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Everything posted by bokonon

  1. Alright kids, let's do this! Saturday good?
  2. hahahahah! Looks like we'll need two fences! ahahahah!
  3. This is excellent news! Blind Melon is so much better than "that one song" that everybody knows. and thanks for the lewdness, it's always appreciated and enjoyed!
  4. That should be "Shut up and bend me over", I'm a chick.
  5. Only if you're secretly a sex fiend.
  6. Send the quiet ones to me, I'll be their sex toy!
  7. I think you're all posting your phone numbers so you can get dirty texts from me. It'll probably work.
  8. Well I guess you better start driving! Come on, peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from god.
  9. Hey, why don't me, you Gr8ful and band_whore all get in on this? The more the merrier!
  10. Well you should get up early, we'll take our time and you'll go to work grinning like an idiot, a very satisified idiot.
  11. I'm done work at 2:30 am tonight, going to be up?
  12. Well, when is the competition? I'm ready for the challenge!
  13. I could make you smile even more in person!
  14. In for that, too! How about sexy air hockey?
  15. Yours a fuckin' great! And you got boobs too, so that makes them better right away. But Mark has piercings so..... and he's not fuckin' married! I just can't play in someone else's sandbox.
  16. I'd volunteer for the St. Leornard's society. I've seen the work they do actually have an effect on my community so I know they're not just a charity to get tax breaks and employ their friends and family. They take care of all sorts of issues that surround poverty, like homelessness, food banks, clothing drives, employment couselling etc.
  17. I like fishing and Goldschlager. And I know a fun way we could keep warm, wanna play?
  18. I think I just found the man of my dreams!
  19. How do you know? I don't think I've actually ever seen you.
  20. I'm nothing if not entertaining!
  21. What kind of law do you practise?
  22. Besides, he only sells "OK Used Cars", I sell great used cars.
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