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Everything posted by peipunk

  1. ...is getting some rave reviews, none more glowing than Harry's huge essay over at Ain't It Cool News. I must confess, from all I have seen and read.... I've got wood.
  2. Imma put you in a headlock and give you a nougie this weekend Dinghy...
  3. We want Celine to be duly impressed with the extra revenues...
  4. peipunk


    I have very fond memories of eating Double Whopper combos at 3:30 AM after playing in a bar and making $5 on a Monday night when I was 19.....ahhhh, good times. You can always count on BK for a heavy dollop of mayo.
  5. No defense'd Price'd Roller coaster season'd Fuck'd
  6. Big props to you Ken! I always loved going to Pepper Jacks when I had the chance....whether it was playing with nero or going to see The Slip. Wish I could have been around for more! cheers chris
  8. I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW What a cruel twist of fate, a slap in the face to lose those 2 guys right now. Grats Sens, you're still a bunch of losers. (I hope this impresses on you how angry I am, I never throw out dirt like that.)
  9. ChrisLambert-ism: You have 2 cows. ChrisLambert is the best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be.
  10. Davey-boy-ism: You have 2 co......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  11. AngréBoochism: You have 2 cows. Go fuck yourself.
  12. Heyyyy I put the Knock on Wood pic up as superstition salvation. I don't need a reality check, if the Habs can't win this game tonight we shouldn't be going to the playoffs anyway.
  13. ::cough:: Paging AngréBooche....
  14. There is a great opportunity for us to leapfrog the Rangers into 7th tonight....Montreal plays the lowly Islanders while the Rangers are visiting the red hot Hurricanes who have won 6 in a row.
  15. That is the exact amp I have! However I run it at 4 ohms with a couple of the old school 410T cabs (they don't make them anymore, not quite as nice as the XLT but a little easier to handle, hehe). Like you, I usually never have to turn it past half, when I get a little boozed up the gain might creep to 1 o'clock.... I love my amp as well and I don't think I will ever sell it....even if I buy an SVT.
  16. I would like to retract this post, seeing how the Sens let me down last night.
  17. stay in school kids
  18. I meant to reply earlier, looks like you have a very happy little fella there Kev.
  19. OK I would rather cram broken glass into my ears than listen to Nickleback, but seriously....who are we to dictate what other people "enjoy"? If other people take entertainment and enjoyment from listening to them, how can we say that's wrong? And as far as the "type" of people who like them and buy their records, well its those people that created the huge band, not the huge band that created those kinds of people. Those of us who are "more knowledgable" about music don't make the bands we like as big as Nickleback....probably because there are less of us AND because we like so much music that we divide our entertainment money between so many different outlets. There are probably people who only buy Nickleback albums and only go to Nickleback shows... Enough devils advocate for me! Fuck Nickleback!
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