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Ms Zimmy

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Everything posted by Ms Zimmy

  1. If I send you a disc and postage paid envelop would you make me a copy, please? I don't have cable.
  2. Wow thanks for the great ideas everyone I am going with Booche..blammo
  3. Hey I am catering a breakfast here at work for 12. It will be in our boardroom at 8am. This is for law students and a few profs. We don't have a kitchen (other then microwave and toaster) so I was thinking cheese, fruit, smoothie bar, good coffee, bubbly wine and orange. I will make some bread, (not sure what kinds yet, any ideas?) and maybe some croissants (or I'll buy the croissants) and maybe make a warm potato dish. Does anyone have any good ideas that I can add or substitute? It is Monday morning so I will have all Sunday to prepare. Oh, I was thinking about making it vegetarian because that's what I am and most people are fine with that. What do you think? Thanks for the help!
  4. 329. Songs About Restaurants, Diners or Other Eateries. 1. Smokey Joe's Cafe - The Robins 2. Arlo Guthrie - Alice's Restaurant 3. Widespread Panic - Diner 4. Folksmen - Old Joe's Place 5. Billy Joel - Scenes From An Italian Restaurant 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  5. 328. Chilly Songs 1.The United Steel Workers Of Montreal - Out In The Cold 2. Bruce Cockburn - The Coldest Night Of The Year 3. The Rolling Stones - Winter 4. Bob Dylan - Winterlude 5.The Doors - Wintertime Love 6. Little Feat - Cold, Cold, Cold 7. Rheos - A Midwinter's Night Dream 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  6. I second that and add a Michael Bolton
  7. He was SO big and his long fur made him look even bigger. This was when I worked at an animal hospital and all the vet techs and receptionists and vets would bring home the animals that came in after being hit by a car or whatnot and the owners couldn't afford to fix them (we got free care) and we all had 3 legged dogs, blind or deaf, I have a one eyed cat. We would have family days and all our animals were disabled in some way, funny bunch. I saw some crazy stuff there...no one ever wanted to hear about my work stories.
  8. people do this lots. I adopted a 12 year old cat whose owner were going to euthanize him because they bought a puppy and the puppy didn't like the cat. It's insane, the 12 year old family cat!! He was so great, long hair, Orange, 6 toes on each food, and he was almost 40 pds. I loved him.
  9. Adam, do you teach env. science as well?
  10. trail monitor, that's interesting. I would put up a gate and make people pay a toll I've been looking into a search and rescue groupe based in Quebec. They train you and when people get lost or missing, they call.
  11. If you could or do volunteer, where? Why? With my organization, I get 8 hours a month off work to volunteer. I am starting to think about with who, where would you?
  12. Are there jams at the Toronto skank parties?
  13. I am going to Toronto for a Conference (the 15th) and will be there the 16th and 17th. Anything going on?
  14. music smell of the woods good food clean lakes cold beer in the sun camping shelters my family and friends snowboarding my one eyed cat connections
  15. Pfffft No way, have you read the class action chapter? PM me your address StoneMtn and I will send it out tomorrow!
  16. Just came in...will you still sign it? And for anyone else here who wishes to order it: Link Again, Congrats!
  17. I agree, but some people have their perfect job that does define them, not define who they are as a human being, but defines their passions and love, I think that my job defines me, I’ve taken a pay cut and searched for years to find it....I see that with lots of people on this board. Shainhouse comes to mind, and not saying that he loves his job all the time (because I wouldn't know), that it's not a struggle, I'm sure he's had to work hard to get where he is, does this not define him, in a way? (this is also the first time that I have ever felt this way about a job)
  18. Yeah I used to go to Cafe Nostalgica often, but I find it a bit pricey for lunch. There is a new shawarma place where Spuds used to be. The Campus food isn't bad sometimes, not a huge vegetarian selection. I will keep looking, and keep you posted.
  19. Ms Zimmy

    Pita Pizzas

    We make lots of h/m pizza too. This is how we layer ours sauce sprinkle of cayenne layer of cheese baby spinach mushrooms black olives layer of cheese onions fresh garlic that is what we had last night
  20. Thanks Ollie. I guess I will keep bringing my lunch. That vegan place sounds great though.
  21. I've just been listening to this album all morning...While I do find it whiney and high, you're right, All I really Wanna Do would have been a better pick.
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