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Posts posted by scottieking

  1. My fleeting memories of Seoul (I was a Pusan kid)

    The big English book store by the big Emperor's palace (names escaping me)

    Hong-yuk university district

    Being the only people in Olympic Park on Chusok (my buddy and I recreated the imfamous Ben Johnson race and threw the football around)

    Here's a fun soju drink - equal parts soju, little mini yogurt drink, pear or sprite-like pop

    De-lish! or should I say ma-shi-sayo!

    Hope you are having fun, Kev.

  2. Lost is a start to finisher, not episodic. I became hooked early on by the fact that little things kept popping up. If you pay attention, the numbers really drive the whole series. There is a scene in the airport where the numbers appear in order lined up on the back of the jerseys of a girl's soccer team. Just neat details like that (plus a ton of mysteries and chance to create your own theories) make this my only must see right now.

    Jaimoe, I also love Deadwood. What great characterization. And the soliloquoies!

  3. Scottie's Survivor Pool

    After tonight's episode, choose 3 survivors you think will make it. The person will the most left at the end wins. In case of a tie, the person whose second last survivor went out first wins. If all three advance, choose your eventual winner. In case of that tie, I will concoct a devious tie breaker.

    PM your picks to me by Thursday next week. I'll post everyone's picks after so we can mock openly.

  4. Honestly, I've seen a real changing of the guard recently in the guidance area. The one that was there when I started was a real battle axe.

    However, we have two young councelors in there right now and they literally chase kids around, put them in co-op placements, force them to fill out as many scholarship forms as possible etc. As well, both still teach during the day. Tons more work for them, but they stay connected. I've honestly thought about getting my qualifications. From what I've heard, right about the fifteen year point you need to switch things up a bit in my profession or go cuckoo.

    That's too bad about your experience. Here's the question, who was it that convinced you that you were good enough to go?

  5. tmouse: yes shop and home ec (or trades and family studies as it is now known) still exists. Unfortunately, no one takes them and at this school anyway, they are taught by those who cannot teach

    Lazlo: You know, I tell them that all the time. The problem is the ones who are smart enough to make that work are too endoctrinated to escape. I certainly wouldn't recommend it for everyone.

    Northern Wish: Honestly, I don't think that stigma exists. As you know, as an Ontarian, it's just hard to realize that the rest of Canada exists.

  6. Ollie: Cellphones are banned for JUST that reason. By the way, the count is now up to two. All in a day's work......

    Velvet: Yes, but only 20 minutes after the bell has rang and up to 20 mins before it rings. You also only get 5 washroom breaks for the semester. You must sign out and in with the time you leave and re-enter. Longer than 5 minutes and you are electing for a detention.

  7. I was also there and man, I am still raving about this show. PJ and me go way back. I daresay at one point they were my favorite band. And last night, my respect for them doubled. There was power, there was emotion, there was....jamming? Yes, jamming. Even flow was a straight up rocker for about 10mins and Rearview Mirror had a sort of ambient dropoff and build. They even had keys! Other highlights included scottieking personal faves On he goes and Wishlist, as well as a rockin Cordoroy, Animal and big lights on we are out of time but we don't care version of Rockin in the Free World.

    Hamilton, T.O., Ottawa, catch them because they are in love with Canada right now!

  8. Wait a minute, Birdy. Are you calling Chomsky a disaster? Uninformed? He's as hard on the left as he is on the right.

    Where I think we all stand to lose is via this polarization of left and right. People fear being moderate and yet history has shown us that we NEED to swing back and forth from fiscally conservative policies and tradition to periods of change and a focus on social issues (please don't jump down my throat for generalizing, I'm in a hurry here) I struggle to find a system that will provide all of that all the time aka moderatism. Until then, maybe we need a left and a right to make sure all of the bases get covered.

  9. The biggest difference for me between Moore and Stewart is, as someone mentioned before, tact and for the most part, a sense of restraint which Moore has very little of at times. Last night episode was awesome start to finish (well maybe not the greatest guest but good) Stewart was blunt but not over the top and frankly summed up alot of people's frustration in about 15 minutes. He not want to be the news, but for my money Jon Stewart is the most trusted voice in Americian media.

  10. for playing the hottest, sweatiest fucking gig I've been to. Yes, the music was hot but the venue was sweltering. The bands both endured dangerous heat to bring the rock n roll to the kids and I would personally like to thank'em for both shows (Ottawa and L-town)

    Hope everyone had a good time on tour. See you soon.

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