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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. BIGTIME!!! I'd love to be home right now.
  2. New song I already like it better than most of what came from Joy.
  3. I think all of them were from you, Bri....that and all of the Monkees albums as well
  5. yep, or any of Esau's 1000 live show posts either.
  6. sweet vid! just noticed your signature too, LR. funny stuff
  7. There were probably more "Live Phish" discs in there but I skipped them to stay with the Album only theme.
  8. Lateral Skill Shift Good band name.
  9. It's actually a shame that a lot of the posts are pics only because the host sites have removed them and they aren't there anymore. I'd have to guess about 200-250 at least. There were also a lot of pics that i didn't recognize the band or album cover and so they got left behind too. Keep the text coming and if I update this at all it'll make it easier.
  10. haha, i get what I deserve. but by no means is this penance for not coming through on an 20 or so month debt. That's between you and I and a different forum all together.
  11. 2500 albums on there! Best thread in the Skank, IMO
  12. Watching a little Eastbound and Down lately?
  13. I should start a "Things I've learned" list. #1-Hamiton has a fuckin-awesome jazz collection. #2-Esau has more music than he could ever listen to #3-ollie only listens to metal #4-NewRider should, by rights, be a very depressed individual.
  14. What Are You Listening To Right Now (Archive) Been picking away at this for months, here and there. Albums only, nothing live. There may be some repeats but for the most part it's all one offs. Excellent listening, Skanks!! Honourable mention to Esau, Newrider, Hamilton and Kanada Kev for their massive contributions to this list. There are plenty of others but these guys have the obvious majority. ENJOY!!!
  15. I propose that at the very beginning of the year we start to compile a list of our favourite "Releases" and then at the end of said year, evaluate and review them 2 cents.
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