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Everything posted by bokonon

  1. I'm swearing a lot today. Sorry guys, I'll try to stick with dirty instead of vulgar.
  2. Nice Home Alone reference! I seriously love that movie. Just the first one though, the rest were bloody crap.
  3. Holy fuck boys, that show kicked ass! I have to say that Caution Jam was my highlight of the night....maybe it was just the slutty hug I got from Eric afterwards, (nothing beats a good groping among friends), who knows? I found a couple BNB songs to be lacking a strong rhythm, but only a couple, the rest fuckin' rocked! Nice to meet you Hickster! You were pretty disorganized, do you remember meeting me? Nice to see Willy and James again too! (James, i found Pete before anyone was hurt, thankfully ) That drive home sure was an experience, three hours once I dropped Pete off in Brantford and headed home to Paris. It's normally an hour and twenty. But all I have to say about the drive is I fucking love my explorer. I AM QUEEN OF THE FOUR WHEEL DRIVE!!
  4. Here's some motivation: Lawyers can charge several hundred dollars and hour! and you can wear no underwear under your gown.
  5. bokonon

    Game On!

    I like it on top! It's where I do my best work.
  6. bokonon


    I disagree, the thought pattern is too linear.
  7. bokonon

    Game On!

    I don't know what the game is but I'm bored. Can I play?
  8. I am loving the fact that we are actually experienceing winter this year! I second the notion to BRING ON THE SNOW!!
  9. Yeah, somewhere under all this dye is blonde hair and my roots tend to show sometimes.
  10. People will fetch you free beers! Nothin' like an injury to make people want to get you drunk! Seriously, I missed my cast and cane when they were gone!
  11. don't be such a pussy! i had a broken wrist, elbow and foot and I still gav'er! Pfffffft! Broken foot! Amateur!
  12. That's fucking hilarious! (that's what the kids said in my day to express a high level of amusement)
  13. What?!? There's a new Bob and Doug? Koo roo koo koo koo roo koo koo!
  14. Wait until I get a hold of you, I'll make you blush like a schoolgirl!
  15. When does that guy get deported?
  16. bokonon


    hahahahah! Well, they have a dark sense of humour and reasonably good spelling and grammar as well as knowledge of music and travelling. My vote's Lazlo.
  17. Every Moore's store has onsite tailoring by very well-trained people. The prices are quite reasonable too and they're open late because they're retail. I worked at a Moore's and my tailors were amazing!!
  18. The description is so vague I would be surprised if there was a problem. My brother's a criminal lawyer and he ambiguously discusses his cases with me all the time. P.S. You're not the only one with stupid clients! I've asked my brother in all seriousness if some of his clients were developmentally delayed. His answer is usually that they've done too much of whatever drug they're being charged with posessing.
  19. Well, I guess when I'm on top I'm not in total control, considering I'm not that big or strong and I have a penchant for big, strong guys that could easily toss me around, but that's hot!
  20. He won't do anything. I met some people from my job with the bikers, you want me to have him whacked?
  21. No handcuffs for me please! That shit freaks me out, i do not like being in a position where I am totally in someone else's control. nonnononononononononononononononononononononononno! I much prefer to be on top and in total control!
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