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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. i didn't reveal the cause of getting kicked out because its none of the general public's business what someone else got kicked out for. if that person decides to come forth with details than great.

    i know first hand the trials and triulations of 'the bouncer' i did it at the busiest 'dance' bar in chatham for a year. i was at the door too, not easy when you know every damn person in town and they all feel like you owe them a favour. many many rednecks and children behaving as such. not really asking for you to feel bad for me.

    yes, he did do something to get kicked out and fully support the action. doing dumb things has consequences, but do your job and be professional, thats all.

    you did overlook the fact that he once called me 'fu©kin stupid' Can you explain that one. the show hadn't even started yet and i hadn't even had one beer.

  2. that big mother is a fuckwadd. hate him like satan, he actually goes out of his way to be rude and, well, fuckwaddish.

    fu©k him.

    last night was fun though. except when fuckwadd threw out chickenbutter420 during She Sends Me.


    i should also add, before all of his supporters come here and tell me to get to know him, that i did try diplomacy, good manners, and the dead sober approach but he was hearing none of it. wouldn't let me go and give keys to the person who got kicked out so that they could stay warm in my truck. thats just mean, it was friggin cold last night.

    when i went to see Steve Kimock there a while back i forgot to get money on the way in so i of course wanted to go out and get some....to my request he responded 'well you're fu©kin stupid aren't you'

    sorry people but i don't see the cudly side. won't be frequenting that joint for quite some time now, too bad really, i kind of like it.

    moe rocked!

  3. ah yes, both English boys represent'n the baddest emmeff'n city in Kent County.

    thanks for the avatar bacon, sporting it now...but that hair....YIKES!

    no veggie dogs, too bland. i like hooves and assholes just fine.

    I need to talk to that bro of mine, or at least relieve him behind the bar, he did babber's wedding too and missed out on much of the shenanigans.

    one more thing.....didn't we smoke some hash at your place that you thought you had found? eeeeeeewwwww.

  4. ya there were a gaggle of U of G guys in the front row loving it all up. Hopefully some new faces to see at some of the shows although i'm not even sure they knew the name of the band.

    i myself had very little energy from the previous night but still gave'r all i had. danced my sweet ass off to all tunes and loved the VH. Punk, did you repeat a line or two? ;)

  5. Hey Constable you friggin lurker,

    i work with several Polish and German fellas, all of whom tell me that they, they're families and friends all hate Bush. Infact, the guy who runs my area said that he was talking about the election with his mother in Poland this morning at about 5am and everytime Bush's name got mentioned, she would take a second and spit on the floor. he was laughing but tell me it could get any worse than that. Kerry would have to make an improvment in world opinion of the US, its impossible not to.

    oh ya, did anyone hear about the oil pipeline that was sabotaged in Northern Iraq lately? i do believe it was a Haliburton pipeline. hmmmm.

  6. gas prices at 3.00/L

    another MAJOR terrorist attack on USA

    a military draft for the US

    continued disfavour of the US around the world

    another 4 years without a visit to Canada by the President

    stock market crash

    abortion outlawed

    many more monkey pictures on the internet

    Hux moves to Namibia

    huge tax cuts for the rich

    but hey, it only makes Canada look better eh.

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