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Everything posted by AD

  1. i got a ton of stuff at the zunior boxing day sale, but i think it was just on boxing day since the sale is over now.
  2. there are a few conditions though only 10 picketers at a time, etc
  3. AD

    Pull My Finger!

    when i searched the app store from the ipod touch there were numerous apps named 'pull my finger.' your marketing team needs to get into gear!! rule the world, one fart at a time!
  4. No, they didn't. The union backed down in court before the judge could rule. So I guess you could say that the city was going to win and the union didn't give them the satisfaction - it's almost the same thing but not quite. Same result though, you're right about that. I hope the same thing happens tomorrow in court, or that the judge rules in favour of the city.
  5. AD

    Pull My Finger!

    i told 5 people with iphones about it tonight bouche. my cut is 50% right?
  6. yeah, it's definitely alfie (you gotta realllllly squint your eyes i think), but on a quick look it looked like mlakar to me.
  7. i thought the cartoon was about roy mlakar
  8. Sure, if you think so. The Sens are pretty good at developing talent though. Back to the Leafs talk...
  9. you're qualified for management!!!
  10. Will, I can sense you're in a bad mood, and this isn't my argument per say as I really haven't thought enough about this, but there are hundreds of years of British Parliamentary 'common law' and tradition that would serve as a good argument for keeping things the way they are wrt the Senate. I dunno
  11. dj, you're worried about throwing the power structure into disarray - wouldn't abolishing one of the two houses of parliament do exactly that?
  12. i don't like harper, but here are a few points that make sense to me re: his electing the senate stance - bills to enact an elected senate have either been defeated or have died on the order paper, so you could say that Harper is fulfilling the will of the people by going along with what the majority of MPs want (un-elected) according to the actions of the House. Are you saying he shouldn't do this? Also, adults are allowed to change their minds. Politicians seem to get nailed on this all the time (even by me) but they can do this. Annnnnnd, see my previous posts about how the Senate wasn't functioning with all the empty seats. It may or may not be correct, but if you have a 6 cylinder car and only 4 cylinders are working, that's not how it was designed.
  13. But there's a legitimate issue with Stevie making patronage appointments while he doesn't have the confidence of the House. The make up of the Senate is 38 Cons 58 Libs 3 PC 1 INDP 5 Independent
  14. AD

    Pull My Finger!

    i convinced a coworker with an ipod touch to buy it. it's hilarious! the ceo of my company couldn't put the thing down. how much of the 99 cents do you get?
  15. Trey's learned that carnies have the best product
  16. February 17 all US TV is going digital, but i didn't hear anything about HD being mandated. If so, it must be in addition to 'standard definition.'
  17. Can the "brothers and sisters" "in solidarity" say to the bosses that that's a fucking dumb idea?
  18. Here's a review. I bold-ed a sentence that would look pretty sweet in the press kit.
  19. Probably because Brad sometimes understands what's relevant and what's not, unlike most in this forum. coughangréboochecough
  20. tomorrow will be 3 seconds longer than today!!
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