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Everything posted by bokonon

  1. Okay, now I'm in!! I'm single again, shagadelic!
  2. Nah, I hear you're more of a taker than a giver...I'm not equipped to give, I didn't buy that at the last Fantasia party I went to.
  4. Right on! Welcome back to the south! Waterford's great. The view out my front window is beautiful. There's a field of winter wheat, a forest and a little farm house. It's quiet and I get to see sheep every day on my way to work. I like sheep! Although, with my attention span if I last six months out here I'll be shocked. I wonder what the future holds....
  5. Oh Newrider's dirty alright! Hey wait a second! I just noticed LXQ42, you're in Hammerton?!? Is this true?
  6. Except I live in Waterford now so PHO= Mr. Noodles with broccoli.
  7. What would the doctor do for my pneumonia? (if I had it) I hate going to the doctor and I really don't think they do much good except in emergency situations. I think North Americans are over-medicated. And I'd rather take MDMA!
  8. When I sold cell phones a year or so ago Rogers had just bought Fido and the only downside with Fido is if you were in rural areas often. Smaller cities were part of Fido's "extended network" and a lot of pay-per-use fees were involved. I saw one lady's bill with $300 worth of fees on it from one month. I don't know if it's still the same but be careful!
  9. Who's got my heady MDMA?!?!?! I'm dosing for health, it's okay!
  10. I've had a fucking cold for a month now. For three weeks it was just a harsh cough and no other symptoms, no runny nose, no sneezing, fuck all. Then last week I had narcolepsy, my voice sounded like Linda Blair's in the Exorcist and I wasn't hungry at all. (For my appetite to be gone is really freaky, I eat more than any woman I know and more than most guys, too) I feel better now, I'm back to work but still have an annoying little phlegmy cough. If anyone gives me a suggestion that actually works to get rid of said cold I'll give you a prize!!!
  11. My friend Joel Martin is a graphic designer. Here's his website: http://plusminuscreative.ca
  12. As funny as this is....we have a dog registry.
  13. I was the Jager fairy last year. I almost got kicked out of the bar for giving out Jager shots. Luckily the security chick was a girl I knew in University and hadn't seen in a long time. I gave her some Jager and it was all good.
  14. Well that was fun! Thanks JSB for another great show. Cheers! -Lex
  15. The Wiccan outlook on nature and values is very appealing to me. I think it's the only thing that even comes close to paralell with my own views. Good read, thanks Sarahbelle!
  16. I think I'm in! Anybody in the Brown want a ride? I'm done work at eightish, so the bus leaves after that and we gotta stop in Waterford so I don't have to go to the show looking like a car salesperson, then on to Hamilton. Hey, I live by the rez too, so we could stop and buy a million smokes for thirty dollars if you want, too! Oh yeah, and have I mentioned how fun my demo car is? I promise it'll give you a back massage the whole way there!
  17. Who would bet that BradM doesn't poop much? Darlin', you're funny and full of knowledge, but sometimes you're really anal retentive.
  18. Paan, I love your signature! Where is that from? random, random, random
  19. I LIKE RYE!! Oh, who am I kidding, I'd drink gasoline if it gave me the right buzz. Pants are always optional in my world.
  20. Nope. Haven't been to Ottawa in years.
  21. Just get your ass to Brantford, biatch! I miss you!
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