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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. This guy? I find that very strange but whatever Clouston thinks will work, I'll just have to accept.
  2. I'm bored at lunch. Antoine Vermette GP 76 G 25 A 37 PTS 62 Pascal LeClaire GP 32 W 11 L 13 SV .887 GAA 3.18 Aaaaaah well, at the time I was happy with the trade.
  3. The hit looked fine to me, it was head on. Booth should have seen him coming.
  4. The Old Balls Favre rule and I like it. College football OT is fucking unbelievable sometimes, sooooo good.
  5. If you felt terrible about that then you must have been devasted by that Blackburn draw.
  6. I had the game on, watched the sweet pass from Pleks and then realized I couldn't enjoy a Habs game with them in the lead and turned it off. I'm saddened I missed the great finish. Realizing it was 6 on 5 how were the goals? Price crumble or just the team?
  7. And the Sens sliced one of those fuckers up. Sure Cullen made it look like an accident but I could tell ..... carve job ....... gutsy, old timie hockey on his part, made me reminisce of some of Marian Hossa's finer work. Ole Ole!
  8. Well now that Ollie has weighed in I bet you regret your comments now Dinghy. The stink that rubbed off on you by merely even having the same opinion of the massive fail that is Ollie will linger for weeks. There's more than few reasons why the Sens haven't won a cup and Ollie is one of them.
  9. It's not going to work. Speaking of which, shouldn't you be going to work.
  10. Hmmmmm you almost successfully trolled me there dinghy, well played. Didn't get a chance to catch jack shit yesterday, usually I take a couple days off work but things are kind of busy. Looking forward to beers and college hoops tonight.
  11. Remember when Pearson boarded Tie Domi in the third period of Game 6 and got that double minor and the Leafs came back to win that game and went on to win the series. God that sucked.
  12. The important thing is to focus on a Sens soul crushing moment from the past as opposed to what's happening right now. There's enough games left to figure it out, fingers crossed.
  13. *cough* groan *cough* Well at least I was expecting all this so that's somewhat deadening the blow. The Olympics kind of snake bite the Sens I guess. Aaaaaah Hasek, you piece of shit.
  14. Fucking glorious!!! Wish I had found the time to watch the match, ah well, here's hoping Slippery found the time though. (edit: just noticed your above post) Drogba getting the red and a possible suspension as added bonus, awesome (though I haven't seen the stomp yet so I have no idea how bad it was, I read it wasn't that bad, going to look for video now)
  15. Word. 59th Street Bridge Song.....I'll be feeling it.
  16. I will also be in attendance. Turns out my girlfriend who pretty much listens to electronic, punk and ween exclusively loooooooooves S&G so we're going (and I spent a large portion of my youth listening to them as they, the Beatles and MoTown were common ground for the whole family so I'll have fun) Pretty happy with the tickets I got despite the price..... cheapest section but the one beside the next most expensive section, third row. Section 304, Row C, Seat 10-11 but approach with caution as I plan on being extremely mangled, you've been warned.
  17. Did you watch the match Matty? A joy to behold if you were in the mood for a creative drubbing. This Arsenal team still hasn't proven it can deal with a top flight club in the EPL but this win with a clean sheet is a nice step.
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