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Ms Zimmy

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Everything posted by Ms Zimmy

  1. Really? Interesting pick. Why Really? and interesting?
  2. 319. Songs by guys with high whiney voices 1. Janes Addiction - Summertime Rolls 2. Canned Heat - Goin' Up The Country 3. Jacko - Billie Jean 4. The Darkness - I Believe in a Thing Called Love 5. Neil Young - A Man Needs a Maid 6. Tiny Tim - Tiptoe Through the Tulips 7. Dylan - Diamond Joe 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  3. 319. Songs by guys with high whiney voices 1. Janes Addiction - Summertime Rolls 2. Canned Heat - Goin' Up The Country 3. Jacko - Billie Jean 4. The Darkness - I Believe in a Thing Called Love 5. Neil Young - A Man Needs a Maid 6. Dylan - Diamond Joe 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  4. I hope it snows really soon, if it's cold, there might as well be snow, lots and lots of it. Wouldn't it be fun if the city stopped plowing the streets and we all had to snowshoe into work, downtown Ottawa would look so awesome. I hope that happens this year.
  5. I work at the University of Ottawa and I am dying to find some good lunch spots. Anyone know where I can get some good sushi? Maybe a bagel shop? (I'm not much into pubs which is mostly what I've found around here). I go to Perfection Satisfaction Promise once in while, they have great soups..great everything. Anyways, I don't know Sandy Hill very well so any suggestions would be great. Thanks.
  6. I love: being proud of my job, working with amazing people and seeing a difference we make. I hate: being so busy sometimes I forget to eat, the time, to sleep -law students -seeing what a mess the world really is in (most people know....but dealing with it all, it's overwhelming, big and small issues alike).
  7. My Grandfather was a POW in Holland, he moved to Canada right after the war. He is 96 and still alive. I remember.
  8. What area? Ever hear about that patent agent/lawyer who had nothing to do and tried to patent the method of swinging? lol (I used to work in patents/trademarks)
  9. Exactly, and that's why my phone number ends with 5150!
  10. legal assistant/office manager/accountant for a non-profit/NGO environmental law firm... Ecojustice
  11. comfy bed and pillows: I think that it's a safe bet on pillows that aren't really big or really thin. Beds that aren't wobbly, really hard, really soft, really squeaky. I hate flowers on the bedspread too. Interesting art would be good, but I've never had that except hostels.
  12. I dislike hotels...but what makes the stay better for me is simple conforts, i.e. Big Soft towels, not the little 2 x 4 footers, comfy bed and pillows, good ventilation...no checkout nazis...friendly/helpful staff. THAT is in north america, in south america, I pray for no huge bugs, air conditioning, running water, private bath....
  13. I thought that Jimi's overdose was controversial?
  14. Hahaha I went to a french school and I was the only Sarah in the school, how weird is that, I grew up thinking it was uncommon!
  15. I have 2 last names...a la dutch!
  16. It's true meaning to who? I don't understand how someone would be so annoyed by this. In Costa Rica, chicken and fish are not considered meat, in Mexico and some places in Asia, fish and shellfish are not considered meat...it's pretty common... Here in Ottawa, at Yanzee, (SP?, a dimsum restaurant) under their vegetarian Menu, all items are cooked with Beef broth BUT there is no meat... Some think, if a veg. eats cheese and eggs, then this vegetarian is an ovo-lacto vegetarian, and not really a true vegetarian at all! http://ramsss.com/bhakti/vegetarian/types/index.htm
  17. 317. Regrettes and Let-Downs (See Rich Stadium, The Spezza Prophecy...) 1. Headstones - Cubically Contained 2. James McKenty And The Spades - Regrets 3. Bob Dylan - I Threw It All Away 4. Cash - I still miss someone 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Bama Man, you always steal my picks.
  18. I found out today at 3pm that my office needs a list of every environmental group in Quebec by Monday morning (7am). I have done 15 minutes of research online and have seen about 50 already (I need every single little group, from even the smaller town and community) and I think this is going to take me forever. I have to list them with contact info and a brief description of the group. I've found most through newspaper articles that mention some activist group. Then I google them. So I am asking: What are your favorite search engines, I figure I will need to try them all, do you any good advise on searching the net for this type of info and do you know of any good french search engines? OR How much would I need to pay you to do this for me
  19. yes, but knowing all you skanks, I thought it would fly
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