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Everything posted by peipunk

  1. I wasn't trying to make myself or Quebec feel better....I was just trying to make you insulting bastards feel worse. My comments are not directed to the very civil Freak By Night.
  2. Or perhaps a closer who can close? Considering how well the starters are playing.
  3. Thank God the pain is over. All you dumbass Sens fans: no matter what you say or post, playing 2 home games in the playoffs, win or lose, makes a barrel of money for the organization and is infinitely better than missing the playoffs.
  4. Yes! I got back to work today to find an authentic Koivu jersey on my desk(from some supplier at ou store who is kissing ass)! Things are turning around right now!
  5. Sorry for the slow response, I just got home from a 15 hour drive... The avatar is a picture I found on the intraweb. You now know as much about it as me. Go Jays! Er....I mean the Habs are now going to get all their injured players back for the next game and win 4 straight....go Habs!
  6. I agree with Badams. I think you would have to go back to the 70's Flyers to be able to see games won by pure goon strength. I will be the first one to say the my team is just as dirty as any other; it seems to come naturally with the tough physical game that hockey is. I have no problem with Boston winning this series...I have a certain amount of disdain for a few things associated with this season (Huet out for Price last year, Kovalev's mid season vacation, mob implications with the young Russians, etc, etc)but I would love to see Montreal at least winning a couple to make it interesting.
  7. Yes! I am loving this too, I hate thinking "this can't last much longer" all the time....go Jays!
  8. So I am at the Home Hardware Market (trade show) today arguing with a salesman when he says to me "I am sorry, I am a bit flustered today, my team lost last night." So I quickly figured out he is a fellow Habs man, and he lives in Montreal to boot. We quickly got into a big lively discussion on the current state of affairs. He told me the latest rumor going around Montreal is that while on one of his booze/coke fueled romps, Price got a 15 year old girl pregnant. Take it for what it is, just salesman stories from the road, hehe. To be honest, I am tired of bashing on Price, I do hope Halak starts game 3 though. To be a bit fair to Gainey, our team would have been a lot different without the injuries, Lang(he led the team in goals when he went down didn't he?), Markov and whatever happened to Price that turned his world upside down.
  9. I would have been inclined to call Goaltender interference on the winning goal...but no one argued at all. Defenceman pushed him in? I feel bad for Kipper regardless.
  10. I will admit I am a fair weather fan who is loving this years start...even though I know it can't last all season.... go Jays! I had tickets for tomorrows game(correction-Stoned Phillips had tickets for me) but Poppa Schwa said I wasn't allowed to go....
  11. Jeeeeeeeeeesus that was funny.
  12. Also Jaimoe: Christopher Plummer =/= Christopher Plumber
  13. QUOTED FOR TRUTH I absolutely love this from Harry's review:
  14. LOL Jaimoe.... That was indeed a great story from 'ersh.
  15. Maybe he should have sent one of the guitar players to do the interview. Just had a chance to listen to this and edited my dumbass joke...
  16. Media douchebag? I don't listen to him every day, but whenever I can, I generally think he is a well-spoken likeable personality. Unless you are just speaking about this specific case. In which case I should just shut up. Oh and does anybody know if the National Playlist was his idea or was he just the host? I think that show was BY FAR the coolest(not greatest, the coolest) thing CBC ever did, and I am still pissed its gone.
  17. Go Sens! Whoops wrong thread.
  18. peipunk


    Double whopper indeed.
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