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Everything posted by AD

  1. William, I think this is the first time we've disagreed on politics! Oh well. At least we both know the Sens rule. I can't wait til I can become a citizen of Google.
  2. Pretty sure the vast majority of people in Ottawa have been to a show promoted and booked by Shawn Scallen. He's probably the prototype DIY promoter. Every scene in every city needs a guy like this.
  3. i listen to her stuff, though only a song at a time. a whole sitting of her music is too hard. favourite peaches memory though is radiohead in june in montreal, the second last pre-show music track came on and it was fuck the pain away; there was spontaneous dancing and louuuuud beats. i have that song on many many mix cds, and it always gets people up at parties.
  4. i'd say he's the single most underrated lyricist and arranger... his technical skills are passable. his magic to me is in how he weaves a story. only the second real show i've seen him do, and the first was 10 years ago. not much has changed, some new songs. there were a few guests that played, no-one anyone would know, just local guys that showed up with a banjo and guitar. played 3 sets. mostly bluesy arrangements of songs last night. was a packed bar but it seemed like only me, howe gelb, draves, bryson and gara knew who Tuck was. decent show, to be honest i sat and got more drunk than anything. it was thanksgiving. kingston is next for him altuck.ca oh and he played to a packed house of 3 people at cafe nostalgica on friday night in ottawa as well.
  5. i don't think i received mine. but that's ok, not really in the xmas mood yet
  6. i was at the manx for Al Tuck i had a lovely danish for breakfast though
  7. fuck i just drank with all them dudes at the manx all night, they played some straightup guitar and harmonica tunes, Al Tuck was playing, Jim Bryson, Giant Sand and Gara from Arcade FIre wehre there. rye rye rye is my friend. the are hilarousn dudes. highly entertaining when drunking like that.
  8. Sure she's not a sens fan? (and I raise you a tom cochrane)
  9. Wicked! Glad you enjoyed. They had a great night at Pop Montreal last night from all accounts. I wasn't there though
  10. AD

    The Office

    they are already on episode 3 of season two i believe.
  11. AD

    The Office

    Download the UK show 'Extras' Ricky Gervais' show after the Office. Brilliant as well
  12. i'm relieved.... i wasn't going to be able to go to this (just got in from a 3500km plane ride), so i pleased that it was postponed. Al Tuck at the Manx Sunday night. I'm getting drunk!
  13. a sad, defeatist, outlook on things. how are you going to peacekeep when there's no peace? how do you know the current state of things is 'evil'? did you hear karzai when he was in canada not 2 weeks ago? sure he doesn't have much power, but he has a voice and a vision that many many afghans share. why should we be anywhere in a defensive position? what good does that do? just stand around until someone blows themself up beside you? we should definitely be out on recon missions and rounding up taliban. our position should be proactive and protective. how do you know democracy can't work there? pretty rich. it hasn't worked yet, but the people want it. it's happening, but slowly. 5 years ago there wasn't a constitution. time to pack up? f that.
  14. his first album was definitly an 8, i still listen to that.
  15. Well since I've got some down time with nothing to do up here, thought I'd post this article from today in the Citizen. It's a part commentary on two venues in Ottawa, and part review of the Sunday Yo La Tengo show. I think her conclusion at the end about the venues is very good. Even though I still don't like seeing shows at Babylon. I'm interested to hear what others think, although this is an old debate on here for sure.
  16. no but i wish they'd learn how to play a guitar or write a fucking song for once.
  17. AD

    Shady Mechanics

    that SUCKS balls. i've had some run ins with shady mechanics but nothing like that. a couple things you might be able to do 1. if you paid on credit card, you can dispute the charges, or some cards have purchase insurance on them or something fancy like that. 2. call the cops. if they took the car out for stuff that they weren't supposed to, it's theft. if they charged you for services not completed, it's fraud or theft or something bad like that. in that case might not hurt to have it independently checked out at another (reputable) garage. 3. launch a sting operation. spy on him. see what he does with other cars 4. propaganda. get a radio show on CKCU and talk shit about him. (1 and 2 were serious though...) sorry about that nonsense. kick him in the nads when you finally prevail. AD
  18. One of the only things I remember from Bonnaroo 2003 or 2004 is the first 5 minutes of The Slip's set. Marc was a fucking madman and owned the stage. I was standing right underneath him and there was nothing I could do to understand how he was playing what he was playing. AD
  19. I don't think it's that even. To do the work you've gotta be safe. The insane practice of suicide bombings has made the Canadians more defensive, and like the saying goes, the best defence is a good offence. Take 'em out before they take you out. Scary shit over there right now, glad I'm safe in the... arctic. This could deserve a whole new thread, but I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Suicide Bombers - They Blow My Mind. How nuts is that? AD
  20. Because (as I forgot to mention in my first post) it's not just a war. It's rebuilding and reconstruction. That needs to be done in Afghanistan. The poppies are growing in Afghanistan, not Saudi Arabia. The Taliban are still hurting people in Afghanistan. The border with Pakistan is ridiculous. Bin Laden (while mostly an Idea now) is supposedly in Afghanistan or Pakistan. Cutting and running isn't good for this area. I don't expect the Canadian military to be half-assed about this mission, regardless of what an irrelevant poll says. Dinner time. Caribou.
  21. awesome for those of us on work computers.
  22. 59% of Canadians didn't understand the mission in the first place, so how can they understand how it's changed to what's happening now? The military and Liberal governments screwed up by not educating the public enough about the mission. And Afghanistan is so far away from Canada physically and culturally that the mission and the state of affairs there isn't really something 59% of Canadians can understand at all. But, such is the will of the people. That's too bad. Wonder what would have happened if the good guys gave up and retreated in WWII?
  23. only the blood of christ. mmmmmm blood of christ.
  24. Oh, I read that he threw a CD. (I'm on a more sarcastic bus now. This whole thread is a shitshow.) AD
  25. You would go well with some sour cream for your sour grapes, my friend. Yes I've met Mike Hickey, yes I've laughed at the Daiquiri schtick, yes it's funny for a night. But your opinion is more right than mine, sure go ahead. Do I really have to preface everything I say with 'In my opinion?' Take a shot at my intelligence, go for it. Call me stupid fine. Not gonna me me like two bands that I don't like. (And that I think are terrible) edit. Who else has stuck up for these bands? At least I have an opinion on them. You're kinda lucky I'm in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do; if not maybe your venom would have choked you. AD
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