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Everything posted by AD

  1. Is Watson fed the question via text, does it have to listen to the answer and interpret, or does it have a camera set up next to the human and has to find the answer on the board and convert the image to text? Or a combination of them all? Does it say the question or write it? Pronunciation could be a stumbling block. Anyone know answers to my questions?
  2. check redflagdeals for seat sales, then usually the best bet is through the airline's website. sadly.
  3. AD

    Police question

    What does the budget of the G20/G8 (forced upon Toronto by Ottawa) have to do with the conduct of police en masse? Pick one discussion topic... And, if you don't care about the parking issue, why do you seem to care so much about the parking issue?
  4. AD

    Police question

    without getting into your other rants, i found this one to be particularly funny. you think it's arrogant of the police to park their cars close to work and not in the unsafe garage? come on man. where would you like the police, who work in a building and need to have quick access to their cars to respond when YOU need them as quick as possible, to park maybe blocks away in a commercial lot? Are you pissed when fire trucks are in the fire lane? common sense, please. renovations suck for everyone. just to temper that, the Star editorial about SIU stats is interesting. Time for a fresh look at that, and less interest from union lawyers at the expense of due process in cases where police need to be represented. Have you looked at the number of complaints in a force compared to the number of police in a force compared to the number of calls responded to? That might be good info for everyone.
  5. AD

    Police question

    Yalls paintbrush is painting too wide again. I'm betting professional, dignified, polite and upstanding officers far outnumber the meatheads and assholes that get 99% of the column inches written about all police.
  6. so, who were the special guests?
  7. I mean I wouldn't go see them on a weeknight like other bands I like more. And no I'm not going tonight.
  8. Any reason you say that? They play together often but do you know if Keelor is in Ottawa or did he play with them last night etc.? And as far as nasal vocals go, Cuff the Duke are right up there. Dale Murray is super under-rated. Cuff the Duke was dying a slow death before he came onboard. They're still not great but decent enough for a Saturday night.
  9. AD

    Bluesfest 2011

    (no doubt Bono will swing by Ottawa though if there's a photo-op with Harper to be had)
  10. AD

    Bluesfest 2011

    Ok but the one thing that doesn't fit is their staging. Or egos. I'd be curious to see if their $$ demands fit with Bluesfest's budget.
  11. AD

    Bluesfest 2011

    I mean, how is it pretty much a lock?
  12. AD

    Bluesfest 2011

    Purple font for U2 right?
  13. I loooooooove King Cobb Steelie, wish I could make it to this show but can't. Wonder if they'll make more than a one-off out of this news...... Doubt it.
  14. AD

    Bluesfest 2011

    My favourite Ottawa arts reporter has written that Elvis Costello is playing Bluesfest this year. But he still has to confirm. So.... is he or isn't he? Or did you make it up? [color:purple]Can I refer Armstrong to the Pulitzer committee?
  15. i think you can get hats back at customer service after the game. but why risk losing it, and being further delayed getting out of that hellish parking lot.
  16. AD

    Chili recipes

    or murdering you IN
  17. for those who want to hear a great interview with The Black Keys, they were guests on Fresh Air yesterday or the day before.
  18. your paintbrush is very wide there. I'm looking forward to the new Metronome album, powered by the atomic clock, brought to you by cesium. Out soon on No Soul records.
  19. Exactly. Ringo would suck in other bands - he was perfect for the Beatles. A good analogy I think.
  20. Didn't really like his solo stuff after the Rabbits, but heard the single from this album and really liked it. Hope the rest of album is as good or better.
  21. Row CC = 3rd row centre = !!!!! awesome !!!
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