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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. BLLLLLAAAAAAAARG! Fucking Nasri, god, anybody but Nasri.
  2. Fuck yeah! Nice little set play by England, of course my veetle feed crapped out the second they scored so I didn't see the replay.
  3. Di Natale had me pulling for Italy, it was a shame that Spain answered so quickly because Italy was defending well (at least it was Fabregas that scored). I did however enjoy watching Torres not get it done.
  4. Luck of the Irish!!! Wait, what? Christ Ireland.
  5. Booyah! Nice header. Suck it Ronaldo!
  6. I'll take them Sean (buuuuut let me look at my exam schedule real quick, pming you now).
  7. I'm pretty sure they were called the Mark Turner Band but yeah, they did a smokin' version of Saint Matthew.
  8. Oh Tottenham, you're so crazy! Never change! Thank the fucking gods for the results on Sunday. That said, Arsenal still has their work cut out from them on the road next weekend. Fingers crossed.
  9. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Arsenal.
  10. Aaaaaah that sucks. Very young.
  11. Who knows, either way it's ridiculous. Testing the limits indeed.
  12. Yeah we did the math as well, sorry Bluesfest but $207 isn't remotely worth 4 days (I was hoping the savings would be more) in which I'm interested in about 7 acts that I'd probably pay $20-25 max for to see in a club. Then again I don't feel $270 is worth 12 days of that line-up let alone the 400 bones the pass is going to cost now. C'est la vie, we've got our rooms booked at the Sheraton in Montreal for Osheaga. Hopefully we'll see some of you there. Enjoy the Bluesfest for those that committed.
  13. Okay, I've recovered. I've dealt with it. Thanks for the bonus hockey Sens, I've got a positive outlook for next season.
  14. Great news Tungsten, your cycling adventures can continue. Thanks Todd, that is actually good news, just checked it out, 10% discount off ticket prices if you get 4 days, 15% if it's 5 and really the 4th, 5th, 10th, 11th and 12th are decent enough (IMO) and they're weekdays so ticket prices will be reasonable.
  15. Looks like there will be no vomiting while cycling for you.
  16. Agreed that Osheaga's first year was the best and it was also $60 for the entire weeekend, that was a bargain of a life time. This year is the best line-up since (IMO) and 95% of the stuff I give a crap about at bluesfest is at Osheaga and there's a bunch more good stuff. Pack it all into three days, it just seems like it'll be non stop goodness. Agreed on Metric but hey, nice to see they got bumped up to the main stage after playing the small stage for what, 7 years, and now close the Bluesfest. What a kick in the nuts.
  17. Then I don't understand your previous point in the slightest, it's okay to call it a blues festival even if none of the people playing "instruments" are playing the blues but it's not okay to call it a blues festival if the theme is electronic and they have one electronic stage out of FIVE stages and TWO main stage DJ acts? (granted LMFAO is god damn fucking garbage). I've got zero problem with them having an electronic stage from now until the end of time. Tiesto is a great booking that's going to sell a lot of tickets, I know people that will consider that the musical highlight of the summer. By the way, they're the same people that consider a turn table an instrument and before you counter that I'll be overly bold and speak for them, they don't give a crap what you or I think old timer. Electronic music is popular and Bluesfest is probably smart about incorporating it, the same way they were smart about incorporating hip hop. I think the far bigger is issue is the 10 other nights of main stage action, it's entirely under whelming and there are far too many repeats. The other stages don't match up to previous years as well. There was plenty of room to have an electronic themed Bluesfest and still make it exciting for other fan bases, I just think they failed to do so. Toss in the pricing and the electronic tickets action and it makes for a disappointing festival. Just my opinion and I'm not saying there's not good music, it's just too sparse to make me happy about the line-up announcement. Compared to Osheaga it’s poor.
  18. Thanks for the fun Todd and thanks for the ride home Rob, my hangover is managable all because of you.
  19. C'mon that's really nothing new. They departed from the blues ages ago and still called it a blues festival and no one seemed to mind that much.
  20. I'm getting a pass! No wait, I mean I'm passing. The fact I can't sell my ticket for the nights I don't want to go (which is many this year) makes my decision about going to Osheaga a lot easier. Such is life, best of luck to Bluesfest, have fun for those attending, I'm sure there will be still plenty of good music but all I can really do about a line up that isn't for me (and keep in mind I like electronic music, just not the DJs they've booked) is to not give Bluesfest a single penny this year. (welllllll I may go first night, that actually looks good to me and props for booking Tiesto, he's huge, but I'll be there for Billy Bragg and I'll be sneaking in beer)
  21. I thought these rumours were supposed to be heady. Kidding......ish, fingers crossed for something I really want to see, not that I won't be getting a pass anyway.
  22. 27 minutes and 57 seconds to be exact. Ah well. Bring on game 7.
  23. Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarg!! Taking penalties while on the power play and giving up goals not once but twice (even if a call was marginal) is simply awful. I have to focus on drinking.
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