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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. I wrote my term paper on the Sony hack for one of my information system security grad classes recently, on the surface they simply fucked up big time, upon digging deeper they fucked up so massively in so many different categories of information security they probably should have been prosecuted but the laws are just developing in this regard, specifically in regard to how long a company can dick around hoping it wasn't that bad before notifying its customers things were in fact very bad. For Christ's sake, user names, email addresses, home addresses and passwords were not encrycpted, you can do a lot of damage with that info alone because people use the same passwords all over the place. They should have had their asses handed to them but the laws just aren't there yet.
  2. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    I don't think the fan base will tolerate that (nor Shannie), they're completely insane and delusional, but it'll take something like RGIIII to put butts in the seats, Manning won't do it. They are already pulling seats and putting in party decks to compensate for the fact they're having trouble selling tickets, dragging in an ancient verteran (again) will just add to a decline, even if it's Peyton. RGIII on the otherhand will generate excitement, up until he gets destroyed behind that o-line. I was hoping you'd go with this....
  3. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    You already know how terrified I am that they're going to dump 5-6 drafts pick for him (not that I don't think he's talented) but hey, maybe the league will strip them of all those extra picks because of the head hunting and salary cap violations and they won't be in a position to fuck up in that regard. Dare to dream!
  4. TheSloth

    NFL 2011

    Yeah, this is probably going to be a bigger beat down than a fine and a draft pick like Spygate but we shall see. The important thing is the Redskins are also involved because I thought they had reached rock bottom ages ago but it's good to know they're continuing to explore and find new avenues of suck. (also change you're avatar punk, Rodgers fucking chocked and he lost the belt)
  5. That was sooooooooooo good! Thank god I didn't blow it off. I found myself searching for an analogy last to night to compare SMMD and the Barr Bros and the best I could up with was catching SMMD was like sleeping with your ex-girlfriend, always pretty good, very familiar but leaving you in a position where your thoughts drift to something that's gone, Barr Bros are a new and amazing relationship. It's its own thing and it gave them a platform to exhibit their considerable skills and it reminded me why I considered Brad and Andrew music geniuses. The show really did it for me and Weirdness' point that the Slip would play for 10 bucks and get 30-50 out and these guys can sell out a venue is bang on and good for them, they deserve to be selling out places.
  6. This thread is showing more life than the actual Leafs......wait, what have I done? Damn it! I'm done with the Craptors, I don't care if they put a team together, I'm done. I want all my time back. That said, I thought last year's playoffs were fucking great and I'm looking forward to this year's. Good times. Jury is still out, I've got to consult the bones.
  7. Truly awful. I cheer for the Sens, Redskins and Jays and I was backpacking in India during the Sens Stanley Cup run so trust me, you're not alone in Sports Hell.
  8. A rare Jakis post while the Leafs are down, good on you friend! That 5-0 game was probably the worst live viewing experience I've ever had at a Sens game, and that's including the Civic Centre years when they were just terrible.
  9. What the fuck are you guys doing (ie Ollie and Dinghy)? Not sure if you noticed but the Sens skid ended and the Leafs skid started as soon as that frontrunner Jakis decided to post some crap in the Sens thread (of course he only posts if the Leafs are streaking or the Sens are losing so it should have been expected). Damn it, there's only so much bad juju I can ward off, goats are in short supply during the winter months and I just got over the heartworm I contracted from eating their still beating hearts during the last Habs playoff run. I'm going to make a knotted rope out of my monitor's power cord and flog myself in the parking lot at work to deal with this latest jinx but this is the one and only time (until playoffs start, if we make it). In short, don't be a Jakis (or a Booche or LowRoller for that matter, they can't hurt their team at this point, let them deal with the Leaf fans)
  10. Unsure but my local grocery store is still out of them (checked again last night) but I haven't bothered to inquire if there's more coming. It's almost a good thing if they're discontinued because I was buying them all the time.
  11. In! I actually had a stare down with a Taco Bell yesterday at the mall but I backed away and got sushi, the dorito shell would have pushed me over the edge. Also, I was super disappointed I couldn't get a bag of taco flavoured doritos last night and had to settle for spicy nacho. Im praying the taco flavour wasn't for a limited time.
  12. What's this? Sens having goaltending problems? This never happens. Also let's just get this out of the fucking way, the Jinxasshole is Dinghy and he knows it. Pat and I were at the game without him, up 4-0 and loving life. As soon as the Jinxasshole got home and flipped on the game the Caps started scoring. I've got the "Just got in and saw the score! Awesome" at 8:43 pm text to prove it. You should fucking apologize to the season ticket holders Dinghy. Aaaaaah well, Lehner it is then.
  13. Spezzer has been the tits lately. Have tickets for Wednesday, here's hoping he keeps up the play.
  14. Volts are pushed, amps are pulled. Basically make sure the power supply matches the voltage required by the device. If your power supply is providing more amps than the device needs the device will only use the amps it requires. If the power supply is not providing enough amps your device may not power up
  15. Bronson (it kind of loses itself at some points but if you like hyper stylized movies it's great, I loved it) Portlandia is great as well. Put a bird on it! Pretty much what Tasha said, I liked Tucker and Dale vs Evil but I’m a horror movie buff and it's a fun take on the genre. Speaking of which, if you like over the top gore, check out L'Interieur (2007). I was operating under the pretense that I'm desensitized to everything but that film taught me a lesson.
  16. Suck on that West End dwellers! East End 4 Life! (I doubt the 67s will impact the Queensway as badly as the Sens but it won't help)
  17. Turned out great, nice balance between heat and flavour. Made a pretty decent jalapeno cheese sweet corn bread with it. All the food was great. Nothing got finished because there was a disgusting excess of everything. Actually, I have some vague drunken blur of forcing down the last of the wings.
  18. I've been verging on ill all day from over eating. Samosas to start Scotch eggs 9 Layer dip next (there's a debate on the actual number of layers, Fluff will have to come in here and defend the layers, either way it was delicious) Short rib, pork and hot sausage chipotle chili Ribs (KC dry rub) Hot dogs (the only course I passed on) Wings (Thai and Greek style) Chips were available throughout.
  19. First things first......Ollie'd. Now off to the NFL thread.
  20. There will be a large contigent from Rich Stadium in the standing section (Dinghy, Booche, Ollie and myself). Hopefully we will be in the section that is located by the palatial handicap private washroom because Im getting hammered.
  21. No, it was underneath the highway overpass at Albany in '90. Mother fucker was completely spun, rambling about how this thing called "HD television" was going to save hockey in the US market.
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