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Everything posted by peipunk

  1. Truthfully, no, I would not pay $280, but I would have no problem paying $100 for what I know will be world class, pinnacle of technology, production. I understand your anger, phishtaper, don't get me wrong!
  2. That's the point phishtaper is trying to make (I think). My point is that I don't think this case is abnormal or that ticket sales have been manipulated more than usual.
  3. I respectfully don't agree with you there. Regardless of current album sales(which are still very large), even the people, like myself, whose favourite album is The Unforgettable Fire, which was released 25 years ago, would love to see this show.
  4. RC: Came to this thread to read a Davey Boy wise crack.... ::raises hand::
  5. LOL(I love that you used the word "lust")! Me too, the thing is its a friend of mine (who has been THE bass player on PEI as long as I can remember) who is selling the SVT, he will charge me a fair price and I want to "keep it in the family" so to speak. I figure I have a classic bass I will have for life, I might as well have a classic amp. And I have played through it before, there really is nothing....NOTHING.....comparable, I don't give a shit what any of the audiophile boutique nerds say.
  6. Wrong buddy. He has won 3 Junos in the past(he never received any of them in person) and was nominated for Rock Album of the Year this year.
  7. Those sound great Giggles, I hope to get a chance to see some of those sometime...it warms my heart to know you are doing something that you love so much! Cheers to you...
  8. I do indeed have a Quantum 5 Sweetspot (single EMG) that has been collecting dust in my closet for the past 4 years. I like it, but I have fallen in love with my Jazz all over again. I have never played a bass that is so easy to play, even old 70s models. Plus the Jazz sounds much more natural for playing old classic rock songs like I do in the cover band I am in now. The Modulus was entirely too modern sounding, and that sound was augmented by my Eden rig. Now if I get the 70s SVT that I am currently looking at buying, I may have to play both basses again, at least give the Modulus a chance through a big old tube amp.
  9. I was going to mention this last week, although I always hated Matthew Good's voice and most of his music, I gained a certain amount of respect for him when he said this about the Junos:
  10. Stu-dad!!! Your boys can swim!!! Grats buddy.
  11. Yeah thats news to me! When I went there they were over on Ossington so I guess things have changed since I was there.
  12. Hey Mark! Just wanted to mention, the last time I visited Club Bass I had to make an appointment. It is a very high-end boutique-ish type store, and unless he has changed, he doesn't have "Open" hours.
  13. I have been using the "best of both worlds" for about 12 years now. I have a 1969 Fender Jazz with an outboard Sadowsky Preamp(that I bought from Club Bass in about 1997-98). Mine is the old version (without the DI) but here is the new one, this would be perfect for sprucing up or adding a more "hi-fi" modern sound to any passive bass that doesn't have onboard electronics: Its all personal taste of course, I have always said that 50% of a players "sound" comes straight from their hands...
  14. I got 2 GAs for the Gorge!! I'm going to see Phish for the first time since Big Cypress! Woohoo!
  15. Might have to call the emergency Basher information line!
  16. Whats that? Extra log in? I am just going to Ticketmaster? Does this mean you are coming Asparagus?
  17. I'm trying for the Gorge too! Godspeed.
  18. Lets take a moment to reflect on Basher's humble Phish Sanctuary roots; his first user name was the very unimaginative "Bsherman" which was quickly misconstrued into Basherman and.....well, you know the rest of the story.... (hopefully see you in a couple weeks Basher)
  19. Whew! I was shitting my pants for a bit there at the end of the 3rd. Seriously, how close did they come to making it 3-1 before Tampa tied it?
  20. peipunk

    Trey's playing

    I personally also really enjoyed Trey's "whale song" style playing in the solo/jam outro of Taste.
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