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Everything posted by zero

  1. Yeah it's part of their business model I guess. Still kind of cool.
  2. You sort of walked into that one. People have told me before it's a good thing I didn't end up a teacher because I would have slept with one of my students by now and, well, I wouldn't be a teacher anymore. I know it's no laughing matter- just a dig people have made before (with some merit). It is sad that story about the teacher in Northern Ontario- forget the town- who was falsely accused of interfering with his female student and ultimately charged and killed himself. The Globe handled the story in a very balanced way at the time. It was odd because he had took all the steps he could have to limit his exposure to this female student that clearly had a crush on him. He did however have a history of having a relationship with a student in Nova Scotia that complicated things. He was also married to a former student at the time. Still with all that going against him the Globe was more concerned with how the school board investigated parallel to the police which seemed inappropriate if it was a criminal matter.
  3. I've meant to mention this Red Rooster venue in Burlington to our bands before. I'm pretty sure Brad from Killin' Time Band and formerly Pailface Boogie's doing the booking too. They also have a set up where you can tape and film the performances I believe.
  4. Hey but I thought 'the devil's no gentleman' argument' was pretty compelling.
  5. Yeah those are just Peroff's DJ sets. Easily one of my favourite members of BSS on a personal level. Peroff and Whiteman are serious dudes the core of BSS in many ways.
  6. From a business perspective a lot of what's interesting here is Smidt being on the board of Apple and the synergies in the google/apple alliance. Also that multi-touch patent however it works has got to be pretty outstanding.
  7. I think it would likely sell out, non?
  8. At least locally in terms of the crack problem it's more like H.E.A.T.
  9. This is fucking sick. Let's spin out some ideas for covers.
  10. I just watched The Man Who Fell To Earth for the first time the other day. I sort of liked the straight plot (recluse millionaire) but was clearly not on enough drugs to appreciate the rest of the weirdness. There was a lot of bush in the movie though, which was a plus.
  11. When and where's the Sebadoh show. Gimme Indie Rock!
  12. zero

    Rocky Balboa

    I'm serious based on this outing he just might not blow Rambo 4- I kept thinking of that while watching it. Aren't all the fights in the Rocky movies montages?
  13. zero

    Rocky Balboa

    You guys thought that fight was a montage? I mean how do you represent 10 rounds in 10 minutes otherwise. The PPV feel made it by far the best Rocky fight of all the films. My cousin, brothers and I were all on the edge of our seats.
  14. Come on guys EVERYONE knows that the pineal gland is where the soul and body meet in the classic Cartesian model.
  15. zero

    Rocky Balboa

    Oh sorry it was 'I' who loved this movie. I was at Deeps house but you know he's an Italian Stallion too.
  16. The show just killed last night. The Kittens were purring. They said the Folkalarm gig went well and they got to play last likely James thought cause the other guys wanted to go home. But Breit and the other bands stuck around which was cool. They arrived late and were in classic form. I was impressed that they loaded in and set up and soundchecked in what seemed like about 20 minutes then just launched into their set. Right away they did a great original Cleveland then right into their version of NWA's Gangsta Gangsta which is best described as done as a country waltz. I wish I knew their originals better but they played a lot of their surfy out there instrumentals, alot of the heavy spritzing and schticking with the audience. Nate Mills the frontman has got a wicked sharp sense of humour and the physicality of like a Belushi. He had a puzzling bag of tacos from taco bell hanging from his keyboard and at one point sang about eating a taco off a woman's back- these things we know to be true (the tacos for instance). At one point he told a story about seeing a Pepsi Sudden Service vehicle I think it was called on the highway and how they called the 800 number because they thought it was like an emergency Pepsi vehicle like it was brought in by helicopter like famine relief. I guess they were informed it was a more basic kind of refilling pepsi machines type vehicle to their clear dismay. I've got to email them and get the setlist cause I wish I knew these titles. They played Tool of the Opera for sure with a riffed line (a reference to recent heartache for me) about losing out to another shadow puppeteer. . They did their 911 Is A Joke cover. The whole second set I was getting sloppy but they were on fire and really cooking through. More instrumentals more intense what could be called jamming. Their bio is actually quite good for a bio and captures some of what I'm getting at. Definitely one of the best live bands in Canada I dare say.
  17. Fuck I love DFW - what a line "and to those tormented souls considering autocastration in 1998" the guy is like laugh out loud funny and the smartest fucker on the planet.
  18. I don't know that those sort of tactics don't have their place in legitimate police work (luring, impersonation etc.) in for instance cracking rings of child pornographers. That show in particular just seems to oddly comment on itself- the Dateline phenomena- in a way they clearly don't intend. I also find it really unnecessary that when those guys leave the house that they're swarmed by like SWAT team and forced to the ground. It's meant to be a sort of bully pulpit type thing but it comes off heavy handed and just rather odd. The opening passage of Big Red Son, which is ostensibly about the Adult Video News Awards and Foster Wallace's attendance as a correspondent begins:
  19. Seriously they write GREAT songs and a lot of them. Their single, not sure of the title, 'It's Not About The Music It's About The Abuse' (is fitting 'round these parts!) sounds perfect played on a jukebox. Tonnes of great countryish ditties, hard rockers, power pop etc. Great catalogue. Great covers especially the gangsta rap with a twist.
  20. I coined a kitchen expression a while ago I became fond of (mind you it had to do with meal preparation- the she being the meal but it sort of works elsewhere). "Slap her on the ass and tell her it's Tuesday" I have know idea what it means but it's a great thing to say as you're plating a steak.
  21. I think I'm comfortable admitting that I find teenage girls attractive, even pornography meant to emulate that age bracket. It's maybe a bit scandalous to admit but realistic (some of you are thinking it). I couldn't see myself taking advantage of someone that age though- I'd have the Kevin Spacey American Beauty moment for sure. There's a classic dramatization of this conundrum. Lindsay Lohan is another, as are of course the Olsen twins (hell they were like 3 when they were on television and now they're sex symbols!). I do have a problem with this Dateline Internet predator special they've been running. Isn't entrapment when you create a situation that wouldn't otherwise exist and lure a person into committing a felony- I don't know if pretending to be a child is strictly speaking entrapment but it comes off as exploitation oddly of the older men. That whole show seems so heavy handed, some of the guys are real pervs but some seem genuinely sick and others seem like they've had the carrot of unattainable youthful women dangled in front of them for so long that they snapped. I think it's a question of sexual addiction in many cases and an industry that cultivates that addiction. That's the part that bothers me about the neo-pedophilia of our culture- the way that we sexualize young women from younger and younger ages, create a multi billion dollar industry selling thongs to tweens and then act all morally indignant when a handful of the population becomes unhealthily attracted to that age set. There's also something to be said for cow hormones or whatever sexually maturing women at a younger age (larger bust size etc.), as well as the whole aforementioned La Senza Girl phenomena, god knows how many young woman wax for instance that didn't ten years ago - hell five years ago. I think you have a period where sexual mores are being tested and with the collapse of some religious and family traditions you have rampant casual sexuality and the 'hook up' culture. Then of course there's just the straight up Big Red Son (read the essay by David Foster Wallace) of Hollywood. Porn is big business and for big companies you wouldn't expect. I would think along with oil dollars and narco dollars that smut dollars (porn, sex industry with it's connections to slavery etc.) represent huge invisible lagoons of cash.
  22. Great fucking band. They've got everything this scene is all over - chops, huge live shows, humour, great covers.
  23. Reminder. Two sets likely a 10:30-11:00 start. Come up KevO!
  24. This is all part of Nancy Pelosi's elaborate inauguration week. Hometown (Baltimore), Washington, San Fran and on and on. There's been some criticism that she's taking too much of the spotlight but as the first woman speaker of the House it's a monumental occasion. This was the San Fran night as you can tell. Pelosi comes from blue collar Italian background, mother of 6 but is no prude and attuned to let's say the history of San Fran. Wyclef and Carole King were the other musical guests so that's what the collab was about as well as of course Gere.
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