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Everything posted by peipunk

  1. You must have missed the memo...its no longer fashionable to diss people who diss PCs. The current trend is to hate on people who hate on people who hate on PCs. And when the fuck did a "countdown" ever count up from 1 to 3? Happy Friday Ollie!
  2. the correct east coast term is "ride da arse off 'er"
  3. My photoshop/paint skills are HORRIBLE (this is actually my first attempt at something like this) but at least I took my employers time to try:
  4. peipunk

    Star Trek.

    I once saw Fantasia at the IMAX....ON POT. It was like.....whoa.
  5. Hahahahahaha I knew I would get a good reaction from my last comment.....
  6. BTW Booche calling The Musical Box just a "fucking cover band" makes you unqualified to comment.
  7. He can't very well PVR the experience of being at the show now can he? I would go to the show Ollie.
  8. As a self-admitted Fairweather Fan, I am absolutely fascinated with my fascination with baseball at the moment. Watching the Blue Jays over any NHL second round Game 6? Even though I flipped between innings, that has NEVER happened to me before.
  9. peipunk

    Star Trek.

    No he does not. An article I read said that the timeline is altered because of the events in this movie...so this allows them to have unlimited references and resources from the old movies and stories, but everything is slightly altered so they can do whatever they want with them. In short, we'll be seeing Khan in a new scenario in one of the next two movies. Confirmed.
  10. Well I was sort of just doing my Booche impression, I actually sympathize with pitcher arm injuries...that is incredible burst stress to throw a baseball 90 mph! But yeah, sore oblique? Not so much.
  11. Matsui left with a "tight hamstring". Jeter had a "sore oblique" I think. Both of those means that baseball players are fucking pussies. Confirmed.
  12. I wasn't saying anything about them winning until it was over, or else I would get the wrath of the Sloth for the jinx. As I was posting about the attendance, the Yankees scored one. That scared me off.
  13. Sportsnet just said attendance is 43,737. What an awesome game to be at.
  14. QFT The worst thing about the Maritimes is being in the Atlantic Time Zone as a sports fan.....I mean, Monday Night Football STARTS at 10 fer crissakes.
  15. WTF Mark Tonin said something negative? My world is upside down.
  16. peipunk

    Star Trek.

    Ballsy? Those Star Wars movies were horrendous.
  17. Dammit Roller quit setting yourself up for abuse, Favre needs money like.....a fish needs a bicycle?
  18. I did not I put this picture up to try to block the "parents having sex" image you created with the original post.
  19. Its a reversion back to the old days around here. If you brought lobster sandwiches to school, you got the shit beat out of you because you were poor.
  20. peipunk

    Star Trek.

    I ALMOST ALMOST ALMOST drove 3.5 hours to see it at the closest IMAX to me which is in Halifax. If that makes me "not worthy" to you, you can take a longhardsuckofmyarse.
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