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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. too bad it isn't the "pack up your frickin' bags" DL
  2. DUDE!! Great to see ya last weekend buddy. Cheers!
  3. Schwa.

    30 Rock Quotes

    so this is a TV show or something?
  4. i wonder how much they are charging Letterman to watch them play.
  5. hippies have big pockets. only person i know that can fill a hippy pocket is Chewy
  6. hahaha, no. i do remember Dinghy with a cast, missin' Scratch Bastid, and a pile of poo.....oh, and Ozmodiar the slug.
  7. see now, picking on me is alright. I AM fat, opinionated and have not earned one stitch of respect from anyone. Booche's hate for the Schwa. Confirmed.
  8. none of that makes any sense. get off the sauce.
  9. All you other points are now moot. Way to go Champ. that was in jest, obviously. stop reading things like your brother
  10. That's an explanation' date=' NOT an excuse.[/quote'] yeah, no offense Kev, you know i love ya but that is total bullshit. hows about your POCKET! Langerado gave me a new found HATE for balloons.
  11. For those of you that know KW i was traveling home on the 86 expressway last night after work and a woman directly in front of me was texting on her phone. traffic is VERY VERY heavy on the over traveled express and she was doing 70km in a 90 zone while texting while trying to navigate turns and several angry drivers that were Andretti'ing past her. i counted 3 legit instances where she should have been dead. an angry pickup truck driver pulled beside her after i had passed and just drove beside her and laid on his horn until she put the phone down. a little angry IMO but it worked. support this Law Wholeheartedly.
  12. Toronto and Montreal fans and even more so, the media for those cities are all assholes. Booing a 21 year old franchise player just shows that they have no idea how hockey and for that matter professional sports work. go ahead, try to defend those dicks, you can't. Price will be awesome and if Montreal media end up running him out of town and ruining his career i say fuck you Montreal, you don't deserve him. just ignorant. i'm talkin' STUPID. to bad they don't have a coach like Wilson or Tortorella to tell the media to go fuck a goat. If you didn't go to the game and didn't boo Price than i'm not talking to you so fack off. Booing BJ Ryan: totally acceptable.
  13. I'll accept that it doesn't mean AS MUCH as other sports but it still has relevance or they wouldn't bother having a draft.
  14. Or perhaps a closer who can close? Considering how well the starters are playing. ((enter Jason Frasor/Scott Downs/Jesse Carlton))
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