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Ms Zimmy

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Everything posted by Ms Zimmy

  1. bleh...interesting, but still bleh
  2. Asparagus will keep coming up all summer long, and is a perennial, so plant it where you wanna keep it (and everyone needs an asparagus patch). Chives are perennials, as well as rhubarb. Plant some cucumbers so you can make pickles. Mmmm pickles. My uncle used to grow pumpkins and they were so lovely…I would grow pumpkins. One year my older sister wanted her own garden, and she had flowers in there along with her veggies, it was really nice. (But my younger sister and I decided to plant some chicken feed in her patch, and wheat, corn and sunflowers started growing all through it, she had no idea what she did wrong, HA I was such a jerk). I heard that Corn sucks to grow, but I can't remember why….But sunflowers are great.
  3. Ms Zimmy


    Since the start of the school year, I asked the students if they would consider eating vegetarian 2-3 times a week. Most said yes and love it. Do you do this? Would you consider it? Eco-Eating Poverty and Hunger issues I have been asked for veggie recipes so many times in the last couple weeks, I was wondering what your fav's are so I can pass them along. When I have a second I will post some of mine. Thanks all
  4. I thought that some of you would be interested in this. It's pretty crazy what we are doing in Alberta, and most people don't even know. North American Environmental Atlas. http://www.tarsandswatch.org/
  5. OMG are you going with tradition wedding? Will you wear that hat? I've been to a wedding in Korea...awesome http://www.flickr.com/photos/8119578@N04/537566615/ (Not my pic)
  6. Where is the house? I can't read the street name
  7. Hi, there was a few people interested in this, I'm really sorry for not posting it earlier. Here is the info, sorry it's late. I'm organizing this with a lawyer from Vancouver who is involved in the legal proceedings. Our Vancouver office is also involved. The Tar Sands is the largest industrial project on the planet. Downstream is the First Nations community of Fort Chipewyan, where residents have experienced worrisome health abnormalities. Two First Nations leaders from Fort Chipewyan are coming to Ottawa to tell their story. Hear first-hand accounts of health issues, and about the wider environmental impact of the Tar Sands, Canada's fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions. Wednesday February 13, 7pm-9pm Fateux Hall, University of Ottawa 57 Louis Pasteur Room 147ASpeakers: Chief Allan Adam, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation George Poitras, spokesman, Mikisew Cree First Nation Will Amos, Ottawa Environmental Law Clinic and Ecojustice Canada Matt Price, Environmental Defence Canada My work number is 613-562-5800 ext 3382 for more info!
  8. Ms Zimmy


    I love those big white kidney beans...I had some chili a while back with red and white kidney beans...mmmm
  9. Ms Zimmy

    roasting squash

    YES! I am making this tonight
  10. Winter camping would cure the blahs!
  11. Ms Zimmy

    bean recipes

    I posted this a couple weeks ago Black Beans Vegetarian chili is great for beans too.
  12. What are you? a [color:green]vegan ppffttt
  13. Ms Zimmy


    I buy local I don't know how it turned out...but will post pics whenever I have time. THIS is not what mine looked like I'm gonna try again...after talking to asparagus!
  14. You'll be fabulous hot mama, good for you. Congrat!
  15. Ms Zimmy


    Does anyone ever cook seitan? I'm making it now and it looks like rubber blobs. (but it isn't done cooking....)
  16. Thank you Solar Garlic...I'm making it this week.
  17. I just got a moosewood book...It looks great. I borrowed 2 books from a friend, How it all Vegan and the Gardens of Vegan by Sarah Kramer. They are SO fantastic and she's canadian. I also have the goodhouse keeping illustrated cook book. It has lots of really good bread recipes... (I love reading cookbooks)
  18. YES, Thank you so much. Always nice to see you, in heels or otherwise. Cheers my friend.
  19. I hardly remember meeting you, very late, very drunk, You're alright
  20. Yes, so happy I got to party with all new and old faces. I laughed so much my cheeks still hurt. I can't wait till it happens again. Thanks for the pre and after parties. Nero is great.
  21. take care of you...I wish you new found wonders and happiness.
  22. I'm jealous, I loved Costa Rica...the food, the people, the jungle....you will love it.
  23. I had the best mulligatawny soup today, it was made with coconut milk. No nuts, no tomatoes.... It was so good, I remembered this post and wanted the recipe but this one seems VERY different. Has anyone ever made it with coconut milk? I found this http://allrecipes.com/recipe/mulligatawny-soup-ii/detail.aspx ever have it with coconut milk? recipes?
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