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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. AngréBooche says what he wants.
  2. You could always fill your time COLOURING!!!
  3. HA! Arch was who i was thinking about the whole time. he actually got really good at chess...fucking guy did 1-2 hours of work per day.
  4. It's actually supposed to be AngréBooche. He got angry at me for not spelling it correctly.
  5. Three words buddy: Drink Drank Drunk Congrats!
  6. Funny you should say that Todd. At Navistar there was the same guy. He was wasted and drove his truck right into the side of one of the fibreglass cabs of the trucks while it was on a transport dolly and stabbed his forks right thru it. because he had a "disease" he was given a week off WITH PAY and free counselling. He never ever took it seriously although the union was really trying to help and remained a drunk and did not lose his job...at least until the day i was laid off. can't speak for after that.
  7. "We'll march day and niiiight by the big cooling tower, they have the plant but we have the power."
  8. Slow down Booche - now y'ersh just getting carried away. AngryBooche does what he wants.
  9. In a lot of cases, unions aren't even striking to get more, they strike to keep what they have. I've worked in HARD CORE union situations...the most relevant being the CAW in Chatham working for International Harvester (Navistar) making BigRigs. I have witnessed first hand how unions are 100% fucked and I have no problem siding with the people that are against them....for instance: In a union the work is very structured...once you finish "your job" you are done for the day. We had people that had mastered their jobs and could finish them in about 2 hours leaving them 6 hours PER DAY to sit up in the massive washrooms we had there and play chess, smoke doobs, sleep etc... Now, imagine being one of these fellas' supervisors KNOWING that they were doing this and being powerless to stop it....OR being one of their "brothers" who have an 8 hour job that you can't work ahead on. Very unfair, internal divisions between workers was very common and caused a ton of infighting. I also was forced to be on a straight afternoon shift because the old fuckers had negotiated that there would be a solid day shift and afternoon shift with no rotation....this led to the day shift being about an average of 45 years old and the afternoon shift being about 30 years old. Production difference between shifts was staggering!! We young bucks were making many more trucks per shift. Reason being we had been in the union less time and were accustomed to a culture of hard work with the threat of being fired for not working hard. Anyway, i took some rare overtime one day and came in early. This old dude was having a tough day, he had missed a part or two when the truck went by on the line and he was just grumpy to begin with. I witnessed, and i'm sure i was the only one that saw it, the old fucker throw a 1" bolt into the line so that it would jam up so that he could go to the cafeteria and get a coffee and have a smoke. There was no investigation or discipline handed down even though the only place that bolt could have come from was his station and the supervisors knew it. Union power abused to the fullest IMO. Once on strike, the factory and union had a very violent confrontation where a striker was actually run over by the security company van hired by Navistar to provide safety to the Scabs (something i DO NOT condone) this is just where i stand, i've been jaded and will never ever side with a union again. I do support you Scotty and hope you get back to work soon, but i think this is the idea of unions that the general public has nowadays. I have SOOOO many more stories of how the CAW almost single handedly destroyed the city of Chatham my fingers might fall off from all the typing.
  10. I am a Mechanical Engineering Technologist that sits on the interwebs and plays Scrabble all day cuz i have nothing to do (automotive supplier) Pay is decent. No Ollie, we're not hiring.
  11. This whole thing has had me singing one of my favourite bluegrass songs all week! Union Maid There once was a union maid, she never was afraid Of goons and ginks and company finks and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid. She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called, And when the Legion boys come 'round She always stood her ground. Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union. Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die. This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies, She couldn't be fooled by a company stool, she'd always organize the guys. She always got her way when she struck for better pay. She'd show her card to the National Guard And this is what she'd say You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me; Get you a man who's a union man and join the ladies' auxiliary. Married life ain't hard when you got a union card, A union man has a happy life when he's got a union wife. ~Woody Guthrie
  12. already have....well the auto industry anyway.
  13. There once was a farmer named Davey Boy who was raising three daughters on his own. He was very concerned about their well being and always did his best to watch out for them. As they entered the late teens, the girls dated, and on this particular evening all three of his girls were going out on a date. This was the first time this had occurred. As was Davey Boy's custom, he would greet the young suitor at the door holding his shotgun, not to menace or threaten but merely to ensure that the young man knew who was boss. The doorbell rang and the first of the boys arrived. Davey Boy answered the door and the lad said, "Hi, my name's Joe. I'm here for Flo. We're going to the show, is she ready to go?" Davey Boy looked him over and sent the kids on their way. The next lad arrived and said, "My name's Eddie. I'm here for Betty. We're gonna get some spaghetti. Is she ready?" Davey Boy felt this one was okay too, so off the two kids went. The final young man arrived and Davey Boy opened the door. The boy started off, "Hi, my name's Chuck.....((BANG!))" Davey shot him.
  14. every win is 1 step further from John Taveres. Lose Leafs Lose!!
  15. Break a leg! Oh, and have a good interview!
  16. I have to agree with Booche man, i haven't read a thread on this board in a long time that has made me smile like this one. Having known how big a fan you are accentuated that big time. That's one for the ages Congrats buddy.
  17. The words "Puddle Me" come to mind.
  18. Davey Boy walks into a bar carrying a moving box, and he says to the bartender "If I show you the coolest thing you've ever seen, will you give me a free beer?" And the bartender says, "Well, sure, but I've seen some pretty cool things in my life, so as long as it tops that, you get a free beer." So Davey Boy puts his box on top of the bar and opens it, and inside there's a little man playing a piano. Now the bartender says, "Woah, that's so amazing, where did you get that guy? Here's your beer" And Davey Boy says "Well, I ran into this lamp here," and he pulls out the lamp, "and I rubbed it, and the genie gave me this" Now the bartender is so amazed and he says "Dude, can I try it?" And the guy lets him, and the bartender rubs the lamp and the genie pops out and gives him the three wishes schpiel and the bartender says "Okay, I wish for a million bucks" And right away, a million ducks appear in the bar, and through the ducks, the bartender says "You didnt tell me this genie was hard of hearing!" and Davey Boy takes a sip of his beer and says "Yeah, I didn't wish for a ten inch pianist either."
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