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Ms Zimmy

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Everything posted by Ms Zimmy

  1. it only snowed 2cm last night...you should have winter tires
  2. Ms Zimmy


    I've never had a whopper....What's the dif. between that a regular burger? Looks the same!
  3. I haven't seen it yet either...I heard that I would like it though.
  4. There are really big snow banks, I might build a fort and drink my bottle of Tequila in there...who's with me? Can we light fires in our yards downtown Ottawa?
  5. \Fried bologna..... there are people in my home town that get it 1/2"-1" thick and bbq it like steak....
  6. Ms Zimmy


    Ha no, I didn't drink Don Julio in College, I meant to drank tequila in college...if it was Don, I probably wouldn't have stopped drinking it. Sure you can come over
  7. Ms Zimmy


    I have a bottle of this at home...I liked it in college, and recently (I now have family in Mexico) started drinking it again...mmm
  8. On the subject of pork... I was talking to my boss the other day about shopping and she was telling me that she buys all her dairy and pork organic from a market in Toronto (she lives half time in Toronto) She said that the meat that everyone should be buying organic is pork...I guess she worked on a case that involved a pig farm and fertilizers and found out that farmers give pigs a hormone (it could be an antibiotic...I can't remember) that is so toxic to humans that it is law that they stop administering this drug at least 3 months prior to slaughter and human consumption. She said that most farmers don't go by the rules. Pigs are injected with more hormones and antibiotics then almost any other animal. Just thought that I would pass this along.
  9. I crochet...I've been wanting to learn to knit for a long time.
  10. Ms Zimmy


    MMMM 5 star
  11. I have family in Royn-Noranda, and all over Quebec really...I find that they talk louder the further north you go. Yeah the moose heads... :confused: I don't get it...But then, when we used to go play at my grandfathers house, he would have beaver pelts stetching in his living room...nasty. Once I remember playing in his yard, we were building a fort (of course) and I found a beaver in the snow, it was skinned, no fur or skin. Talk about a bunch of kids freaking out. It must have fallen off the truck or something.
  12. Oh I love this album...I had no idea what I was buying when I picked it up, used vinyl for $6.50, Score. I used to listening to Don't think every morning in the shower.
  13. My dad was born in Holland and we didn't eat much traditional Dutch foods unless we went to my Oma and Opa's...lots of gouda and salamis, soups with Maggie...my Oma would make meatball soup, she would make about 600 tiny little meat balls...we loved it. My mom is Québécoise and my grandfather had his own trap line...they were a family of hunters and outdoors peeps, so we ate lots of wild game, partridge tourtiere, moose, venison, caribou. My mom didn't like to cook wild game…so we slowly stopped eating it, lots fresh fish (we lived our cottage all summer so we would fish everyday)...lots of stews, we raised our own chickens and laying hens. All homemade preserves and bread. Lots of desserts, like molasses cookies (that has to be french, I have never heard of anyone else eating those), lots and lots of pie, my mom would send us out and pick berries all day with my cousins and my mom and aunts would make pie all day....sugar pie (a huge butter tart...can there be anything better then that, although I forget what it tastes like now).
  14. Ms Zimmy

    Kowloon Market

    I went in there once, the Dumpling House...and it's hard trying to explain what I don't eat. I like mine just boiled, but I made some last night then fried them, wow...with wassabi soya. I want to make some with curried cabbage, then make a peanut sauce to go with it.
  15. I took the bus this morning, #2....now I know where all the crazies go in the winter to warm up.
  16. Landyachtz Rocks, my first Board was a landyachtz, (wedge flex, one of the first ones ever made) awesome guys too. I still have my board and I still ride it, once a car ran over it, didn't break.... The drop carve looks amazing, keeps you super low to the ground, less leg fatigue for the long hauls and up hills, we are designing a drop thru but it is far from finished, then we need make it, to ride it and try and smash it up, see how it holds up...it's just so hard to get motivated with all the snow. If you have any questions feel free to email me. We've only sold about 50 so far, mostly in Canada, through one shop and few customs in the states, but we have done so much research....we know most companies and the guys who build them. We made one last summer, 7 feet long and shipped it to BC, the guy invited us to his wedding...I could hardly lift it. I saw some guy last year at about 8am, on his board in a jacket and tie, on Bank street in Ottawa, with a box of Captain Crunch and he was pouring it into his mouth as he rode to work...lol I love longboarders. Ahhh getting a board with new wheels, never been ridden, there is almost nothing better then that, almost. Thanks for the words Jay...you're the first longboarder I ever met
  17. Ms Zimmy

    Kowloon Market

    Tonight I wanted to make dumplings, Man those little f@ckers take a long time to make but they are worth it. It's crazy, I bought some organic soy sauce, about 3 pds of bokchoy, dumpling wraps, wassabi, ginger candy, onions, vermicelli noodles, Udon noodles, Curry sauce, another kind of Korean chili sauce, over a pound of both green peas and snap peas, 3 kinds of tofu. chayote, 2 cans of coconut milk and some cabbage for $21.13 Incredible. Does anyone else make dumplings? What do you put inside?
  18. Dear Friends and Allies, Please forward this information to any individuals who will support, Join with members of Fort Chipewyan this Saturday to demand justice for their community. Out of control tarsands development is having disastrous impacts on the environment and health of people throughout Alberta. Increasing numbers of the small aboriginal community of Fort Chipewyan (downstream from the Alberta Tar Sands) are being diagnosed and dying from rare cancers and other auto-immune diseases. A recent water study confirmed that the water in Fort Chipewyan had increased levels of arsenic, mercury and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and was not safe for consumption, particularly in the fish eaten by local residents. The study further supports the Mikisew Cree's recent call for a moratorium on tar sands development. But as stated by Councillor Russell Kaskamin of the Mikisew Cree First Nation, "The Federal and Provincial governments are continuing to issue approvals for projects despite all of the uncertainties with the true environmental effects of oilsands development. This analysis suggests that we can no longer continue to exercise our rights to harvest foods due to the uncertainty of potential health risks." Demand Justice for Fort Chipewyan!!! Rally at the Alberta Legislature in Edmonton March 1st, 1:00 pm And Vigil at Parliament Hill in Ottawa March 1st, 7:00pm And, if you can’t make it either of these events, you can still take action by signing a letter to both the Alberta Government and Canadian Government to demand that they take action. Please sign on here. It is time to demand justice for the Mikisew Cree and the residents of Fort Chipewyan. Contact: George Poitras at george.poitras@shawbiz.ca, Lindsey Telfer at Lindsay@sierraclub.org or Mike at mhudema@greenpeace.org for more information about the Edmonton action, or Jessie at jessie@polarisinstitute.org for more information about the action in Ottawa. And, if you haven’t done so already please join 37 Alberta based organizations, 31 national and international groups, prominent individuals like Stephen Lewis, Dr. David Schindler and Reverend Bill Phipps and over 2000 individuals who have signed on to a pledge stating NO NEW APPROVALS on tar sands development!
  19. Best Korean Film Time is weird there because you work later in the afternoon, so most people stay up really late (bars bnever close) so what kev is sooo true Bring some curry. I was in a smaller city, and it was hard to find spices, until I found a walmart. Bring little gifts, go to the dollar store and grab some maple leaf pins...you can bribe your students with them. Their candy kinda sucks...if you have a fav. bring some. If you have really big feet you might wanna bring some extra shoes... their dryers suck...they ruin your clothes. Eat galby...mmmm I am veg now but I miss galby. They have a rainy season. Rain coat.shoes would be something I would probably bring. Have fun...you won't believe your eyes at some things...go to bath houses...I dream of them. Once I was out with friends and decided to go home early, I jumped into a cab, and the driver asked if I was hungry (more liked made the motions) I said yes, so we went out and ate at this little place that no foreigner went too and got super drunk together, we couldn't understand a word that came out of the others mouth but we both talked and talked and laughed anyway...then he drove me home. Free fare lol weird
  20. I bet goat cheese, garlic and portobello mushrooms would be good. I used to make smoked oysters, mushrooms, garlic, Parmesan and bread crumbs stuffed in peppers and that was pretty food. I have been working on making curried cabbage roti, and curried veggies would probably good too. I would love to have something like this with a mushroom risotto...spicy with ginger. (I'm hungry, can you tell)
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