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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Is it country and western star free?
  2. Well buddy, I think you can be slightly happy with the play of both lines for the most part (same can be said about the Bills). That's a good place to start building from.
  3. I was busy being antagonistic in the NFL threads.
  4. The Big Boss is in town for the next three days, he's a great guy but I'm very torn about trying to wath the feed at work tomorrow. Think I might be missing this round.
  5. Jackson was great. Something tells me Tricky Bill is going to be going to town on his run defence. Jets rushed for 190 yards on Sunday (albeit against the Texans), next Sunday could be interesting....Jets with the spread, not bad.
  6. I'm curious, if you did have the energy where would you start..... 39 for 53, 378 yards 2 TDs 1 Int ..... and that pick off was really more of an unbelievable play by the Bills. I feel for you Sean, that was rough and has got to hurt.
  7. Massive love, seen him a bunch of time. We had a good representation at his last show but honestly I doubt I'll ever go to the Bronson Centre again, I just can't do it. It sucks the fun out of me.
  8. You have to realize I generally assume you're a moron. edit: and nice edit Ollie
  9. That was a great dick move. He just wanted to see Suzy jiggle and shake. Or who knows, maybe he was just excited he came back and won a miracle game after 53 weeks of not playing and having his knee destroyed, potentially ending his career or at the very least altering it, while throwing for his career high in completions and got swept up in the moment and just wanted to celebrate with his teammates again. Couldn't be that could it? No I think either POG or Ollie are right, he was just being a massive dick or he thought about it and just wanted to see her run.
  10. That Bills loss was extra extra special. Jesus, just an atmosphere of losing.
  11. The important thing is Ohio State lost
  12. That actually makes me feel a little better.
  13. Sorry' date=' Sloth's right. Upon further review it was via an email. My head is still coggled from Saturday night. [/quote'] Damn it Booche, more hate! But I'm 100% with you on post it if you're going to talk about winning. Hell I was feeling super confident this weekend and was pumped to put up an in your face scan of my winning ticket but I got owned.
  14. For some reason I see it showing up on Fish, if only to piss me off.
  15. The hate is strong with you this morning Booche, I love it. I'm absolutely a 100% with Booche on the whole if you didn't post it didn't happen line of things but......... When did NW ever say we should follow his picks? You're not fabricating a statment someone never said and then beating them up for it again, are you? Paging Ollie.
  16. I was going to put up...... What's bothering you? The fact that he's lost that man-boy look he had in a Habs jersey? but you were right there with me on the Heater trade so I'll be honest, yeah it does look a little strange.
  17. I had $10 down to win $98 on..... Aston Villa wins (yes!) Atlanta wins (yes!) Arizona wins (motha fucka) Green Bay wins (yes!) That's pretty much par for the course for me. I'll rattle off a bunch of 3 for 4s, win a week, bet it all the next week and go 3 for 4 again. Good times! Glad football is back.
  18. I think the trade isn't that great for a few reasons starting with the fact we added cap (can someone confirm that?) for a combined 36 goals last season. And if you're going to give that the whole spread it around crap then combine Heatley with a second low priced player like Folignio and then see which pairing you'd rather have. Whatever, what could Murray really pull off. I think the Edmonton trade (much better) and then that bullshit three way with LA + SJ (which when I first read I loved but knew it was too good) just kind of got me too far out on the end of the limb. We'll see if Cheecho can turn it around. I like Michalek. Spezza doesn't deserve the A at all but neither does Fish. Tough call.
  19. For fucks sake Stoke! Couldn't get a good feed for the Arsenal game, tragic day all around.
  20. Comrie signed with Edmonton, 1.125 for one year. That seems like a steal. Really disappointed the Sens couldn't get it done with him.
  21. I wish this trade this went through but why would LA ever settle for that.
  22. It's Friday. Friday is all about getting riled up.
  23. What happened to the rest of your post NW? I was just about to quote it with a witty "it didn't happen if you didn't post it" retort.
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