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Everything posted by AD

  1. Here's a more relevant story about yesterday (IMHO) Also from the Sun I don't know how many Conservatives were absent, but (shudder) I completely agree with Obhrai that it's a disgrace so many people were absent. I'm sure it happens all the time, but it was an important message delivered in the House yesterday. AD
  2. Article written by Melle Mel on the current state of hip hop. Thought it was pretty interesting.
  3. sweet!! i can meet up anytime after 4 on weekdays!
  4. ooooooh that place is fuuun. Three kids come down to the kitchen and sit around the breakfast table. The mother asks the oldest boy what he’d like to eat. "I’ll have some fuckin’ French toast," he says. The mother is outraged at his language, hits him, and sends him upstairs. She asks the middle child what he wants. "Well, I guess that leaves more fuckin’ French toast for me," he says. She is livid, smacks him, and sends him away. Finally she asks the youngest son what he wants for breakfast. "I don’t know," he says meekly, "but I definitely don’t want the fuckin’ French toast."
  5. zut alors! they are playing with julie at ladyfest in ottawa next week i believe. it's not a S&J show, it's a Julie show with them as her band (officially) ad
  6. No suprise dave-o, I already mentioned Julie =) Love Shotgun and Jaybird though... Decent CBC session of them at the Radio 3 site. AD
  7. Tickets are only on sale for the first half of the season right now, up to December 29. I think the second half of the season goes on sale in November? AD
  8. Chretien, all the way. I like my PMs to have a little personality, feistyness, and tough-guy attitude. I'd still vote for Jean today. AD
  9. Serena Ryder Portishead Bjork Arcade Fire Stereolab New Pornographers Thievery Corporation if you're just talking about females 'in the band' C'mon Elevator The Dears Ryan Adams if you like hiphop there's: jean grae lady sovereign
  10. Sleater Kinney MIA Le Tigre Pony Up Julie Doiron Lucinda Williams Gillian Welch Great Aunt Ida NEKO CASE
  11. oh yeah, exclaim. i like reading their paper every month. don't think i've missed one issue in many years. the price is right as well.
  12. AD

    upgrade news

    search function doesn't work... database error
  13. Hmm I don't know if they release that information anywhere but then again I never really looked for it. The Whips office sends out a notice letting us know that someone is coming a few weeks before so that we can try to make sure that the Members are present. The Speaker of the House might have a reception for the guest in his quarters but that would not be open to the public. Thanks... From DFAIT's page and the PMO page there is a little bit of info... Karzai is off to Montreal at some point... Trying to get a friend at DFAIT to get some info, but I don't think it will work. If they wanted the schedule public they would have released it. Good speech he's giving so far. AD
  14. Link I gave has about 8 different webcasts / audio feeds. pretty cool
  15. On a related bump-note.. I saw a Canadian politician (not sure which one) in a motorcade last night turning left onto Sussex from Wellington. WEhile not that rare to see, this politician or dignitary picked his nose while I was pulled up beside him. The rest of his face was obscured but the lines of the car and my view...
  16. Link to House of Commons webcasts... Still looking for audio-only though..
  17. Where can I find schedules for visiting foreign dignitaries? Karzai is here for three days but all I can find out about his visit is an address to Parliament this morning. Also.. Is there a live audio feed from parliament over the internet? I've tried to look in some obvious places but am coming up empty. Thanks
  18. As a reader I'd be more interested in reading about good bands. We Are Scientests may be a good interview, but their music does absolutely nothing for me.
  19. all the skiiers and riders i know call them bumps actually.
  20. oh fuck i just gagged reading that. your descriptive writing got a physical reaction from me. kudos!
  21. AD

    Domi retires...

    If you re-arrange the letters in Tie Domi you can spell Me Idiot
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