modest Mouse's stage vibe, he seems arrogant.
  20. Q: What's the leading cause of child sexual abuse? A: Sexy children. and that's my tasteless joke of the day.
  21. Flying squirrells! That does look like fun.
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