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Everything posted by zero

  1. So just the very last chapter of the film? I'd like to hear what A Spoonful Weighs A Ton synchs up with - Kryptonite!!!
  2. Oh, and Waiting To Burn is a phenomenal debut.
  3. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that people know this band. I meant to really sing their praises to the community after Saturday's stunning show in Guelph. these guys are the real deal and oneo f the best live bands in Canada these days. Amazing songwriting in a sort of Jeff Tweedy meets Elvis Costello sort of way (they do a mean Watching the Detectives). The drummer Steve Reble's an old friend from Toronto and Halifax and great on the kit. The bass player is infectiously fun and the Roland player has major chops although patience and restraint is his modus operandi. The lead singer/guitarist is just a phenom. I wouldn't be surprised if they blew up to not quite the level of Wintersleep, they seem to be building that sort of profile for themselves but are still flying below the radar.
  4. I came really really close to getting busted for acid at the second last Dead show at the Boston Gardens. It was just a mob scene in the 3 blocks surrounding the venue, didn't have a ticket- was flying home from my dad's wedding in Philly and passing through Boston and just chanced it. Anyways tickets were really hard to come by, ended up working a trade between one guy for MSG for this guys Boston and got a ticket in the process. So I had a sixty of Bacardi from duty free because I'd actually already boarded my flight and disembarked to make the seat available for a waiver and catch the show. We drink in an alley, smoke some hash, oh me and this guy I barely knew from TO much older than me. Anyways we are about to go in the venue and pull over by the streetcar tracks and are breaking out a couple of hits and are just swarmed a moment after they're on our tongues. Just the cheesiest looking Baretta motherfucking Boston cops complete with lumberjackets and toques. They pulled us into the subway entrance and we're under the cold flourescent and watching the streetscape wash by. They were all over him as he'd broken out the hits and established I was clean (swallowed the hit). This grown man had this look of total childlike fear as if his entire life was over in front of his eyes. Scary. They shook him up and down and up, he had these crazy sunshine hats with the leather backing which they seemed interested in too (just a cover up for the cash he was rolling with on tour- a social vending type thing). So they find a little bud and tell him if you have anything else you're fucked so he darts through his change pouch and pulls out a bit of hash on a dime. But they wanted the acid. They'd seen it after all. Finally it looks like we're out of the clear then they start going through scraps of paper they'd already checked and unfurl this bit of scrap paper and there they are: "Bingo" says the cop. "Bongo" says I. Not going to the Dead show (right across the street), not going to Halifax, do not pass go, go directly to jail. Then the 'look the storms cleared moment'. The cops just say, I guess not wanting to deal with the fact that we're Canadian, "You're the luckiest sons of bitches ever". And we were on our way. Walked out the subway station doors and merged with the crowd into the venue. Then we're in the venue and this guy turns to me with this maniacal look and opens this flat zipped pocket in his MEC hip pouch and fans what turned out to be $5000 canadian in cash. I sense that might have changed how the situation played out had they found it....
  5. I'm serious though. I deal with a handful of artists and publicists from Vancouver and there's a palpable frustration. It's that whole nothing matters unless it's in the Big Smoke dilemma.
  6. I like that he can work with his wife. They have a great bond.
  7. zero

    Yo Evans

    I've got 'Trouble In Paradise' in my head now.
  8. If it's in Vancouver it doesn't matter. Seriously where does Vancouver measure up in the national music media? It's practically off the map not that that's a good thing. I think Shain also nailed it- clearly he spent longer than his 45 minutes on it this time. Like 53 minutes at least.
  9. Am I the only one who didn't realize that internet hip hop phenom Andy Milonakis is 29- well probably 30 now. Some kid on Ice T's Rap School burned one of the contestants saying 'doesn't he look like an Irish Andy Milonakis' so I went to look up his pic and found his wikipedia entry and a washington post article:
  10. I love this old quote of L. Ron Hubbard's to the effect of 'if you want to make a million bucks, start a cult'. He really said that as far as I understand.
  11. Try PM'ing tenenbaum. He lived there for a while and now lives in Alaska I believe, maybe not anymore.
  12. That's actually really cool. These are the sort of fundraising events I can see myself running in ten years or so. World Vision has a real christian bent so I can see why the Blind Boys got onboard. I used to do their planned famine to fundraise I think in junior high.
  13. Well 115 of his 163 voices are dead. The guy is strictly for the blue rinse Vegas set. How much you want to be he tries to get hip and do a Jon Stewart or maybe a little Regis Philbin impersonation. I hope he does Regis!
  14. So in the 'go completely in the opposite direction file' this is just patently absurd. Maybe during Reagan's presidency you could get away with Rich Little? Does the guy even play outside of Vegas? This just ires me to no end. One Year After Colbert Flap From the New Yorker:
  15. The guy strikes me as still a little conflicted:
  16. He's set up an exploratory committee. He already had a mock campaign run through with long term adivsors over Christmas in Chicago (in terms of the impact on his family and life etc.). Chicago with their democratic wealth will make a stronghold for campaign contributions. It looks good.... if he lives. Obama rhymes with Osama
  17. I just hope they don't bring in Les Assassins des Fauteuils Roulent (The Wheelchair Assassins of Quebec). FLQ: Communique Deux
  18. Is that for real, there's no parties after midnight at Coachella?
  19. I was just telling Wes from Trike about Clegg at the WTTS/JSB after party. Strange coincidence I hadn't thought of him in years.
  20. Yeah I'm surprised more people haven't talked about this. It's like the perfect acid soundtrack- hard to imagine George Martin hasn't at least tried acid. It was interesting actually over Christmas my dad and I were listening to it and he started talking to me about when Hard Day's Night came out and he was a frat boy at UofT. He said that the first time he heard Yesterday on the radio he had to pull the car over to the side of the road and stop for a while. It occured to me when does that happen anymore?
  21. Still trying to p[rocess this.
  22. Yeah Kae and WTTS played really strong as did JSB. I was in a bit of a trance with a lot going on upstairs but thoroughly enjoyed JSB's set. At points I though not all of them were on the stage - I wasn't in eyesight but I would've thought just Craig and Aaron were playing at points. They went into a lot of trancey electronic sections that seemed a bit of a throwback to their previous sounds.
  23. Exactly Dima's just psyched because Tiesto's playing. It's a Tiesta Fiesta!
  24. Thought there would be a thread about this. Looking forward to seeing some of you there.
  25. I'm presuming Walken is inspired by Christopher.
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