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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    Let the shit show begin! (tweeted by Jets starting CB Antonio Cromartie innocently backing Sanchez before the Tebow trade went down).
  2. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    God bless you for participating DaveyBoy, I'm in full-on LowRoller Hamilton Bulldog lameness territory with all the off-season NFL posts, glad you're paying attention. Tebow dominated everything last year, I'm guessing it'll be more of the same. edit: God bless you as well FBN
  3. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    Sean Payton has been suspended a year for bounty hunting in New Orleans. What a great last few days in the NFL.
  4. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    Tebow to the Jets (thanks for the heads up Booche) for a 4th round pick, which goes show how valuable teams think Tebow is actually worth (he was 23rd in first round initially I think). A perfect storm of hate. I'm ecstatic. I hope it's a circus the likes of which the NFL has never seen. Not stupidest move on the Jets part however, it'll motivate DirtySanchez and Saprano is now the offensive coordinator and he was the guy that brought the wishbone/wildcat back into the NFL. That Jets defence is fucking disgusting as well. Can't wait, unless the Jets win the Superbowl. I'm not sure I could deal with the Giants and then the Jets winning the Superbowl. edit: just adding I don't actually hate Tebow, I find everything about him hilarious and if you get a chance, watch the mic'd up Tebow stuff on youtube, he's the nicest guy in the world, all game long. I do however loathe the Jets and thought the media/fan cirucs around Tebow was insane. Also just read the full deal and it's two draft picks, 4th and 6th rounders. (damn, reading fail on my part, Denver gives a 7th rounder to the Jets, so really Tebow was traded for a fourth rounder)
  5. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    That's a lot of questions but here is the general thinking that's out there from what I can gather….. First, Manning isn't considered a teacher in the slightest. All the QBs that “mentored†under him last season showed they didn’t learn shit, no underling in Indie has gone on to anything. He takes 100% of the snaps in practice and literally demands it because the offence that Peyton runs (yes he runs it, he's essentially an offensive coordinator) is a timing offence and it pretty much requires him to take all the snaps so he can get the timing down with all his options. Second, Peyton also isn't going to sit on the bench for 3 quarters or for even 1 quarter or for even goal line situations, he wouldn't have gone to the Broncos if that's what they wanted. He, like all great pros, has a gigantic ego and wants to be on the field at all times. Third, Tebow is a huge off field issue because of the obvious fanatical following he has, Elway and Fox both hate it and felt it impeded their ability to run the organization. Manning was exactly what they needed to get the fuck out from under Tebowmania and back to running the organization without distraction, this is exactly what they wanted. Fourth, to have Tebow as a backup means you have to run two different offences in practice, two extremely different offences that may/should require different personnel, it’s damn hard to do that. Most (smart) teams don’t want to do that. Any team that’s going to succeed with Tebow (and that's a big question mark whether you can) needs to commit, 100%, to the spread option, no dicking around, Tebow’s backup should be a spread option guy as well (ie Terrell Pryor). Remember how the wildcat was going to revolutionize the game? It didn’t, teams adjusted and they adjusted to the spread option as well, the Broncos lost 4 straight to end the season. People forget how banged up the Steelers were in the playoffs, they were missing key personnel including a starting safety who erased a lot of mistakes by the Steelers DBs. Rapelisburger was a mess and should have been sitting for the last four games. Doesn’t mean you can’t call the wildcat or spread every now and then but you can’t run it all the time, at least that’s the current thought. Phew, that’s the best I could piece together. In regard to your statement that Tebow is a very good QB, he’s generally considered a terrible QB. Poor footwork, terribly long delivery, holds the ball down, poor release. I'm not going to get into the “yeah but he wins†thing because I watched almost all his games and it was the defence and teams just not playing him right in the last four minutes but I do see why he’s got his backers. I’ll watch most of his games next year because it’s an interesting experiment no matter what happens. Ultimately the Broncos aren't the team that will be willing to even attempt a platoon, some other team may but keep in mind, Tebow wants to be a starter. Peyton was owed a $28 million dollar bonus, not pay cheque, bonus on top of his 20 million dollar salary if they kept him. $48 million for a guy that has his neck fused is a lot. Again, Peyton is not considered a teacher and demands a 100% of the snaps to run the offence (and again, rightly so because it’s a complicated, timing offence). It seems to be the right business decision on Indie’s part (provided that Luck turns out to be the best QB since Peyton). That said, it would make a hell of a lot more sense to have Luck under Peyton, than Tebow under Peyton and just force Peyton to give up a few snaps and spread the knowledge because Luck has the brains and skils to run Peyton's offence but Tebow doesn't. If I was Irsay I would have bitten the bullet, kept Manning, tried to make it work and let Luck mature. edit: I've got add that there's a theory that Peyton only would have stayed in Indie if they were completely committed to trying to win one more Superbowl in the next 3-4 years, drafting Luck and not a desperately needed linebacker/o-line/shutdown corner is not committing to winning a Superbowl. You see it in college, LSU comes to mind, but in college they are allowed to have rosters that are twice the size , with tons of coaches, so they have the personnel, money (free players), facilities and time to do it. Even then you don’t see it all that often (almost never). Also, most of the offences are far simpler in college.
  6. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    The Dolphins just signed David Garrard to a one year, that doesn't eliminate the Tebow move though, at least I hope it doesn't. I did some more reading on the Tebow/Pats thing and it seems to be based solely on the fact Josh McDaniels drafted him and Bill is friends with Urban Myer and had dinner with Tebow in 2010. I’m praying, Tebow styles, that they don't do this because I'm actually a bit of a Ryan Mallett fan from his Arkansas days and I don't think Tebow is even a serviceable backup because he can't run the Patriot's offence (or any pro style offence for that matter) and they'd have to switch gears into the spread option. I will say this though, if it happens I promise I'll get a Tebow Patriots m00njersey just to wear it ironically.
  7. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    You wish and you shall receive Ollie ....... ........ Jesus.
  8. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    Yeah, okay that would be awesomely hilarious but a) Tebow wants to QB the Pats run packages with Woodhead, Green-Ellis, Faulk, Edelman, Welker and now Hernandez out of the backfield, they don't need more c) Belichick wouldn't allow the zoo that is Tebowmania to mess with his insane control. Now that I've said that watch them trade for him.
  9. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    You know last time I checked PeyPey had a terrible record in cold, outdoor playoff games. Im still shocked he didn't go to SF. edit: Rumour mill has it that the Donkeys will use up a first round pick and sign Mike Wallace from the Steelers because the Steelers are in cap hell and can't match. That would be crazy, Mike Wallace is fucking amazing and ridiculously fast.
  10. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    You should stick with hockey. No wait, the other football. I don't want Tebow within 1000 miles of a Patriot's uniform. Tebow is a disaster, a glorious disaster that brings me nothing but joy in the circus he creates but a disaster none the less. He didn't lead Denver to the playoffs, their defence did. Those games they came back on, most of them were complete fuckups on the other teams part. I do love watching him try to play the position though. We should bet a beer or something that where ever Timmy goes he's going to stink it up, fullback playing quarterback styles. We would have to come up with parameters of what suck is though, let's wait and see where he ends up.
  11. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    Peyton is just inking his deal with the Broncos. Fucking glorious. Suck it Raiders (though there's probably a better chance Peyton will be a bust but supposedly he's throwing the ball really well). I'm torn now between which soap opera I want, the Tebow lunatics chanting for Tebow when it's goal line or short yardage which will completely piss off Peyton or having Tebow traded to Miami because he is literally a god down there and Miami is desperate for anything to put butts in the seats. I hope he goes to the Fish. edit: Contract is rumoured to be 5 for 95.
  12. No that happened but Im sure it was 100% Lance's fault and nothing to do with Bob Loblaw. When we called Lance over for the what the fuck moment he just said "Close enough" and laughed. Aaaaaah Lance, cocaine is a hell of a drug.
  13. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    If he's 100% he's the best. That will make for a pretty nasty stadium to roll into come December.
  14. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    Mario Williams just signed with the Bills for $100 mil over 6. With Marcell Dareus that makes for a pretty good line.
  15. Yeah AD, that's exactly what Im talking about. I really didn't even know the iPhone sycned with google calendar (it didn't seem like an option on the 3g but then again I didn't really try and really only got into gmail and what not after I switched to Android). On Android it's simply native, no actual set up, nice to see Apple having the option to set it up as well. Doing all the shit on my desktop and having it show up instantly on my phone brings me a lot of joy. I really didn't like Calendar on the iPhone however and think business calendar on Android is the absolute bomb. Also making an entire screen a widget of my calendar so it's live is a nice option.
  16. I actually misread the initial post and thought he had business needs, thus the discussion about keyboards, my bad. Tell me about it, my memory is average at best, if my phone didn't tell me what the hell was going on and when I'd be a disaster at the office.
  17. Mmmmmmm, if you're absolutely in love with a button style keyboard (and a lot of people are when it comes to business) but are starting to fall in love with a "rich app experience" (and yeah, blackberries aren't the best browsers) you may want to consider an android phone with a sliding keyboard. Android's business calendar app synched with your google account calendar is a game changer, I fucking love it. If you think you can adjust to typing on a sheet of glass for all your business needs (I'm fine with it) and don't want to go android, grab an iphone. It's way more intuitive than android, has more apps (but android has lots of options) and I found it to be slightly more stable (iphones are rock solid). edit: when it comes to battery life, blackberries tend to be better
  18. Great news, congrats. Also, is this going to be a Bob Loblaw show where The BoggieMen show up instead? (because that has happened before)
  19. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    I didn't want them to do this, but it's done. It's too many potential starters compounded by the fact the NFL is entering the era where they've fixed the the rookie contract problem but that said, and I need to rationalize this somehow, the Redskins haven't exactly been gangbusters on draft day, maybe this will work out for the better. At least there be will lots of Redskins coverage on the tube ....... I'm grasping.
  20. Yeah, I managed to catch the last 30 minutes on veetle. Aaaaah well, nice effort.
  21. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    I'm going with the Cardinals or (gulp) the Jets (a perfect storm of hate).
  22. Sure did, and some free games! Problem solved.
  23. Holy fuck, it's 3-0 Arsenal and Im stuck at work. Cmon, 1 more!!!
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