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Everything posted by zero

  1. I'm trying to track down the non-annoying Christmas songs by legends. Like Bruce and E Street's Santa Claus Is Coming To Town, or Robbie (or Rick Danko's) Christmas Must Be Tonight or the new Dylan album. Any other suggestions?
  2. Oh I totally have. It's what you'd think Beatles, Stones, Bee Gees, Led Zep, Doobie Bros., Michael Jackson, Prince, the aforementioned 80's/90's hip hop staples, up to the present. I just want to play recognizable but slightly less played out cuts ie. for Zeppelin say Fool In The Rain not Dazed and Confused (although both are pretty played like Jerry Seinfeld's Hello). That Twelves remix of A-Ha's Take On Me was perfect.
  3. Thanks folks but I definitely need some more recommendations. More middle-of-the-road and specifics if anyone's got them.
  4. So I'm DJ'ing this holiday staff party for like 200-250 people working with people or living with mental illness - they range from 30-70. Basically I've heard 1958-2009 is doable but as with say wedding music people want to hear It's Raining Men or some shit. I have a sense of the staples which I'm pulling together but want some cool remixes or medleys that would spice things up a bit. You know the stuff people will recognize and dance to but you won't cringe playing it.
  5. I know that's a bit of a preposterous statement to make - playing wise I'm sure Heisholt would be the first to acknowledge the gulf - it's not that far off the mark. Richard's a stretch too for other reasons (although Jeff certainly does testify by the 'I just wanna break even' credo) ... I remember talking to Garth in passing about Richard playing 'rhythm piano' ... he was really offended 'he did alot more than that' he grumbled. Frankly I've always liked to think of Jeff Heisholt as a modern day 'great Stan Szelest'.
  6. I forgot about the boots. They totally cracked Cully and I up at the last Burt show as they peaked out from under his keys. Apart from missing out on the formative years playing in his uncle's funeral parlour old Jeff's styled himself after a modern day Garth Hudson.
  7. zero

    Letters of Note

    I love how he cc's the biggest goon ever Chicago's Mayor Richard Daley (like Democratic riots, hose 'em down, corrupt as fuck Daley).
  8. Not sure how it took me so long to come across this Letters of Note website but there's some really deep and really frivolous stuff there much of it very compelling. This letter by Frank Sinatra to a journo who slagged him is priceless. You're Nothing But A Pimp
  9. Little known fact I think Too Kingdom Come is the only Band song that includes Robbie's vocals (barring the entire Last Waltz, but the mic has to be plugged in for it too count.)
  10. 0-k9yXdUJbY Bourbon Tabernacle Choir performing Bob Wiseman's We Got Time w. Bob, Dave Wall and Chris Brown in Toronto, Kate Fenner in Germany and Andrew Whiteman in Chicago.
  11. FUCK! I can't believe the 10th came and went and I didn't think of Rick once. Thanks for posting all of the great stuff guys. For pure Rick I'll take Ferdinand The Imposter any day. I think that song says a lot of things but also a lot of things about Rick.
  12. FUCK! the one day I stay off the computer I miss word of this and it's so close to me, both physically and spiritually. And yes. I would have died to hear Collett play Christmas Must Be Tonight (which is one of the most beatiful modern Christmas songs) - the definitive versions are by Rick though - I think there's a great one with Rick and Richard from some solo Rick show.
  13. Of course the best way to experience this project is to watch the unbelievably high quality webisodes that document the entire early stages of the process. This one where RZA comes in the studio and suggests laying down a lick 'that might be awkward' for them to work around on guitar works out unbelievably. -DovWd5MIvQ
  14. Yeah that sounds legit, I bet the Watchmen are owed millions or at least hundreds for illegitametly sold CD's. Wouldn't this presume there was an actual 'white market' for Watchmen CD's?
  15. I really needed to SEE them playing and see the crowd and venue to get a feel for how hot it's been lately.] Edited to add HOLY FAWK Cully you're right about this Meat.
  16. Really great piece on an NBA ref who bet on games, many he officiated, on 60 Minutes last night. Personal Foul
  17. I'm down with the 'if it gives you a rash' part and most of the rest.
  18. Sweet thanks for the tip. Funny I was JUST listening to Blakroc feat. Mos Def and Jim Jones (I could see that being the appearance), somehow RZA and Pharoah Monche seems a stretch. Mos is a big Ac-Tor though so maybe he'd be busy.
  19. To me, it's pretty obvious (if you read the next sentence) that Jerry was precisely annoyed with people reacting to that line from a 'bleak ballad' out of thematic context and taking it for a rallying cry for their last spill of liquid.
  20. I still have to massage some of the gaps.
  21. Finally someone acknowledges my supreme status as King of the Wookies.
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